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Chapter 1: The Sciences of Anatomy and Physiology

1. List the characteristics that define an Organism.

2. Define Surface.
3. Define Regional Anatomy and provide examples.
4. Define Microscopic anatomy and Cytology.
5. Define Histology and Embryology.
6. Define System and Pathological Physiology.
7. Know the levels of Organization starting from an organelle to an Organism.
8. List the major organs and functions of the Skeletal System.
9. List the major organs of the Endocrine System.
10. List the major organs and functions of the Muscular System.
11. List the major organs and functions of the Cardiovascular System.
12. List the major functions of the Lymphatic System.
13. List the major organs of the Urinary System.
14. Define Homeostasis.
15. Define Negative and Positive Feedback.
16. What is the Anatomical Position .
17. List the four quadrants of the abdominopelvic Region.
18. Understand the following Directional Terms:
a. Anterior, (Ventral) , Superior, Posterior, Lateral, Medial, Proximal and Distal.
19. Define Mid-Sagital.
20. Name the two main body cavities and their 4 subdivisions.
21. What structure is within the Thoracic cavity and what separates the Thoracic cavity
from the Abdominal cavity.
22. Define CAT Scan.

Chapter 2: A Basic Review of Chemistry for Anatomy and Physiology

1. _______are the smallest and Simples stable units of
2. Understand the difference between Synthesis and Decomposition.
3. Define and understand what an Enzyme is.
4. Understand what is a metabolite and the difference between an Organic vs inorganic
5. Understand the concept of pH.
a. What is considered more acidic vs more Alkaline or Basic.
6. What is a buffer?
7. Define Carbohydrate.
8. What is considered to be the bodys most important metabolic fuel?
9. Define Electrolyte.
10. Define Glycogen
11. Understand the concept of:
a. Mono unsaturated vs. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid?
12. What is a triglyceride and what is a Steroid hormone?
13. Provide examples of Structural Lipids.

14. The basic unit of proteins are_______.

15. What is a Peptide bond?
16. What is a Secondary structure protein
a. what are the 2 types?
17. Define Co-enzyme and Co-factor.
18. What does Glycoproteins and Proteoglycans have in common?
19. What is a Nucleic Acid and list the two types?
20. What does a Nucleotide consist of (3)?
21. Understand how to pair nucleotide bases (G, C, T, A, U).

Chapter 3: The Cell: A Basic Review for Anatomy and Physiology

1. Define Extracellular fluid and Plasma Membrane including functions.
2. List all membranous and non-membranous organelles.
3. List all 3 cytoskeleton components.
4. Name the building blocks of Microtubules as well as Microfilaments.
5. Name two cell structures composed of microtubules.
6. What is the function of the mitochondria?
7. Where is the DNA located?
8. What is the difference between Chromatin and a Chromosome?
9. Define genetic code.
10. A piece of our DNA called a Gene (is written in triplet codes) are used to synthesize
________ in the cytoplasm.
11. Cell membranes are said to be ________ _________.
12. Define Osmosis and characteristics.
13. Define:
a. Diffusion
b. Facilitated Diffusion
c. Active Transport
i. What 2 ions (principal Cations in our body) are utilized by Active
transport through exchange pumps within the cell membrane?
14. Understand the physiology of a Hypertonic vs. a Hypotonic solution.
15. Define Crenation and Hemolysis.
16. Define Endocytosis and list its 3 components.
17. Define phagocytosis.
18. Define Exocytosis.
19. Define:
a. Apoptosis, Mitosis, and Meiosis
20. List and describe the parts of Interphase and its faces during the Cells Life Cycle.
21. List and understand the 4 components of Mitosis.
22. Define metastasis and the fact that Cancerous cells exhibit this process.
23. Understand what Oncogenes are.
24. Define cell differentiation.

Chapter 4: Tissue Organization


Define Tissue and Histology.

Define Epithelium.
List Epithelial functions.
Define Villi and Microvilli
a. The function of these
5. Understand what a Cilia is.
6. What is CAM?
7. Define Tight Junctions.
8. Define Desmosome.
9. Define Gap Junctions.
10. Where is the Basal Lamina located in reference to the cell?
11. Understand and list the classification of Epithelia by shape and number of Layers.
12. Understand what Simple Squamous Epithelium is and where can you find it?
a. What is the difference between Visceral and Parietal Layer?
13. Where can you find:
a. Stratified Squamous Epithelium?
b. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium?
c. Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium?
d. Transitional Epithelium?
e. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium?
f. Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium?
g. Stratified Columnar Epithelium?
14. What is the difference between Endocrine Gland vs and Exocrine gland?
15. List and understand the 3 modes of secretion of an Endocrine gland, especially the
Apocrine secretion.
16. Structural wise name the 2 types of glands.
17. What Connective tissue and its and functions.
18. Within the Connective tissue proper classification, what is the role of Stem Cell.
19. Connective tissue proper generally contains the following:
a. Matrix, Fibers and _______?
20. Define Adipocytes.
21. Fixed and free Macrophages (two types of macrophages) are categorized as ________
or__________ within connective tissue.
22. What is the main use of Loose Connective Tissue.
23. List the 2 types of embryonic Loose connective tissue.
24. Within Loose Connective Tissue category list the 3 types of loose connective tissue.
25. We can we find Areolar Tisse.
26. Why Dense Connective tissue is often called Collagenous tissue?
27. List the 2 types of Dense Connective Tissue.
28. Name the 2 types of Dense Regular Connective Tissue.
29. Where can you find Dense Connective Tissue?
a. Provide the function of Dense Regular Connective Tissue.
30. Provide the main function of dense irregular connective tissue.

31. List the 2 types of Fluid Connective Tissue.

32. Mostly, blood is made of__________ which accounts for almost half the volume of
33. List the 2 types of Supporting Connective Tissue.
34. In relation to Cartilage, what is Perichondrium?
35. What is the name of a Cartilage cell?
a. List the 3 types of Cartilage and where can you find these?
b. Of the 3 types of Cartilage which one is the most abundant?
36. What is the name of bone cells?
a. Bone is usually refers as ______ tissue?
37. Define Lacunae.
38. What is a Membrane composed of and list the 4 types?
a. Describe the location of the Mucous membrane or Mucosae.
b. Describe and provide the location of the Serous membrane.
c. Where can we find the Cutaneous Membrane.
d. Describe and provide the location of the Synovial membrane.
39. What is a Fascia?
a. List the 3 Fascias and understand their location.
40. Provide function of Muscle and list the 3 types.
a. Understand the difference between the 3 types of muscles.
41. Describe and mention the function of the Neural Tissue.
a. Name the 2 basic types of Neural Tissue.
42. As we get older, incidence of __________ increases.
43. Define and understand their relation to cancer.
a. Dysplasia
b. Metaplasia
c. Anaplasia

Chapter 5: Integumentary System

1. List the 2 components of the Skin or Cutaneous Membrane.
2. Name the skin accessory structures.
3. The Subcutaneous layer is also known as the __________ or the _________. Also refer
as the Superficial Fascia.
4. List the function of the skin.
5. The epidermis is composed of layers of __________ (the body most abundant epithelial
6. What is the difference between thin and thick skin?
7. What is the relationship between Epidermal Ridges and the Dermal Papilla, can you
figure out their relationship?
8. What do the Langerhans cells deal with?
9. List the 5 layers of the Epidermis.
10. What main event happens at the Stratum Germinativun or Basale?
a. What cells located within this layer are in charge of producing skin color?
11. What happens to Keratinocytes once they reach the stratum Granulosum?
12. What 2 things Keratinocytes make at the stratum Granulosum?

a. Clinically wise name 3 things that happens at the stratum Granulosum?

13. What does Keratin and Keratohyalin promotes, in order to make the skin water resistant?
14. In what type of skin can you find Stratum Lucidum?
15. Is the Stratum Corneum water resistant or water proof?
16. Define Insensible respiration?
17. Name 3 things that can change our pigmentation?
18. Why cant Albinos produce pigment?
19. The Stratum spinosum and Germinativum produce Cholecalciferol or Vitamin D and
then, the Liver converts it into ______.
20. What is the correlation between Calcitriol and the G.I.?
21. Name the 2 layers that make the Dermis.
22. What layer of the dermis contains blood vessels and nerves closest to the epidermis?
23. What is line of cleavage?
24. What does reduction of elastin cause in the Dermis?
25. Locate the following structures pertaining to the Hair:
a. Hair Follicle
b. Root
c. Shaft
d. Bulb
e. Medulla
f. Cortex
g. Cuticle
26. The ___________ forms the outer surface of the hair shaft. It coats the cortex and
contains Keratin, which provides the hair its stiffness.
27. What is the difference between Vellus vs a Terminal Hairs?
28. What determines hair color?
29. What is the name of the cells in the hair follicle responsible for making hair?
30. List 3 types of Skin Glands?
31. Describe Sebaceous Glands in reference to the way they secrete and what they secrete.
32. List the 2 types of sweat glands, where are they found in the body and their differences
base on their secretion?
33. Sweat (sensible perspiration) is composed of _____% water and chiefly the following 2
a. What is the main function of sensible perspiration?
34. Describe sweats pH and reasoning for its taste?
35. What is the function of a typical merocrine gland?
36. Functionally and structurally wise __________ glands are similar to apocrine sweat
37. Understand the location of the nail bed in relation to the body.
38. Nail production occurs at the __________.
39. ___________ give the nail its characteristic pink color.
40. The nail pale crescent is known as the ____________.
41. The Epoychium is known as the __________.
42. During the Process of Injury and Repair what produces mobile cells that invade the
deeper areas of the injury.
43. List the 3 different types of Skin Cancer.

44. List 4 age related skin changes.

Chapter 6: Skeletal System: Bone Structure and Function


The Skeletal System includes the following 3 components.

List the five primary functions of the Skeletal System.
Bones can be classified by _________ or by ________________.
Understand and provide examples of the following bone shapes:
a. Long bone
b. Short bone
c. Flat bone
d. Irregular bone
e. Sesamoid bone
f. Sutural or Wormian Bone
5. Name 2 types of osseous tissue.
6. Located the following anatomical structures:
a. Epiphysis, Metaphysis, Diaphysis, Marrow cavity, Spongy and Compact bone.
7. Define Diaphysis.
8. What can you find inside the Medullary Cavity?
9. What is the matrix of the bone? Can you mentally picture where it is?
10. What is the name of the layer that surrounds externally the bone?
11. What is the name of the layer that lines the Marrow cavity? Can you mentally picture
where it is?
12. ______of the weight of the bone is calcium phosphate and _____ is Collagen.
13. List the 4 types of cells found within the bone.
14. What is the mane of a mature bone cell and the name of its surrounding housing or
15. Define Canaliculi. Can you mentally picture where it is?
16. Provide the Osteoblast function.
17. What is Osteoid?
18. Mesenchymal Cells or also known as Osteoprogenitor Cells divided and differentiate
19. What is an Ostoclast?
20. What is Osteolysis ?
21. What are Compact Bone and its function?
22. Haversian System or ________ is the basic functional unit of compact bone.
23. Locate the central canal within the Osteon and what important structures are located
24. What is the function Compact Bone?
25. What is Trabeculae?
26. What is the function of Spongy bone?
27. Define Ossification vs Calcification (understand the difference between them)?
28. Name the 2 ways bone is developed?
29. Do you understand how the Intramembranous Ossification occurs, what types of bones
are involved? And when does it happen?

30. What happens when sexual and growth hormones increase?

31. What is the Epiphyseal Line and what does it indicates?
32. Can you locate where the Primary and Secondary ossification centers are?
33. What is Appositional growth?
34. What are the effects of exercise on the bone or lack off?
35. Growth hormone an Thyroxine ____________mass.
36. ____________ and __________________ increase bone mass, but Cacitonin and PTH
37. _____________results from an overproduction of growth hormone before puberty.
38. _____________results from an underproduction of growth hormone after puberty.
39. ___________ is the most abundant mineral in the body.
40. What hormone kicks in when Calcium falls below its normal level and list the 3 major
effects of this hormone which will increase the Calcium levels up.
41. What hormone kicks in when Calcium concentration rises above normal level and names
the 2 major effects for this hormone which will decrease the Calcium levels?
42. Understand the following Skeletal terminology: Trochanter, Tuberosity, Tubecle, Condyle
and Trochlea.
43. Understand the difference between a closed and a simple bone fracture.
44. Define Greenstick fracture.
45. List the 3 things that happens during fracture repair.
46. Define Osteopenia and Osteoporosis

Chapter 7: Skeletal System: Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

1. Understand which ones are part of the Axial and which ones are part of the Appendicular
2. The Skull is made of:
a) ____ cranial bones
b) _______ facial bones.
c) List the associated bones.
3. The thoracic cage is made of:
a) the sternum and ____ribs.
4. The vertebral column is made of:
a) 24 ______, the ______ and the _______.
5. The occipital, parietal, and frontal bones forms the ___________ or _________.
6. List the 4 sutures.
7. List the 6 cranial bones.
8. The largest foramen is found within the _________Bone.
9. What is the Lacrimal Fossa and what gland does it contain?
10. Have a visual idea of the location of the following:
a) Frontal Sinus, Supraorbital Foramen. and the Metopic Suture.
11. In what bone of the skull can you find the _____ ______ which is a point of attachment
for muscles that rotate or extend the head?
12. Ligaments that support the hyoid bone are attached to this process ___________
13. What 3 foramens can you find within the Temporal Bone and name what vessels go
through 2 of them?

14. The external acoustic canal or auditory meatus is located within the following skull
bone__________ and it ends at the _______ _______.
15. The Stylomastoid foramen within the Temporal bone allows what cranial nerve to go
16. The _____unites the cranial and facial bones, and acts as a cross brace that strengthens
the sides of the skull.
17. The hypophyseal fossa is the depression within the ________ ________and name the
gland occupying this space?
18. In What skull bone you will find the following structures:
a) Cribiform plate, Crista Galli, Lateral masses, and the Perpendicular plate?
19. List and visually located the facial bones.
20. Within the Mandible, what is the anatomical function of the Mandibular Notch.
21. List the 4 fontanels that we will find in an infant skull.
22. The Vertebral column is made of (remember we eat breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, and dinner
at 5):
a) ___ Cervical, ___Thoracic, ____lumbar vertebrae, a Sacrum and a Coccyx.
23. List the 2 spinal Curves known as the Primary Curves.
24. List the 2 spinal Curves known as the Secondary Curves.
25. Define Kyphosis, Lordosis, and Scoliosis.
26. Visually located the following vertebral structures:
a) The body, the superior and inferior articular process, and the intervertebral disc.
27. What vertebrae are known as the smallest in the vertebral column.
28. What is the name of the first and second cervical vertebra? The fusion between these 2
creates the _____or also known as the ______ _______ of the Axis.
29. The seventh cervical vertebra with a long, slender spinous process is known as the _____
30. What 12 vertebra have a distinctive heart-shaped body that is more massive than that of
a cervical vertebra?
31. The 5 lumbar vertebras are characteristically more ______ and least _______ than the
32. The sacrum consists of _______ fused sacral vertebrae.
a) The sacral vertebrae begin fusing shortly after ______ and are completely fused
by age _______.
33. The __________consists of three to five fused (typically, four) coccygeal vertebrae that
have generally begun fusing by age 26.
34. Regardless of gender, we have ________ pairs of ribs.
a) The first seven pairs are called _____ ____ or vertebrosternal ribs and ribs 8 to
12 are called ______ ________.
b) Ribs 11 and 12 are referred as _______ _______.
35. The Sternum consist of the following 3 structures.
36. The ___________ articulates with the clavicles (collarbones) and the cartilages of the
first pair of ribs.
37. The Appendicular Skelton is made of the Upper and Lower __________, the Pectoral
and Pelvic _______.
38. The pectoral girdle consists of 2 _____________ and 2 broad, flat ___________.
39. The __________ end of the clavicle is broader and larger than the __________end.

40. The ________articulates with the scapula at the ______process.

41. At the glenoid cavity or fossa of the scapula articulates with the ______.
42. List the 2 process of the Scapula.
a) Which one of the above 2 is anterior and smaller and extends over the superior
margin of the glenoid fossa?
43. Describe the deltoid Tuberosity.
44. The distal end of the Radius articulates with the bones of the _________.
45. The ____ ____ of the Radius, on the lateral surface of the radius, assist in the
stabilization of the wrist.
46. The ________are the bones of the palms of the hands.
47. How many bones can you find within your wrist, also known as the ________?
48. List the proximal as well the distal row that makes the wrist.
49. Name the small, pea-shaped bone that sits anterior to the Triquetrum.
50. A phalange is basically a ______.
51. Which finger has only 2 phalanges?
52. There is a total of ___Metacarpals
a) eEach hand has ____fingers since the ______has only 2 phalanges.
53. Each hipbone, or os coxae (singular), formed by the fusion of _____ bones:
a) 1._______, 2._______, and 3._________.
b) Which of the 3 above is the largest.
54. Name the roughened projection located at the posterior and lateral edge of the Ischium
basically the weight of your body rest on it when you sit down.
55. The pelvis may be divided into ________ (greater ) pelvis and _________(lesser) pelvis.
56. List some of the Pelvic anatomical differences between a Male and a Female.
57. Name the longest/heaviest bone in the body.
58. Where it and what is is the function of the Linea Aspera?
59. What is the Patella?
60. What 2 bones articulate with the distal aspect of the femur (do not include the Patella).
61. What is the function and location of the Lateral Malleolus?
62. The ankle or Tarsus consists of ______ bones.
63. The ________ or heel bone is the largest of the tarsal bones.
64. The Hallux or great toe or first toe has ______ _______ (proximal and distal).
65. List a 3 important bone pathologies

Chapter 8: Skeletal System: Articulations

1. Define:
a. Synarthrosis.
b. Amphiarthrosis.

c. Diarthrosis.
2. Provide and example of the following:
a. Suture
b. Gomphosis
c. Synchondrisis
d. Synostosis and define it.
e. Syndesmosis
f. Symphysis
g. Diarthrosis
3. What subcategory of diarthrosis provides the greatest range of motion?
4. Define:
a. Flexion, Abduction, Adduction, Inversion, Eversion, Dorsiflexion, Plantar
flexion, Opposition and Supination.
5. What part of the body can do plantar and dorsal flexion?
6. Define and provide an example of a:
a. Monoaxial and a tri-axial joint.
7. Provide an example of a:
a. Saddle and a gliding joint
8. The Joint between the vertebrae is an example of what type of joint?
9. Define a herniated disc.
10. What joint permits the greatest range of motion?
11. List the 4 muscles of the Rotator Cuff.
12. What makes the elbow joint be so stable?
13. List the 5 ligaments associated with the hip joint.
14. Structurally, how many joints the knee resembles?
15. What ligaments reinforce the back of your knee?
16. Provide the function of the:
a. Medial & lateral menisci.
b. Cruciate ligament.
c. Patellar Ligament.
17. What ligaments reinforce the lateral surface of the knee?

Chapter 9: Muscle Tissue

1. Name the three layers of connective tissue that surrounds the muscle from a superficial to
a deeper layer.
2. Define:
a. Aponeurosis.
b. Myoblasts.
3. What is Sarcolemma and Sarcoplasm?.
4. Define and provide the function of transverse Tubules.
5. Define Triad.
6. What is the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum full of? Think bone and mineral.
7. Define Sarcomere.
8. Understand what happens to the I and H band within the Sarcomere during muscle

9. What is the thin filament (Actin) consist of, basically, list its components.
10. One of the subunits of Troponin binds ______. Think bone and mineral.
11. Between the neurons pre-synaptic membrane and the skeletal muscle fiber (the
neuromuscular junction), you will find the following (visually locate these):
a. Synaptic cleft
b. Motor end plate
c. Junctional fold
12. Define motor end plate and what important structure is found embedded here?
13. Please understand the muscle physiology from:
a. The arrival of the stimulus (the action potential) to the return of the initial state.
14. What are the steps that happen after:
a. Calcium bind the active site of Troponin?
b. Actin and Myosin filament attach to each other?
15. During muscle relaxation, after the contraction is over, what happens to calcium?
16. What is tension depends on?
17. What is a muscle twitch?
18. Define:
a. Wave Summation
b. Incomplete Tetanus
c. Complete Tetanus
19. Define muscle recruitment in relationship to increased muscle tension.
20. Understand the difference between an Isometric and an isotonic.
21. What is the function of the Cori Cycle?
22. Define and provide an example between fast vs. slow muscle fibers.
23. Define smooth muscle plasticity.

Chapter 10: Muscular System: Axial and Appendicular Muscles

1. Define
a. Muscle fascicles.
b. Pennate muscle.
c. Circular muscle.
2. Where is the applied force of a Third Class Lever?
3. Define and understand Origin and insertion of a muscle (all muscles have an Insertion,
Origin, Action, and Innervations.
4. What is the job of a Synergistic Muscle?
5. Define agonist muscle.
6. In reference to muscle fascicle organization, what is a rectus muscle?
7. List the muscles utilized for facial expression?
8. Provide the action of the Orbicularis Oris muscle?
9. Provide the insertion of the Occipitalis and Mentalis muscle?
10. Provide the origin of the occipitalis muscle?
11. Where does the Procerus muscle insert?
12. Provide the action of the corrugator supercilli.
13. Provide the facial muscle that is not innervated by the facial nerve.
14. List the six extrinsic eye muscles.

15. What does the suffix glossus means?

16. Most of the Anterior muscles of the neck insert at the _____ ______
17. Know the origin of the Geniohyoid.
18. List the three muscles located within the Pelvic Diaphragm of the Anal Triangle.
19. List the two deep muscles of the Urogenital Diaphragm.
20. Provide the action of the Transverse Abdominis and insertion of the Levator Ani?
21. Know the insertions of the following:
a. Pectoralis Minor
b. Trapezius
c. Deltoid
d. Infraspinatus
22. Name the major abductor muscle of the upper arm?
23. Know the Origin of the following muscle:
a. Rhomboid Major
24. Know the action of the following muscles.
a. Deltoid
b. Coracobrachialis
c. Serratus Anterior
25. What muscle unlocks the knee joint?
26. Provide the insertion of the Gluteus Maximus.
27. Provide the origin of the Gracilis muscle.
28. List the three muscles of the Hamstring group.
29. List the 4 muscles of the Quadriceps group.
30. Where is the location of the Fabella bone?

Chapter 11: Nervous Tissue

1. What does the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
consists of.
2. The _______ division has both somatic and autonomic components.
3. The _______ division of the PNS brings sensory information to the CNS from receptors
in peripheral tissues and organs.
4. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) or visceral motor system is made of:
The _______ division of the PNS carries motor commands from the CNS to
effector (muscles and glands).
5. The _____ _____controls skeletal muscle contractions which is Voluntary or under
conscious control.
6. _____ ______connects Axon with Soma and is where the _____ potential is taking place.
7. Some areas of the perikaryon contain clusters of RER and fixed and free ribosomes,
these regions, which stain darkly, are called ______ _______.
8. What happens at the Axon Hillock and the Initial Segment?
9. What is a Synapse?

10. Which CNS neuroglia is responsible for the production of cerebral spinal fluid and lined
the central canal and ventricles?
11. List the central nervous system 4 neuroglias and which one of these is the most
12. _________produces the membranous wrapping of insulation, called myelin in the CNS.
13. _______act as a wandering police force and janitorial service, engulfing (phagocytic)
cellular debris, waste products, and pathogens.
14. ________they surround the neuron cell bodies of peripheral neurons.
15. ______cells, also known as ______ cells form a sheath around the peripheral nervous
system axons.
16. What is the rationale behind the Electro-chemical gradient and how it works, in reference
to its role reaching homeostasis.
17. What is a leak or passive channel and the difference between a leak and active gated
18. There are two important active channels: A Chemical and Voltage channels. Where can
find voltage gated channels?
19. What is a graded potential?
20. Define Depolarization?
21. Where is the information process occurs in the neuron?
22. Define All or none principle?
23. What is the role of the sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) exchange pump.
24. Define Saltatory vs. Continuous propagation and the main difference between them?
25. In reference to the Axon Diameter and Propagating Speed, understand the difference
between the following muscle fibers:
a. Type A, Type B, Type C.
26. What is the difference between a Myelinated versus an Unmyelinated nerve fibers?
27. Where are electrical and a Chemical gates located on a neuron?
28. What is an excitatory neurotransmitters, name 2 important ones?
29. Synapses that release:
a. ACh are known as _________synapses.
b. NE are known as __________ synapses.
30. What arethe events at a Cholinergic Synapse (Study Table 12-5 Synaptic Activity).
Which ion is directly responsible for the release of ACh at the cholinergic synapse?
31. An inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) results in a ______or local potnetial at the
postsynaptic membrane.
32. What is the difference between a Spatial and a Temporal Summation
33. What a Neuromodulator?
34. What is a Presynaptic Facilitation and Inhibition?

Chapter 12: Nervous System: Brain and Cranial Nerves

1. During the embryonic development of the brain, what following regions will eventually
become: Prosencephalon, Mesencephalon, and Rhombencephalon.
2. List the major regions of the Brain and the 3 components that makes the Brain Stem.
3. Name the structure that acts as a links between the nervous and the endocrine system?
4. Where is the location of the center that controls breathing and blood pressure?
5. List the 3 main Ventricles of the Brain.
6. The two lateral ventricles communicates with the third ventricle or Diencephalic
ventricle through the?
7. What cells lined the ventricles?
8. What thin partition separates the two lateral ventricles?
9. What is the other name for the lateral ventricles?
10. What passageway connects the third ventricle with the fourth ventricle?
11. What ventricle is directly associated with the pons and medulla.
12. Which Dural Fold projects between the cerebral hemispheres in the longitudinal fissure?
13. Whats the closest meningeal layer in contact with the brain?
14. What is a Dural Sinus and what is the function of a Dural Fold?
15. List the main functions of the Cerebrospinal fluid?
16. What is the function of Choroid plexus?
17. Foollow the flow of the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) from production to reaching the
subarachnoid space in order to get reabsorb into the venous system?
18. What the Blood Brain Barrier ?
19. What happens to the brain during a CVA (Stroke)?
20. Name the two reflex centers and 4 nuclei found on the Medulla Oblongata?
21. What 2 centers and 4 cranial nerves are found at the Pons?
22. Name 4 functions of the Cerebellum?
23. Provide 4 anatomical structures of the Midbrain or Mesencepahalon?
24. What information the inferior Colliculus and the superior Colliculus receive from the
medulla oblongata and thalamus respectively?
25. The diencephalon is divided into the following 3 anatomical regions?
26. The Thalamus is known as great ____ _____?
27. What are the 2 hormones produced at the Hypothalamus and secreted at the posterior
28. Understand the 3 main functions of the Limbic System.
29. List the 2 main components of the Basal Ganglia or basal nuclei and its functions.
30. Where is the origin ofConscious thoughts and intellectual functions ?
31. The ______ _____ ____ separates almost completely the two cerebral hemispheres?
32. What structures surround of the Central Sulcus.
33. What three types of fibers the Cerebrum use for communication?
34. Provide the pre and post Central Sulcus functions?
35. Where is auditory cortex located at?
36. What is the function of the association areas?
37. What and where is the Integrative Centers location?
38. What is the function of the General Interpretive Area (Wernicke's area) and Brocas area?
39. What is the Prefrontal Cortex in charge of?
40. What are the left and right Hemispheres deals with?
41. What is an EEG and the 4 waves it can detect?

42. What is a seizure?

43. List by name and number all 12 cranial nerves?
a. What is unique about the Olfactory nerve?
b. What is the primary function of the Oculomotor nerve?
c. What is the primary function of the Trigeminal nerve and name its 3 branches?
d. What is the primary function of the Abducens nerve?

Chapter 13: Nervous System:The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves


How many spinal nerves are there?

What is the role of the dorsal or posterior neuronal roots vs. the Ventral ones?
Where is the anterior median fissure located.
How far (use the vertebrae as indicators) the adult spinal cord extends?
Define Spinal Meninges?
a. Understand the order of layers of the spinal cords Meninges.
b. What layer contains CSF?
c. What layer of the mengines a Myelography and spinal tap reach?
6. What runs along the surface of the spinal pia mater, within the subarachnoid space?
7. Provide the function of the denticulate ligament?
8. What are the projections of gray matter in the spinal cord call (looks like a butterfly)?
9. Indicate the role of the Posterior, Anterior, and lateral Horns (in reference to what signals
they received or sent)?
10. What is the function of a gray or white Commissure?
11. With regard to the white matter, what do the ascending and descending tracks carry?
12. List 3 covering layers of a spinal nerve.
13. About the peripheral distribution of spinal nerves, in reference to the Dorsal and Ventral
Rami, what area of the body do they provides innervation to?
14. Define Nerve Plexus?
15. List all 4 plexus and the spinal nerves they involved?
16. What nerve innervates the diaphragm?
17. Within the neuronal pool or a neural circuit, describe the types .
18. List the 5 steps of a Reflex arc.
19. Define the Innate and the Stretch reflex. Provide an example of the stretch reflex?
20. Understanding the function of a muscle spindle? What happens when the central portion
of the intrafusal fiber gets stretch?
21. Define Postural Reflex?
22. Provide an example of a withdraw reflex.
23. What is the Withdrawal Reflex and what makes it unique.
24. What is the Flexor Reflex
25. Define: The Crossed Extensor Reflex?

Chapter 14: Nervous System: Autonomic Nervous System


What is the main role of our ANS (Autonomic Nervous System)?

The ANS is divided into the following two divisions.1.______ and 2._______
What is a Pre-ganglionic neuron and Post-ganglionic neuron.
Where is the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System.
What is the fight or flight within the Sympathetic System?
List and understand the Sympathetic Division general pattern or functions.
Which division of the ANS is responsible for "rest, repose, and relaxation?"
List and understand the Parasympathetic Division general pattern or functions.
List the 3 ganglions for the sympathetic division? Basically the ganglions that receives
the pre-ganglionic fibers and send the post-ganglionic fibers to the Target organs.
10. What percentage of the axons in each spinal nerve are sympathetic postganglionic
11. Name the sympathetic pre-ganglionic nerves that reach the Collateral Ganglia.
List the three Collateral Ganglia and organs they are in charge of innervating.
12. The Adrenal medulla within the Adrenal Gland produces what 2 neurotransmitters?
13. Name the headquarter for the Sympathetic Activation, occurring logically during a crisis.
14. A Synapse that use ACh as it main neurotransmitter is referred as________.
15. A Cholinergic pre-synaptic membrane releases the following neurotransmitters.
16. A Synapse that use NE as it main neurotransmitter is refer as________.
17. An Adrenergic pre-synaptic membrane releases the following neurotransmitters.
18. Name the enzyme in charge of braking Cholinergic and the enzyme in charge of braking
adrenergic neurotransmitters?
19. Name the two classes of Sympathetic receptors.
20. What is the function of Alpha-1.
21. Name the 3 types of Beta receptors and some of the location throughout the body.
22. Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers leave the brain as components of the following
cranial nerves.
23. Parasympathetic pre-ganglionic cranial nerves fibers synapse at the following ganglia
24. The Vagus nerve alone provides roughly what percent of all parasympathetic outflows.
25. _______ ______are pre-ganglionic fibers that form distinct pelvic nerves in charge of
innervating intramural ganglia of the following organs.
26. List the major effects produced by the parasympathetic division.
27. Parasympathetic Postsynaptic membranes have two types of receptors __________
______activated by Ach by opening Sodium Channels).
28. Organs receiving input from both systems Parasymphatetic and Sympathetic are referred
as _______.
29. Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems intermingle to form ___________.
30. Sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers bound for the heart are called the
31. The simplest reflexes are mediated at the level of __________.

32. These are examples of Visceral Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Reflexes:

Defecation, Vomiting, Coughing, Cardio- inhibitory and Acceleratory, Pupillary,

and Ejaculation. Of these Visceral Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Reflexes
which one is not coordinated by the Medulla?
33. An example of a higher-level control of autonomic function by the centers in the
brainstem is ____________.
34. What is the difference between a Sympathomimetic and a Sympathetic blocking agent (or
sympatholyticsame thing).
a) Provide some clinical uses of a Sympathomimetic drug?
b) Name some of the clinical uses of a Beta Blocker.
c) What is the difference between a Parasympathomimetic and a Parasympathetic
blocking agent (or parasympatolyticsame thing) and provide some clinical uses
of parasympathetic blocking agents?
35. Define memory consolidation.
36. Name the two types of long term memories.
37. What two components of the limbic system are essential to memory consolidation?
38. Define Amnesia.
39. Understand the difference between the two states of consciousness coma and sleep.
40. What is REM?
41. Your state of consciousness (the here and now) is determined by proper functioning of
the ______________.
42. What does too little Serotonin or Norepinephrine can cause as well as too much
43. What can plaques and tangles (primarily two forms of amyloid protein) can cause?
44. Provide Common age-related anatomical changes in the nervous system.

Chapter 15: Nervous System: Senses


What is the difference between Afferent and Efferent Pathways.

List some examples of General vs Special Senses?
What is a Receptor potential?
What is a Label Line?
What is the difference between a Tonic and a Phasic Receptor? Provide an example of
each and which one is considered fast vs. slow adapting?
6. What is the main function of the RAS (Reticular Activating System) and what % of
sensory impulses the RAS allows to reach the Cerebral Cortex?
7. Name the 6 types of Tactile receptors?
8. What is the job of a Proprioceptor and name its 3 major groups?
9. What is the location and function of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order neurons?
10. List the 3 Somatic Sensory Pathways (ascending/afferent) including each one of
their tracts names and functions? Make sure you understand and know these very
11. Which of the 3 Somatic Sensory Pathways sends information not part of our conscious
12. What is the difference between the Sensory and the Motor Homunculus?
What is the function of the Motor Homunculus?

13. Visceral Sensory pathways utilize what cranial nerves and what Somatic Sensory
Pathway to send information?
14. Define Referred Pain.
15. What 2 motor systems makes the overall motor pathways (ones controls skeletal muscles
and is voluntary the other is involuntary and deals with visceral organs)?
16. Within our Somatic Motor Pathways (descending/Efferent) the motor pathways involve
the following 2 motor neurons?
17. List the 3 Somatic Pathways (1 Pyramidal and 2 Extra-pyramidal).
18. Which of these (of the above 3) is/are in charge of sending subconscious commands and
which one(s) deals with conscious commands?
19. Name the 3 Corticospinal Pathway tracts.
20. The Corticobulbar Pathway provides conscious control over head and neck areas through
which motor cranial nerves?
21. What percentage of decussation occurs between the Lateral and Anterior Corticospinal
tracts and where the decussation occurs, (one tract takes care of the opposite side and the
other the same side of the body)
22. List the 3 Medial Pathways cerebral origin and their corresponding motor descending
tracts and functions.
23. List the Lateral Pathway functions, its main nuclei location within the mesencephalon,
and corresponding motor descending tract.
24. What is the function of the Basal ganglia or Nuclei?
25. List and understand the functions of the Cerebellum?
26. Where the highest level of information processing occurs?

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