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Adolescence is a stage between childhood to adulthood.

Reproductive health is an
important issue for teenagers. The earliest changes in adolescents is started
menstruating which can cause dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea affects learning
activities and indirectly affect the quality of life for adolescents. Based on
preliminary studies conducted by researchers on 17 October 2016 in the first class
DIII department of obstetrics Faculty of Health Sciences University of Kadiri in
2016 obtained a student as many as 25 people and all experienced dysmenorrhea.
The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of ginger (Zungibers officinale)
against the intensity of dysmenorrhea.
The research method using pre-experimental design with one group pretestposttest design. The population is all first class midwifery student of faculty of
Health Sciences University of Kadiri in 2016 with a sample of 16 people.
Sampling technique is purposive sampling, the instrument used is direct
observation, pain intensity measurements done using NRS (Numeric Rating
Scale) with a scale of 0-10.
The results showed all respondents decreased dysmenorrhea. The results of the
analysis of the test Wilcoxson got value value is 0.000, value is less than 0.05
(0.000< 0.05) showed H rejected and H received, which means that there is the
effect of ginger to the intensity of menstrual pain in adolescent daughter in the
first class DIII department of obstetrics Faculty of Health Sciences University of
Kadiri in 2016.
Advice and benefits to the respondent namely, increase knowledge for girls if
experiencing dysmenorrhea during menstruation can apply the consumption of
ginger in everyday.
Keywords: ginger, dysmenorrhea, girls.

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