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How We Endure Portfolio (Benchmark #4)

Part 1:Project Summary

Learning Statement
Tell the story of how you made sense of the different concepts throughout this project. Be sure to hit
all of the following talking points, and include all activities/worksheets that are applicable. You must
use artifacts (graphs, spreadsheets, Biology notes) from this unit as evidence.

Par: Data Analysis Answers Here

Beautiful examples (Your graphs/work here!

Amazing Narratives ( Answers to each of the

Discussion Questions)
Endurance Time vs. Day Testing Graph
Research and determine what an
r^2 value tells you? How do you calculate
the r^2 value?
What is your equation for your
linear trend?
What is your slope (y=mx+b) to
your line of best fit? Describe the rate of
change (slope).
How can we tweak this model to
get a more favorable r^2 value?

r^2 is the explained or total variation of

something. It is the percentage of the response
variables variation that is explained by a linear
model. Im gonna be honest with you, I have
no idea how to calculate this. Flat out no clue. I
researched it and whoa boy Im having a hard
time understanding it but heres an explanation;
SSR is the "regression sum of squares" and
quantifies how far the estimated sloped
regression line, y^iy^i, is from the horizontal
"no relationship line," the sample mean or
SSE is the "error sum of squares"
and quantifies how much the data points,
yiyi, vary around the estimated regression
line, y^iy^i.
SSTO is the "total sum of
squares" and quantifies how much the
data points, yiyi, vary around their mean,

r 2


Here are some basic characteristics of the

Since r2 is a proportion, it is
always a number between 0 and 1.
If r2 = 1, all of the data points fall
perfectly on the regression line. The
predictor x accounts for all of the
variation in y!
If r2 = 0, the estimated regression
line is perfectly horizontal. The predictor
x accounts for none of the variation in y!
Do I know what this means? Barely. Do I think
this is cool. Heck yea.
The r^2 value for my chart is
y=0.039x +65
x 2=2.351E-3

My slope is y = 0.039 * x +65. The rate of

change is 0.039/1, meaning for every unit
across, it goes up 0.039. I could probably
tweak this model by getting rid of any outliers
I might have or getting rid of the data that had
an error in it. Or during testing I could have
pushed myself way harder but its too late for
that now so editing the graphs and
including/excluding data would be the best.
Endurance Testing Time and Pain Data Graph
What trends do you notice between
your endurance time and pain data? Are

they moving together? That is your

endurance time increases does your
pain threshold increase?
What I noticed is that when my time goes
down, my pain meter goes up. Sometimes my
pain goes down the longer I go, much like it
did with the highest time, which I thought was
interesting. I have a pretty high pain tolerance,
so it was just mostly my body wanting to give
up during those data points. I dont think its
exactly moving together, it's a bit sporadic
which is intriguing. You would think there

would be some kind of pattern, but it doesnt

really have one.
Presentation of Graphs and Data
Looking over your daily Pain
Level Reasoning, Error and Nutrition
comments, explain in detail what is going
on with your endurance time? Why does it
increase when it does? Why does it
decrease when it does?
With my two lowest times, 54 and 52, I did not
complete my daily nutrition goal, but there was
also some errors.However, in my last few data
points, I did not complete my nutrition goal and
I got my second highest time, but a few days
before, I did complete it and I got a time that
was a tad bit lower than the second highest. It
decreases mainly when there is an error or
when there is a lot of pain, but that isnt as
common. My time increases when there is less
pain and no error, but I do not always meet my
nutrition goal.

Part 2: Putting it all together

An anonymous visitor come up to you during exhibition and asks how is your pain rating related to
your endurance time? What factors go into how long you can endure?
How would you respond?
Pain relating to endurance time has many factors. Some could be sickness,
slipping of shoes, soreness, distractions such as talking or laughter, or
general exhaustion. My pain for my endurance was definitely abnormal.
Pain would sometimes go down as my time went up or my time would go down
as pain went up. It is very strange and not really what I was expecting.
I expected pain to go up with the highest and lowest times, but sometimes
my average times would have the highest pain. A lot of factors could have
contributed to these.

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