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Chapter 21-Doom

Summary: Wilson spent his time enlarging his fingerprint collection for the court. While court
began its session the townspeople initially felt sorry for Puddnhead and this included Tom as
well. Wilson made a point to begin his claim that the prints on the indian knife is in fact the
murder of Judge Driscoll. His statement passed and then began Wilsons process of winning his
case. He first educated the people in the room that no mans fingerprints are the same to thy
neighbor nor is it the same pertaining to each individual finger. He then presented a comparison
of the bloody fingerprints pertaining to the twins and the one on the dagger. They were not a
match. However they did match infant Chambers prints and then Toms current fingerprints. Tom
is then taken into custody while Roxy pleads mercy.
To the untrained eye the the collection of delicate originals made by the human finger on
the glass plates looked about alike; but when enlarged ten times they resembled the
markings of a block of wood that has been sawed across the grain, and at a glance, an at a
distance of many feet, that no two of the patterns were alike.
April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three
hundred and sixty-four. -Puddnhead Wilsons Calendar(147).
-In other words, people are fools all year round, they are just reminded of that on April
-Relatable to everyone in the novel. Roxy was a fool to think her actions wouldnt have
consequences and a rippled effect on the town.
-The townspeople were fools to call Wilson a puddnhead when they didnt understand
his intellect, since Wilson turned out to be one of the smartest men in that town.
-Tom was a fool to spend all his money in gambling and alcohol, it would eventually
leave him broke and lead him to murder Judge Driscoll.
Question: What do you think people were most shocked about ? that fact that he committed the
murder or the fact that he was supposed to be a slave making him black.
Summary: The town now uplifts Wilson due to his win in the courtroom and renounce his title as
a Puddnhead. Luigi and Angelos reputation was also restored that day but leave the west and
move back to Europe. The real Thomas A Becket Driscoll was rightfully granted his fortune but
unfortunately he could not read nor right. He only feels comfortable in the slave gallery and as a
newly wealthy white citizen he can not enjoy the spoils or take refuge in them. As for Tom, the
Judge drops his charge for the murder of Judge Driscoll and instead is sold down the river.
As soon as the Governor understood the case, he pardoned Tom at once, and the
creditors sold him down the river.
Everybody granted that if Tom were white and free it would be unquestionably right
to punish him-it would be no loss to anybody; but to shut up a valuable slave for life-that
was quite another matter(157).

-This quote demonstrates that Tom did not have the same rights as a white man, or
even any rights at all, he was seen merely as a slave, a labor force.
-If Tom were really white hed go to trial and face justice, but Tom, a slave, isnt even
considered to have constitutional rights so he isnt worth punishing according to the
-The town sees Tom as a tool, and would be more valuable doing slave work which is
why he ends up being sold down the river instead of being punished by the court of law.
-Overall, demonstrates how the law and society deprived African Americans of their
human born rights and shows how they were viewed as merely labor force to their
Question: Do you think being sold down the river was worse than being charged for murder?
Why or Why not?

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