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William Faulkner
1->representative writer of the South
2-> a modernist experimentalist
->stream of consciousness
->collage representation Marcel Proust
-> time and space shift
Sartonis 1929
The Sound and the Fury 1929
Absalon, Absalon 1936
Faulkner is obsessed with the past and its recapturing. He recaptures the past via
consciousness and via imagination. Faulker describes a kind of civilization which is
neither industrial nor primitive but it is agrarian which is described as pre-feudal
based on slavery which showed no kind of progress, collapsed under the Civil War.

Sex degenerates into lust or it is a way of passing type

Women presented in somber colors (they are degraded or they ferocious)
No room for romance or actual love
No domestic felocity (breeding)
Frustrated world
No present, only past
The effort to make the past line absorbs the present
The distinction between past-present-future is blurred
The plot which is more developed through the chars; what happens is more
important than to whom happens

The subject is made up of mystery, crime, ghostline, characters, various

There is no clear distinction between good-evil. WFs chars are above the good-evil
distinction. They are not moralist characters.
The Sound and the Fury
Section 1 April 7,1928
Section 2 June 2, 1910

Section 3 April 6, 1928

Section 4 April 8, 1928
Each section has a different narrator:
Benji is 33 years-old and he is and idiot )mentally retarded) who he just lost his wife
and realizes that he is going to die too (tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow)
BC generates the title The Sound and theFury (taken from WS Macbeth) Act V,
Scene V, Jason Compson, Dilsey (the cook knows the story of the family)

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