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Tracy Nguyen
Professor Malcolm Campbell
English 1103
Insert Date
Topic Proposal: Effects traumas have on human epigenetics
The topic that interests me is effects traumas have on human epigenetics. I have always
been passionate about human genomes and how they have the ability to manipulate a persons
biology. Last year I read a book in called Survival of the sickest by Dr. Sharon Moalem and
Jonathan Prince. The book is about the reasons why harmful diseases go against the idea of
survival of the fittest and keep being passed on through generations. It was an interesting book
and made me want to investigate further into the topics, especially into epigenetics. With that
said, I will be researching on how traumas or generation-wide events leave marks on human
Every living matter has DNA, a universal template to store genetic material. Within DNA
are genes, which carry the instructions to create different proteins, forming phenotypes or
physical characteristics of an individual. However, genes are not the only factor that determines
phenotypes. There is a higher power that controls the activation of those genes, called
epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene
expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. Studies have been carried out to show
how epigenetics alter gene expression by testing on monozygotic twins, ideal subjects who have
the exact genome. Sometimes it can be studied on a large group of people who have experienced
the same traumatic events.

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For further research, I will be looking for more information online from sites like
Wikipedia, National Institutes of Health, etc. I will be rereading the book Survival of the Sickest
and watching the movie Gattaca since they contain a lot of helpful information. I will visit the
library to find books that are related to epigenetics. I will also be confronting my biology teacher
or the librarian with any questions regarding my topic.
Epigenetics have opened a new aspect of medical research. It could be a key to cure
many diseases without complex gene alteration. People who are involved in researching are
scientists, doctors, pharmacists, psychiatrists, and everyone else in the medical field. There are
new discoveries on epigenetics every day on CNN and WebMD, therefore there are still hopes for
people with incurable diseases.

Initial Inquiry Question(s)

What is the science behind genes being switched on and switched off? How do
generation-wide traumas and events leave marks on a population/persons epigenetics? How has
the nature vs nurture debate changed since epigenetics were discovered? How studying
epigenetics might help finding cures in the future?

My Interest in this Topic

Im interested in the topic because I love biology. One of the biology topics that I am
interested in the most is genetics. Human genetics are complex yet intriguing. I had thought
DNA and genes were the essential reason for why we are who we are before I knew about
epigenetics. Epigenetics means above the genome because of its ability to modify genes or the
primary coding system. I have learned some mechanisms epigenetics use to control gene

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expression, as well as how these mechanisms are utilized to help with the medical field. I want to
investigate more about the changes in genes of people who have experienced traumas in the past.

Next Steps
I will be searching for some books that have information about epigenetics and human
history and visiting the library. I will also be following websites like What is Epigenetics and
NCBI to keep up with the current discoveries and news on epigenetics. I will be talking to my
teacher to ask if she has any recommendation on books I should read or where to find helpful

I love this topic. Genetics and DNA have always been an interest of mine as well. One thing that
I really liked is that you added kinda of like a definition on what epigenetics was because in all
honesty I like to learn about genetics and DNA, I just havent studied the topic since 10th grade.
But anyways, I like the idea of using old teachers that you had for advice I think it will really be
helpful in how to guide you in not only your research but just in general. Teachers are filled with
information. I also really liked how the question about switching on and switching off certain
genes because that is something that always caught my attention while I was taking biology. But
I look forward into hearing what the results of your topic are.

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