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El Present Simple es una de las formas del presente en ingls.

Se utiliza en referencia a
situaciones que ocurren con regularidad o situaciones permanentes. Por lo tanto,
normalmente lo utilizamos acompaado de adverbios de frecuencia (usually, often, never
etc.) o expresiones como every (day, week, Monday etc.) o on (Mondays, Tuesdays etc.).
En la prxima leccin insistiremos en estas expresiones.
Formas del presente:
El infinitivo del verbo + s para la 3ra persona del singular
He / she /it works
Auxiliar DO/DOES + sujeto +verbo (sin la marca -s de la 3ra persona del singular)
Does he/she/it work?
Sujeto + Auxiliar DONT / DOESNT+ verbo (sin la marca -s de la 3ra persona del singular)
El uso de los auxiliares para formar preguntas en el presente es obligatorio y la
entonacin no es suficiente. Esto se aplica a todo los verbos simples excepto al verbo TO
BE que es el nico que no necesita un auxiliar.
Is he/she/it from Barcelona?
Reglas de ortografa de la 3era persona del singular
La mayora de los verbos aaden s a la forma del infinitivo:

sit sits; sleep sleeps


Cuando el infinitivo acaba en consonante + y, se tiene que cambiar la y

por una i y aadir -es: try tries; cry cries; fly flies

Pero cuando el verbo acaba en vocal + y, se respeta la regla de base (infinitivo+s):

enjoy enjoys; stay stays

Los verbos que en infinitivo acaban en s, -z, -ch, -sh,-x aaden la

terminacin es:

miss misses; buzz buzzes; watch watches; wash washes; mix mixes

Hay tres verbos irregulares: have has / do does /

go goes

Las formas del presente: el Present Simple (1)

Pon los verbos entre parantesis en la forma correcta del Present Simple, segn sean
afirmativos, interrogativos o negativos.

On Mondays, Terry gets up at 7.30 and has a shower. He gets dressed and has breakfast.
He eats a piece of toast and drinks a cup of black coffee. He leaves home at 8.30 and goes to
work by bus. He starts work at 9.00. He has lunch in a little restaurant near the office.
He finishes work at 17 o'clock in the afternoon. After work, he plays football with his friends. In

the evenings, he watches TV, reads the newspaper and listens to classical music. He goes to
bed at midnight.

Os propongo un pequeo ejercicio de correccin de errores con el Present Simple en

ingls. Tenis que identificar un error en cada una de las siguientes oraciones y escribir la
forma correcta en el hueco a su lado.
Henry it's a shop assistant. IS
He work in a shop at the station. WORKS
He haves breakfast at 7.30. HAS
He don't drive to work, he cycles. DOESN'T
He starts work at 8 o'clock and finishs at 3 o'clock. FINISHES
He hasn't lunch at work. doesn't hAVE
He normally gos home and eats with his family. GOES
In the evenings, Henry studys French. STUDIES
He sometimes plaies football with his friends. PLAYS
He watchs his favourite TV show with his children. WATCHES
They is a happy family! ARE

What DO you THINK (think) is the best way to spend the Christmas holiday? I'M NOT (not be)
sure I know. For some, travelling somewhere where it SNOWS (snow) is the best option. In my
case, I 'M ALWAYS (always/be) too lazy to organise anything and plane tickets ARE (be) so
expensive at this time of the year.
I think Christmas IS (be) best spent at home. There are so many things to do at Christmas that
you DON'T NEED (not need) to worry about travel arrangements as well. We usually
have (usually/have) lunch in the family and spend (spend) the afternoon reading books or
watching films. Christmas at home smells (smell) of spiced wine, roast chicken and apple pie.
The children always help (always/help) us prepare the Christmas tree but we don't turn (not
turn) on the lights until the 24th.
It doesn't often snow (often/not snow) where I live but it gets (get) quite cold in winter. People
from other countries usually come (usually/come) here for the mild weather in winter.

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