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Microbiology Laboratory

What did you know about laboratory? Laboratory is a facility that provides controlled
conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may
be performed. Scientific laboratory usually different by knowledge. For example, chemistry
laboratory, physic laboratory, biochemistry laboratory, microbiology laboratory, and etc. But,
in this essay just will explain about microbiology laboratory, one of laboratoy was important
in medical technology (analyst).
Microbiology is one of science in biology to learn about microorganism.
Microbiology is the branch of biology that studies microorganisms or microbes. So,
microbiology laboratory is one of laboratory to identified some microorganism, such as
bacteria, virus, and fungi. Microbiology is closely linked to the microscope to observe living
things are very small with a diameter of less than 1 mm. Other that, in microbiology
laboratory usually use some object glass and deck glass to be medium for indentified bacteria
or virus.
In microbiology laboratory, usually make some medium to growing up the bacteria.
There is agar medium, semisolid medium, and liquid medium. And of course, processing to
made that medium will be different, for that medium usually made in some tube and will be
closed by wrapped in cotton gauze. But sometimes, for agar medium can be made in petri
dish. Other that, there are many things which will using for indentification bacteria. For
example, microscope, autoclave (to sterilizer some medium to growth the bacteria),
incubation (to control quality of medium), oven (to sterilizer a kind of material which will
using), colouring bath (to colouring bacteria), and reagent to colouring bacteria.
In laboratory, there were some preparation before we want to work there. Firstly, we
must to wearing some personal protective equipment, such as hand gloves, lab coat, and
mask. Why must we wearing some like that? Because, in there we will be in direct contact
with live or dead bacteria. So, the protection should take precedence. Other that, when we
will indentify some bacteria (especially when taking bacteria from medium into object glass),
there must be spirtus burners are lit beside us. Why? Because it can protect us form infected
by some bacteria, the bacteria will died if we put them in high temperature.
And then, when we worked at that place, and suddenly there was a spill of bacteria, so
we have to clean it with alcohol 95%. First, we spray alcohol 95% in the spill area, then let up
until 5 minutes. After that we can wipe it with a tissue, and throw the tissue in trash for
infectious waste. In microbiology laboratory, there were two type of trash. There are for
infectious waste and non infectious waste. Other that, in that laboratory, there is special place
to object glass and deck glass former, where in that place filled alcohol 95%.
After we finished in microbiology laboratory, we must to clean up the table that we
use for work in the laboratory. We clean it with disinfectant liquid. And we must to washing
our hand with soap antibacterial to prevent infected by bacteria in our body.

How much things we can learn about Microbiology laboratory. First about materials
in that laboratory, colouring reagent, and medium. Then, we can learn some step to
preparation, when we worked if there spill, untill some step when we finished worked in
there. So, in everywhere we worked, we must to becareful and cautious, because infected
from microba and some dangerous reagent will be bring bad impact in our health and of
course in our life too. Lets be a good and profesional of analyst.

Created by :
Annisa Nuraini S. (P1334113029)

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