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Reading Questions

(63b-68c, 72e-73a and 73e-76e, and 78b-80b)
Phaedo, 63b-68c
Theme: Death and Philosophy
(1) What does Socrates mean when he says that the one aim of those who practice
philosophy in the proper manner is to practice for dying and death?
-He means that true philosophers spend their entire life preparing their souls for
their death and dying so it would be odd for them to be sad in the final
moments before death actually arrives. Death- is the separation of soul from the
body and he discusses how good philosophers spend their entire lives preparing
the well-being of their soul instead of indulging in simple Earthly or bodily
pleasures. The intend in life to free the soul as much as possible from the body.
(2) Along with the majority of people, Socrates also says that true philosophers are
nearly dead and deserve to be. Yet, he means something different by this than do
the majority? What does he mean by it?
-Here Socrates means that in their lives philosophers are seeking to separate their
soul from their earthly life forms which typically does not happen for common
people until the time of their death. He means that by seeking this separation for
soul and body philosophers end up being nearly dead for most of their lives
(3)According to Socrates, does the soul or body play the primary role in obtaining
genuine knowledge? Is it through reason or the senses that one obtains genuine
-He believes that knowledge is primarily obtained through getting in touch with
the metaphysical rather than through the physical. This means that reason plays
a much larger role in obtaining genuine knowledge than the senses because
senses can be deceiving.
(4) How much association with the pleasures of the body should a true philosopher
have if he or she wants to obtain the highest forms of knowledge?
-True philosophers should have little to no contact with the pleasures of the
human body if he or she wants to obtain the highest forms of knowledge.
(5) Why does a lover of wisdom not fear death?
-Lovers of wisdom should not fear death because they are not lovers of the
body and therefore their attachment to their bodies and the physical world as
significantly less than those who place their primary focus on that.

Phaedo, 72e-73a and 73e-76e

Epistemological Theme: Recollection
(1) What is recollection?
-Socrates theory of recollection is that all learning is recollection. This
means that we can be reminded of one thing by being made conscious of
something else.
(2) Why does Socrates think that recollection proves that the soul is
-Directly from the text it is stated as what we call learning is really just
recollection. If that is true, then surely what we recollect now we must have
learned at some time before; which is impossible unless our souls existed
somewhere before they entered this human shape. So in that way too it
seems likely that the soul is immortal.
(3) How might the visible, physical objects we experience in the world help
us recollect things that we once knew in the invisible, metaphysical
-Things from the physical world could spark the recollection in our
minds that gives us the knowledge that we had somewhere deep down
inside ourselves that we may not have been able to recollect without.
Phaedo, 78b-80b
Ontological Theme: The Relationship between Physical and
Metaphysical Existence
(1) Does the soul belong to the physical or metaphysical realm of existence?
-The soul belongs to the metaphysical realm of existence
(2) Why does Socrates think that the metaphysical realm is more substantial
than the physical?
-Socrates believes the metaphysical realm is more substantial because
physical things can be destroyed or die whereas metaphysical things
can live forever around us in the ether
(3) Which realm would the Good itself or the Beautiful itself exist?
What about a beautiful painting or a good action?
-Good itself and beautiful itself exist in the metaphysical world
because they cannot be grasped or physicalized. However, paintings or
actions though good or beautiful are physical manifestations so they
exist in the physical world.

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