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Daily Outline- Wednesday October 5, 2016

1. SSR
2. Journal- If you could step into the book, what would you do? What would
you change, or what would you keep the same? Consider the decisions your
characters make, and describe how you would handle those situations.
Start out: If I could step into my book, I would
3. Compound Words and Words with Prefixes- Softbook pages 58 and
a. Compound Words: words made up of two or more smaller
b. Prefix: word part added to the beginning of a word and
changes its meaning
4. Masterpiece Sentences
a. Simple subject: the noun or pronoun in a sentence that
names the person, place, or thing the sentence is about. Answers the
question Who did it? or What did it?
b. Simple predicate: the verb in a sentence that tells what the
simple subject does, or thinks the subject to words that tell about it.
Answers the question What did they (he, she, it) do?
c. Direct Objects: the person, place or thing that receives the
action. Answers the question: To whom (what) did they (he, she, it) do it?
Simple subject- Who
(what) did it?

Simple predicate- What did

they (he, she, it) do?

Direct object- Who (what)

did they (he, she, it) do it

The inventor


the problem.

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