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This life is choose, and everybody can choose ,

Hidup ini adalah pilihan dan setiap orang dapat memilih, memilih tempat belajar
adlah suatu hal penting, belajar disekolah dengan sistem perempuan dan laki
tidak di pisah dan dipisah itu adlaha pilihan juga , di Indonesia terdepat 2 sistem
tersebut, i think no disparet is better bu t i must know the rules, in heterogen
friend or differen gender can affect your sociality life and experience in study

Everywhere us there , we will learn social life , sekolah adalah bagian penting
untuk belajr bagaimana hidup bersosial, khususnya di sekolah dan umumnya
bisa diterapkan dimanapun, sekolah yang dicampur , kita bisa mengetahui
bagaimana cara dan rasanya berinteraksi dengan lawan jenis, tentunya akan
berbeda , bervicaranya harus lebih lembut, then kita mengetahui karakter .
berteman dengan perempuan terkadang kita bisa tahu, jika dia sedang
melakukan ini, dia sedang ini contohnya ketika cewe selalu diam berarti banyak
sekali yang dia pikirkan , and terkadang di kelas terjai pertegkaran atau
keributan dan cewe biasanya bisa mengimbangi dan mengatasi hal itu agar,
menenangkan susasana

Belajar dengan satu jenis akan monoton tapi denngan lawan jenis akan ada
pengalaman yang berbeda, sebagai pria tentunya tidak mau kalah dengan hal
skill di banding perempuan, hal ini bisa jadi motivasi agar bisa lebih kerja keras
lagi dalam belajar , then some times view of man and woman differen , there are
know ide masing2 dan bisa memadukannya menjadi hal yang terbaik , di dlam
bellajar bisa bertukar pikiran dan terkadang jika pria down maka cewe
memberikan semngat

Life is a choice and each person can choose, choose a place to learn is an
important thing, learning at school with the system of girl and boy are not
isolated or separated it is an option as well, in Indonesia there are two systems, I
think not separated better but I must know the rules, in heterogeneous friend or
different gender can Affect your life and experience in study

wherever place, we will learn the social life, school is an important part of the
study is how sociable life, especially in schools and generally can be applied
anywhere, schools are mixed, we can know how to interact with different gender,
of course, will be different, speech should be softer , then we know the character.
friends with girl, sometimes we can know, if he was doing this, he was having
this, for example when the girl was always silence means an awful lot he thinks,
and sometimes in class fights and commotion and girls can usually be offset and
overcome it in order to calm the situation

Studying with one type will be monotonous but with the opposite sex will be a
different experience, as boy certainly do not want to lose with skill in the appeal
of girl , this may be motivated to be more work harder in learning, then

sometimes view boy and girl is different, there we know each of these ideas and
can combine them into the best thing, in stuying can exchange thoughts and
sometimes if boy surrendered or lazy, then a girl giving spirit
having heterogen friends, will make you more know about other things, not only
academic education but experience to deal with different gender, but but in the
interaction, we must know the limits in accordance with Reviews their respective
religious teachings

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