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Jillian Gallant

Pe dago gy
As an educator, I believe that children do their best when they can. A student has a
vital need to feel safe and comfortable in their learning environment. This sense is
developed by creating an honest and non-threatening place for instruction to be
delivered. Social-emotional learning is a large part of helping a child feel able to
succeed, as are firm and clear standards and expectations. Responsibility and
respect are equally as paramount. With a healthy relationship, a feeling of self-worth,
and respect for others comes a greater ability to absorb skills and understanding, and
therefore a well-rounded education across the curriculum. I also believe that
students have a need for varied and differentiated instruction. Art, music and
movement are integral parts of how a child takes on skills and builds memory, and no
two students learn exactly the same way. It is important to meet learners where they
stand and help guide them to growth and success.

Teaching Assistant, Hamilton Wenham Regional School District,

Winthrop Elementary School; Hamilton, MA Sept. 2011-Present
Daily tasks currently include: academic assistance in all areas of curriculum and
specialists, data collection for behavior plans, support in social pragmatics
and emotional regulation, constant communication with all classroom staff
Supported students with disabilities of varying ability and early childhood grade
levels with both academic and behavioral skills
Received training in CPI and ABA data collection
Worked closely with administration, classroom teachers, therapists and BCBA
Utilized Fountas and Pinnells Guided Reading program, Fundations phonics,
Responsive Classroom concepts and Social Thinking curriculum
Observed writing coach, Martha Horne, deliver writing instruction to a second
grade classroom
Supported students with severe disabilities with self-help and life skills and used
both PECS and Proloquo2Go visual communication systems
Member of the Building Leadership Team

Long-term Substitute, Hamilton Wenham Regional School District,

Winthrop Elementary School; Hamilton, MA Dec. 2015-March

Covered daily tasks of a kindergarten classroom teacher during a maternity

Planned and implemented lessons across the curriculum
Worked cooperatively with the grade level team
Completed report cards and required PALS evaluations
Attended weekly staff meetings and professional development

Communicated frequently with families and issued a bi-weekly newsletter

Communicated frequently with administration and other staff to support and
modify behavior plans
Adjusted scheduling, daily transitions and classroom layout to accommodate
for severe behavioral issues.

Lead Teacher, Lil Sprouts of Essex; Essex, MA 2005-2011

In my time as a preschool teacher, I worked with three, four and five year old
students of varying ability. This role allowed me to develop skills in teaching
beginning reading and math, as well as creative arts and gross and fine motor
development. I was able to attend frequent professional development meetings in
many areas of early childhood education and safet

Taught three, four and five year old students of varying ability across the
Attended monthly professional development sessions in many areas of early
childhood education and safety
Developed skills to support beginning reading and math as well as fine and
gross motor skills
Compiled student work throughout the year to create a portfolio for each
Assessed each student and wrote progress reports bi-annually

U ni vers i t y of New E ngl and- Mas ters of Inclus io n E ducation, 2015 -pres ent
E xpec ted gradu ation date : M ay 2017
C ours e Work :
E DU 600 Teach er As Le ader
E DU 610 Diff erentia tion Theory & Strat egies
E DU 615 M oti vatio nal Theory & C las s room M anagem en t
E DU 720 Spe cial E duca tion Law f or the C las s room
E DU 72 1 Us i ng Techn ology in Incl us ion E ducation
E DU 722 Spe ci al E duca tion As s es s m ent in I nclus ion Setti ng
E DU 72 3 Tea ching & Le arning in an I nclus ion Settin g
E DU 72 4 C ollaboration in an Inclus io n Setting
Wes t fi el d State Uni v ers i ty B achelors Degree E arly C hildhood E duca tion,
20 01- 2005
M T E L Tea ching E xam s Pas s ed
I ps w i ch Hi gh Sc hool- Diplom a, 1997 -20 01

Extr acurri c ul ar acti vi ti e s & me m be rshi ps

D Member of Building Leadership Team

D Offer annual contributions of time to school fundraisers


Knitting, Crocheting
Available upon request

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