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Work book 5

Jamie Jones


Spin magnetic

Magnetic field created by a charged particle in motion; The

movement of a charged particle creates a magnetic field
perpendicular to the motion of the particle
Electrons orbit around the nucleus of an atom, in the same way
the earth orbits the sun, while spinning on their axes. The
spinning of an individual electron is the spin magnetic
movement, and the magnetic field created by the spin is the
orbital magnetic moment
Is a magnetic effect established by electrons spinning on their


Atoms having a significant number of electrons with their

magnetic moments in the same direction will exhibit a net
magnetic field in a distinct direction groups of atoms with this net
magnetic field are magnetic dipoles


An object that has the time or strength to orient enough dipoles

in the same direction or cause them to grow in size is a magnet
Fields that are created when magnetic dipoles orient to create a
magnet; lines of flux; magnetic field; lines of flux run from the
south to the north on the inside and from north to south on the
outside of the magnet forming a three dimensional field around
the magnet
Is determined both by field strength and by the area in which the
lines of flux are located
Units for magnetic flux density
Are created when iron oxide remains in the earths magnetic field
for ages
Are manufactured from a steel alloy called alnico, composed of
aluminum, nickel and cobalt.

Lines of force

Flux density
Electricity and

Are temporary magnets produced by moving electric current

when the current stops the magnetic field collapses making the
electrical magnets temporary
Electrons that are moving in predominantly the same direction
Electrons comprising the flow of current create magnetic fields in
exactly the same manner as do the orbiting and spinning atomic
electrons any flow of current produces a magnetic field; when the
current stops flowing the magnetic field collapses; any moving
charge produces a magnetic field; electricity and magnetism are
different aspects of the same force

Flemings Hand

1 Hand Thumb


2 Hand rules for

solenoid and

Are aids to help remember the relationship between

electricity and magnetism developed by John Fleming;
hand rules that are based on current flow(conventional
current) and hand rules that are based on electron flow
(actual direction of electron movement) are exact
Conventional flow If the right-hand thumb is used to
grasp a conducting wire with the thumb in the direction of
the current flow the fingers will indicate the direction of
the magnetic field lines of force surrounding the

The loops in a conductor form a coil the magnetic fields

from both sides of the coil join to double the magnetic
field strength inside the loop. A solenoid is a helix coil
where the current is flowing it uses the coil loops to
produce a strengthened magnetic field.
Is used to determine the direction of the north pole; If the
fingers point in the direction of actual election flow then a
left hand thumb rule must be used for the thumb to point
toward the north pole

Hand Generator

Right hand generator rule If the thumb points in the

direction the conductor is moving and the index finger
points in the direction of the magnetic lines of force field ,
then the middle finger will point to the direction of the
conventional current; left hand generator rules does the
same thing for actual current


Is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical

energy using moving lines of flux in relationship to a
conductor to induce current
These permit the circuit to remain stationary while the
armature rotates without breaking the electrical contact
between them; so the electrons flow without interruption;
each slip ring connects to one end of the armature wire

Slip rings and



Hand motor
principle rules

A device supplied with electrical current to produce

mechanical motion; has the same parts and principles as
a generator but operates in reverse; interaction of
magnetic fields when an electric current is sent along a
conductor that is residing in a magnetic field
If the index finger points in the direction of the magnetic
lines of force and the middle finger points in the direction
of the conventional current flow the thumb will indicate
the direction the conductor will move; this would be a
right-hand motor rule if the direction of actual electron
flow is being considered

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