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Nombre del aprendiz

Ficha Nmero

Regional Antioquia
Anlisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Informacin
Copyright 2016 por Jhont Ocampo, Todos los derechos reservados.



Table of Contents

Page 1 Introduccin e informacin general .. Error! Marcador no definido.

Page 2 Design Thinking .................................................................................. 2
Page2 Perception of a need ............................................................................ 2
Page 3 y 4 Formulation of specificatios. .................................................. 3 y 4
Page 5 y 6 Generation of
ideas...........5 y 6
Page 7 Final solution and evaluation of the solution. ..................................... 7

Introduction and general information

Para el desarrollo Del Workshop - Nature of Technology,

For the second part of the workshop should UN Generate Design Process
example with their steps, following the information presented in the
Learning Object "Introduction to Technical English". This should How to
use Graphics Resources referenced and the corresponding explanations in
English. Keep in mind the following recommendations:
1. The perception of a need: Describe what is the perceived need or situation
that requires a solution f. This field should be about UN Technology as Seen
in the Contents (medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, energy, energy,
construction, production or ICT).
2. Formulation of specifications: This step is known as: requirements and
specifies what is needed to solve the problem and how it should be the
solution. There should be a list of at least 3 of these: requirements.
3. Generation of ideas: Write the shares possible actions you can take para
solve the problem or meet the need responds to Time to requirements. No
less than 3.
4. The final solution of this option is selected among the ideas to give a
solution to the problem. It will be is the most viable and close to the
5. Evaluation of the solution: This step verified that the selected option
meets the requirements at the same time solve the problem or replace the

Design Thinking

Perception of a need
Taking into account the significance of technology:
Technology is the set of technical, scientifically ordered, allowing Design,
goods, Create, services that facilitate adaptation to the environment and meet
the needs of both essential and the desires of humanity.
Car, use irrationally
I consider that the desire of man and industrialization and other reasons , we
are not moving forward , on the contrary, this reverse evolution and are
further damaging our pace of life and health and are also damaging the
planet with the use of carriage very unwisely and irrational.

Formulation of Specifications
Formulation of specifications (requirements): List all the requisites to
accomplish the objective or solve the need.
start with oneself, to be conscious

b. think about our future

c. Improve physical health

d. improve mental health

e. Think of the planet

f. Political will for change

Generation of ideas
Generation of ideas: Write the possible solutions for the need, remember the
final solution is the only option that meets ALL requirements to solve the
1. Education for People , be smarter

2. best routes for cyclists

3. better spaces for cyclists

4. regulation of laws designed to stimulate bicycle use and reduce car use.

Final Solution
Final Solution: This is the final option you selected as a viable solution for the

Regulation of laws designed to stimulate bicycle use and reduce car use.
Popular initiatives should be promoted
Building area intended for people to use bicycles
Companies must create incentives for people arriving by bicycle to work
Government create laws to help people to be more willing
Evaluation of the solution
And the final idea your points to follow, if conscientiously performed, can lead to
good terms any project that includes the bicycle as an alternative means of
transport for the future immediately.

Of course, requires a lot of will of the people, it requires a lot of money to

build infrastructure and to make a success of the project as possible.
But if there is willingness of people to want to change and think about
improving the future and there willingness of our politicians can lead to all
plans to finish in the best way

Lista de referencias (Cibergrafia)

Jhont Jairo Ocampo diaz, estudiante de anlisis y desarrollo de
sistemas de informacion, SENA, regional Antioquia, residente en la ciudad
de Yopal Casanare.

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