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Imran Khattak

Creative Writing

Andrew Richards:

He is one of the two main characters of the story. He is

shown to be fearless, bold, strong, both in will and in body
and helpful to others. He is somewhat arrogant and is proud
of the fact that no-one has been able to ever evoke fear in
him. He is very powerful. A man of his words. A body builder
who can go any mile to keep him in the best shape as
possible. He never backs down from a challenge either. But
hes one the can be corrupted easily. He only cares about
money and keeps Frank as a side-kick. His lust for money and
power has led him to many bad places many times. He dont
care about his friends especially Frank who still considers
him as a good buddy despite of his bad history. Even he
doesnt consider him a friend. He wears a gold bracelet on
the wrist of his hand which bears his initials. Its
something he holds very dear. He is Yardley Richards son.

Frank Thomas:

He is the other main character of the story. He in contrast

to Andrew is an absolute fraidy cat. He is shown to get
scared of the most minor of things, but despite the heavy
contrast between the two. He is Andrews best friend, with
him every step of the way. Hes kind-hearted and of a very
noble nature. He loves nature and spends most of his time in
gardens. He likes to do farming also and has grown potatoes,
onions and chillies in his garden. He is fond of pets also.
He keeps dogs and cats and likes to spend most of his time
with them.

Joe Foster:

Joe has a brief appearance in the story. His role is merely

present to give the story a start. He is Andrew and Franks

David Hawking:

Hawking is a friend to the other three characters. His role

is just an initiative to the real story. Hawking is a
computer geek. He likes to spend most of his time using the
computers, playing video games and facebooking. He is a good
reader also and likes to read a lot of books. He is fond of
sports and also goes to play cricket every evening.

Yardley Richards:

He is the man who kills the maid. This man is shown to be a

wealthy arrogant merchant used to having his own way. He is
father to Andrew Richards. He used to own the haunted
mansion which the story revolves around. Yardley Richards
has also been involved in active politics. He is greedy and
has lust for money. When he becomes the Senator of the US
Senate he started making money by doing more and more
corruption. He was one of the main person who was also
involved in the 9/11 attacks backing up and supporting the
Afghan Taliban who had accepted that they were behind the
Twin Towers attack.

The Maid:

Shes the ghost which haunts Yardleys old mansion. Who got
killed by Yardley many years ago, she was a beautiful girl
who loved her mother and lived happily, but her ghost is
shown to be out for revenge and has deep hatred for the
Richard family.


People are gathered around a certain spot at the demolition
site of the new shopping complex, the town police and an
ambulance is present at the scene too, a body is shown to be
carried away by officials in a corpse sack. Everyone is
puzzled. No one knows what is happening. Some kids are also
present on the situation. The police force asks the parents
to take the kids away as the scene is very shocking and


Four friends, Andrew, Frank, Joe and David are having a neck
and neck game of cards in teams of two.
Joe draws everyones attention and says:
A game of cards isnt really all that without a bet.
He says that the losing team will also have to lose one of
their possessions, and points at Andrews Golden bracelet,
as if telling him to put it on the line.
Theres no way Im going to put my bracelet on the line for
a stupid card game, if thats how its going to be the Im
out of here!
Says Andrew, enraged by Joes idea.
David calms him down and says that it doesnt have to be
that way, he proposes the idea that which-ever team loses,
will have to spend one night in the haunted mansion which
stands on the hill outside of town.
That sounds ok to Andrew and Joe but Frank, being the
scaredy cat that he is, backs out, saying that perhaps its
not a good idea to go there, because that house IS actually
(The haunted house the four friends are shown to be talking
about is not merely a myth, it is actually home to the
spirit of a woman who was victimized cruelly and who died in
there at the hands of the owner of the house, the man who
killed her was never punished for his crime and so the
spirit never had any peace, because the man who killed her
escaped neatly, so the spirit developed a general hatred for
everyone, especially men. Whenever some kids are playing
near the haunted house, they always reported about weird
voices that always came from the house. Whenever their ball
dropped in the house. They never inside. There had been

stories that a kid one time stepped inside a house and never
came back. The police has also raided the place a couple of
times but have found nothing. The neighbors also said it is
very disturbing for them since they get to hear a lot of
sounds especially at night time and whenever it is full
moon. The voices get terrible.)

The other three laugh at Frank for being such a fraidy-cat.

Frank and Andrew end up losing the game and as a result,
they have to fulfill the condition. So, both of them start
preparing for the night to come, Andrew doesnt really get
that bothered about it, but Frank gets more scared as each
second draws closer. But none of the two are really prepared
for whats in store for them.


Both Andrew and Frank reach the spot, Andrews face is bold
as usual without a trace of fear, on the other hand, Frank
is trembling with terror in his eyes already. Frank tells
Andrew it is not a good idea but Andrew makes fun of him and
says you are a pussy cat. There is nothing there. If you
will be afraid like this how will we accomplish this task.
Andrew makes fun of Frank again and again but Frank remains

They walk towards the door and just as Andrew reaches out to
open the front door, the door squeaks open it-self, Frank
gets scared, but Andrew signals him to come with him inside.
Reluctantly, Frank steps inside with
walk through the door into the hall,
shut both of them jump up because of
that its a signal, a sort of warning
here. But Andrew tells him to shut up

Andrew and they both

the door slams itself
the sound. Frank says
that they shouldnt be
and guides the way and

tells Frank to follow him; he leads Frank through the

hallway, up the staircase towards the rooms.
As they come to the rooms, Andrew says that he heard
something; Frank gets even more scared and asks him what it
It sounded like feminine laughter.
Replies Andrew.
Frank gets even more scared now, he starts panicking so
Andrew grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him up to bring
him to his senses.
Just then over Andrews shoulder, Frank sees a whitish
ghostly aberration, which looks like a woman coming up the
staircase towards them. His eyes open up wide with fear and
he screams out pointing in the direction saying GHOST!.
Frank is so scared that he couldnt even speak properly. At
that time he just wanted to run outside the house as soon as
Andrew immediately looks back, but he sees nothing, he tells
Frank that its nothing, that he probably saw some smoke or
something. He says:
Frank just calm down alright ? Nothings there, its just
in your head! And besides, theres no such thing as ghosts!
Just as Andrew says that, he receives a massive slap to his
face from nowhere! An unseen force hits him so hard it sends
him off balance. Frank runs to him and checks if hes
alright. Just as he gets to Andrew, the floor shatters and
both of them plunge down into the darkness below.


What the hell just happened, wheres my bracelet? Oh thank
God its right here
Even before thinking of his friend he first thinks about his
precious bracelet and on finding it there, he calms down and
looks around, he sees nothing but darkness. He shouts out to
Frank and tries to ask his friend about what just happened
but Frank doesnt reply back. He shouts out to his friend,
but no one answers back, Franks not there. He starts to get
frightened with loneliness and sheer darkness all around
him. And then a violent cry is heard. It seems like Andrew
is extremely scared. But he is helpless. He cant do
anything. There is no going back. What he can do it just
look for his friend around and try to find a way out or
solve this mystery as soon as possible. There is a threat to
their lives.


Meanwhile, somewhere else in the house, Frank wakes up from
unconsciousness and looks around himself, he finds out that
hes in the hall, alone, he finds Andrew no-where in sight.
He shouts out but no-one answers back. He walks around the
hall, and only sees the worn out and decaying walls and
furniture around him, spider-webs and a sheet of darkness
that has engulfed everything. By this time hes gathered up
immense courage and has firmly told himself that he cannot
get out of here alive, so he might as well face whats
coming straight on. So he decides that no matter what
happens, he cant escape this place. He also needs to find a
way out no matter what the consequences are. He shouts and
tries to get some help from outside but anything is of no
help at the moment.

Andrew gets up and looks around himself, he tries to calm
himself down by talking to himself and telling his mind that
hes the bravest of them all, nothing can frighten him, when
all of a sudden, right in front of him, he sees a woman in a
black robe standing, looking at him with fiery eyes and a
face thats showing grotesque and utter hatred.
Andrew screams out frantically, he gets scared from the
entity in-front of him. He jumps back and averts his eyes,
but manages to somehow look towards that area again. He sees
nobody. He hears a whisper in his ears, a female voice which
Ill not let you leave.
Andrew gets more scared and he stars panicking and
screaming, and again, he receives a slap through his face,
and he starts to completely break-down. This is a time when
Andrew starts to cry again and this time its loud, very
loud. He thinks may be Frank will somehow hear him but
everything is of no use. No one can hear him. And he is
tortured again and again by this creature which he has no
idea about. He starts to pray to God to help him and says
that he is going to go any mile to remove all the sins from
his shirt if he somehow manages to escape this prison.

Meanwhile, Frank gets amazed by whats taking place in-front
of him, he sees the room has been lit by a grand
chandelier , theres no trace of dust or spider-webs
anywhere, it seems that everything is absolutely perfect and
as new as it could be, it doesnt look like the house has
been left un-attended for even a day. He looks around as if

trying to figure something out just as he sees a man walk

into the house.
He is dressed in old fashioned clothes but every inch of his
personality radiates wealth. It seems hes a very rich and
powerful man. He walks towards Frank and right through him
as if he were thin air, Frank gets a little scared, but at
least hes able to find out that whatevers happening around
him is not real. Its either a dream or something very
super-natural. But what surprises even himself the most is
the fact that he doesnt feel his scaredy self anymore. He
seems to be fearless and not afraid of whatever may happen
to him.

Andrew is scared down to his bone because of whats
happening around him. He is trembling and his head is
shaking because hes hearing a womans screams, hearing a
man shouting, but he cant see anything. All of a sudden he
sees an image of a person standing at a distance. He tries
to see who or what it is. He realizes from the back that
its his friend Frank. He goes over quite relieved and
satisfied. He shouts his name, but Frank doesnt answer
back. He holds his shoulder and turns him around to see that
Franks face is badly scrambled and distorted. Andrew gives
out a blood-curdling scream, and falls back just to see that
Franks not there anymore.
He starts screaming like a wild man as he hears laughter all
around him, and the laughter keeps on getting louder and
louder and a voice screams at him saying:


Frank is standing as if watching some sort of a show. He is

watching as the man, apparently the owner of the house, is
talking to what appears to be a maid. The maid is
extraordinarily beautiful.
The man is telling her to leave everything and and start
living here with him because he likes her a lot.
The maid explains that she cant do that as she only has an
old mother at home whom she takes cares of, and that shes
her only family.
The man yells out at her in ager:
How dare you defy me!
He says.
He tells her that he always gets what he wants, and that he
wont let her leave this house ever. He grabs her hand and
starts to drag her into a room. The maid somehow escapes the
grip and makes a run for the door. The man screams out and
This is your last chance! Stop or else!
The maid doesnt stop and just as shes about to get out the
door the man pulls out a gun and cruelly shoots her in the
back, she gives out a scream and falls dead right in Franks
As Frank looks at the maid, and then looks back at the
house. He sees it in its original condition, spider-webs,
dust all over the place, with no sign of life anywhere, when
he looks back at the maid, her body isnt there any longer,
just as he averts his eyes else-where he sees the same
ghostly aberration he saw earlier in the stairs standing
right in front of him.
Frank gets frightened because the womans appearance is a
little terrifying, but he manages to recognize her as the

He hesitantly asks her about what just happened.

The maids ghost replies that what he saw here was what
happened 30 years ago. She tells him that the man who shot
her, he was a wealthy and arrogant merchant named Yardley
Franks shouts out as he realizes that its his friend
Andrews last name.
Yes Richards, your friend Andrews father.
He killed me, and didnt even think for a second about my
old mother, who was only alive for me. Imagine what she felt
when she never saw my face ever again. She died shortly
after my murder!
She further tells Frank that, that man who destroyed her
family got away un-punished and never paid for his crime.
She says that Yardley didnt even let her have a proper
funeral and dumped her body into the lake behind that very
She wants revenge and wants Yardley to pay for his crimes.
So she tells it clearly to Frank that Andrew is not going to
leave alive, because he isnt innocent in this matter
She further tells him that Andrew knew everything about what
his father did but he never told anybody, instead, he
covered it up.
Frank gets extremely shocked at what hes being told.
The ghost tells Frank that she found him pure of heart,
thats why she wants him to do her justice and bring Yardley
Richards to his deserved fate.
With a scream similar to the one at her death, she vanishes
and is not seen again. The front door opens and a voice

tells Frank to go, and not to look back, and to never come
here ever again.
Frank leaves with a mind to do whats right, and to bring
Andrews father to justice for what he did.





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