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ARTivisme dan Politik Kreativitas Living Labor

Hizkia Yosie Polimpung

What arts have done so far

Surealis art of killing: kamar penjara Alphonse Laurencic, 1939. Kamar

penjara yang dipaksa ngeliat Un Chien Andalou (Luis Bunuel & Salvador Dali)
di scene mengiris bola mata.
Foto eksekusi lingchi dan Execution of Fu Zhuli, April 10, 1905, detail.
Caishikou execution field, Beijing. Photos courtesy of Muse Albert Kahn
Film Pier Paolo Pasolini, Salo or 100 Days of Sodom
Film dokumenter Jagal
Musik yg bs nyanyiin segala suasana
Grafiti, revolusioner?

Poetic of finance-nya Bifo, Nealon, Clover

Symphony of Science proyek musikalisasi saintis oleh John Boswell

What is artistic anyway

Seni erat kaitannya dengan afek.

o Inspires. Comforts. Saddening. Provokes.
o Evokes. Disturbs. Maddening.
Apa itu seni dan yang nyeni. (Tip of hat ke kritik ontologi sastranya Martin)
o Kasus: Fountain-nya Marcel Duchamp (1917).
Harus tau dulu apa dari seni yg membuatnya nyeni, dan itu adl
kemampuannya utk: 1) mendesakkan kemungkinan 'yang-tanpa-batas' (dan
bukan yg diluar, krn yang-luar adl slalu ilusi sublimasi para tawanan sang
'batas'), dan menunjukkan bahwa things are changeable; 2) merangsek batas
dgn menggunakan batasan itu sendiri;

Dimensi politis seni utk menunjukkan kpd para tawanan sang batas, utk
We are all artists.
Tentang living labor. Whats living is the capacity of creativity, of affective, of
Kreativitas itu politis.
Aktivisme seni sbg masturbasi kelas menengah ngehe

Joseph Beuys

extended definition of art ..

[E]ach human being is an artist. Within each human being lies a virtual creative
ability. This is not to say that everyone is a painter or a sculptor, but that there is
some latent creativity within each domain of human work each type of work has a
connection to art; and art is no longer a type of activity or an isolated group, with
people able to do art whilst the others have to do another type of work. Therefore
culture and economy are one and the same thing and, within our society, the most
important means of production, the most important factories that create capital are
schools and universities. This is why they are in the hands of the state, and this why
we have to free them. [Joseph Beuys]

Social sculpture.. how we mould and shape the world in which we live..
I Think art is the only political power, the only revolutionary power , the only
evolutionary power, the only power to free humankind form all repression. I
say not that art has already realized this, on the contrary, and because it has
not, it has to be developed as a weapon.
If you are only interested in self-realization then you cannot make a good
[M]y idea is to declare that art is the only possibility for evolution, the only
possibility to change the situation in the world. But then you have to enlarge
the idea of art to include the whole creativity. And if you do that, it follows
logically that every living being is an artist an artist in the sense that he can
develop his own capacity.. .. And therefore, in short, Im saying, all work
thats done has to have the quality of art.
Man is only truly alive when he realizes he is a creative, artistic being.
I am interested in the creativity of the criminal attitude because I recognize
in it the existence of a special condition of crazy creativity. A creativity
without morals fired only by the energy of freedom and the rejection of all
codes and laws. For freedom rejects the dictated roles of the law and of the
imposed order and for this reason is isolated.

But bear in mind, rezim kognitarian:


Seni jg bs dipakai sebaliknya. Hence, ia adl power/class struggle.


Everyone is an artist, means demokratisasi fotografi, lukisan, etc.

Sampah diupload ke situs seni. In other words, its a capitalist
The task ahead is to gather artivism activities a program, a clear
revolutionary target.

Tactical problem of art


sebagai alat resistensi:

Memahami seni bukanlah habitus semua orang.

o Hence, seni harus segmented
Keluar dari narasi narsistik seni sebagai realisasi diri. ARTivisme pun,
akhirnya, akan menjadi bentuk baru realisasi diri sambil mendapat sensasi
melakukan perubahan sosial.

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