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Doing Business with Other Cultures

Prospect for Success Paper # 3

Submitted to
Dr. Daryl L. Kerr
Department of Management
Belk College of Business
UNC Charlotte

Submitted by
Philip M. Salice
BUSN 1101-001
December 7, 2016

Cultural Awareness: Definition, Purpose and Benefits

Cultural awareness is the ability to understand another culture's beliefs, attitudes, and
values from an un-biased perspective. Before a person gets to understand another person, his or
her ideas toward that person are preconceived based off stereotypes and recognizable differences.
Cultural awareness allows you to understand another culture from the perspective of an insider
and an outsider. It allows the culture seeker to understand the meaning behind another's beliefs
and actions. It allows for a more understanding view toward another culture, and helps develop a
better relationship between each culture's men and women.
Cultural awareness benefits any conversation or decision between cultures. In business
and non-business environments, understanding someone's logic helps you connect and relate to
them on a more personable level. Cultural awareness benefits interaction amongst people, for
me, becoming more comfortable with my Indian friend's culture has drawn me closer to her, and
other Indians alike.
Selection of Event or Meeting
The event I attended was called The Hindu Center Dance Competition. It was located in
Charlotte, on Independence Boulevard. There were about 200 people with me at this event and
through the course of the day, an estimated 500 people. The event was held on November 19,
from 12:00 to 6:00 pm. There were dances, pottery, and ethnic clothing encompassing what the
Indian culture in America is trying to preserve.
How Culture and Experiences Have Shaped My Own Perspectives
Every decision I have made and will make is based off my past experience and cultural
upbringing. I was born into an American, Italian home with a Catholic background. I was
acculturated to looking after my family, believing in myself, and understanding the difference
between friends and family. This perpetuating acculturation, over time, shaped me into the man I
am today.

A life altering decision came when I was deciding on which college to attend. As a result
of my hard work, on and off the soccer field, I had a few different options. I chose to go to
Charlotte, a top ten soccer school and competitive business school. I believe my cultural
upbringing swayed my decision. My father never graduated college, yet was a successful
business man on Wall Street. My family also lives 30 minutes from UNCC. The culture of family
and living with my dad, assimilated my thoughts on what I need to make it onto Wall Street and
subconsciously persuaded me to pursue my dream of becoming a professional soccer player
while staying close to my family.
My culture has not only impacted my decisions but also how I perceive information. It
gets interpreted by my brain by connecting its relevance with what I am comfortable with, my
culture. Seeing the world and making decisions through just one culture is limited; becoming
culturally aware allows the culture seeker to perceive information from more than one
perspective. It changes the culture seeker's interpretation of information and allows him or her to
shape his or her thoughts based on multiple perspectives, rather than just one.
How Culture and Experiences Have Shaped Other Peoples Perspectives
Culture is what makes people different. It is the foundation behind a person's mind set.
People from around the globe have a distinct perspective towards others because of their culture.
They are nave to look from another perspective to further understand the differences between
cultures. People who inquire into other cultures are acculturated into encompassing both cultures
perspectives and becoming culturally aware.
At the Hindu Center, there were hundreds of people inquiring into the Indian culture.
They were trying the different cuisine, purchasing pottery, and watching the Bollywood dances.
They were becoming aware of the Indian culture by looking at it from an Indian's perspective.
The event was held inside the Indians Hindu temple. I noticed time allotted in the middle of the
event for religious purposes. After speaking with people at the event, I became aware that

Hinduism is a polytheistic religion and the importance of religion in India's culture. I learned
from this event how paramount becoming culturally aware is in any relationship. This knowledge
and understanding, which I acquired at the event, will connect me to Indians' culture and
ideologies as I do business and develop friendships with them in the future.
I have learned, first hand, how becoming culturally aware opens a person's mind to
seeing another's culture from the inside. The people who inquired into the Indian culture at the
festival recognized the importance of being open-minded, and benefited by relating to and
understanding the Indians from a cultural standpoint.
Openness: How to Consider Others Perspectives and Points of View
America has numerous cultures encompassing its melting-pot. Its dozens of cultures,
spread out across the country have different beliefs and values. To gain cultural awareness and
perspective from these cultures you need to be open minded.
To be open minded is to look from another's perspective. To understand where your
companion is coming from allows you to comprehend his or her side, conglomerate ideas, and
interpret what is going on from multiple points of view.
In the professional and non-professional environment, being open minded to another
culture will benefit the relationship on both ends. It will draw you closer to that community, and
help perpetuate communication and understanding between cultures.

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