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ArchiCAD plug-in for designing false ceilings and

raised floors
With ArchiPanel, you can design raised floors and false ceilings starting
with an ArchiCAD Zone or Fill. To cover an area, you can use panels to
create simple or checkered layouts or you can use panel modules for more
elaborate arrangements with repeated shapes, sizes and materials.

Work method
In the settings for your floor
or false ceiling paneling,
you can define the
panel/module sizes and
materials, the minimum surface area for cut elements,
the joint size and layout
origin and orientation, and
you can also configure the
vertical and horizontal supporting elements.

The Offset function allows you to define

an inset for the paneling with respect to
the perimeter of the area being covered,
and you can specify whether to include
or exclude any holes inside the area;
you can also configure a false ceilings
border and customize its edging.
The Cut/Drill function allows you to add
additional holes (which may have curved sides) to a paneling once you have
positioned it, while the Modify Paneling
tool lets you edit the elements of a

floor/false ceiling, either by selecting

them manually or using customizable
search criteria. Searches can be performed based on the surface material of a
panel, its name or the name of an
accessory that is associated with it, or

the name of its support or supporting

beam. Different search criteria can be
combined, and they can also be based
on geometric rules (by row/column and
either horizontally or diagonally). Once
you have confirmed your panel selection
in the settings window, you can define
optional accessories, including fans, aeration systems, grates, towers, smoke detectors and ceiling signage. You can also
add lamps, letting you illuminate your
environments according to the settings you
define. The Change Default Configuration
tool allows you to update only those ele-

ments that use standard settings, leaving

the panels you configured separately
unchanged. The Change Layout Origin
tool allows the origin and orientation of
the panels/modules to be redefined while
keeping track of the changes you made to
the individual components and maintaining their settings.
With the Modify covering/Create structure tool, you can generate a support structure with columns that support a beam (for
floors) or suspension elements that hold
up a beam (for false ceilings). When a
paneling has been selected, this tool
allows you to activate or deactivate the
display and numbering of the panels,
structure and accessories, both in 2D and
in 3D; furthermore, you can change the
position of the supports and accessories
for each separate panel.
If you make design changes to a room,
you can make the necessary adjustments
to the paneling with the automatic update
tool: just use the Update ArchiCAD Zone
command (or change the fill manually) to
regenerate the covering. All of the previou-

sly defined settings will be maintained.

ArchiPanels element calculation functions
are particularly interesting: they allow you
calculate the number of whole panels and
cut panels by material, display their sizes
and list the supports, beams and associated accessories.

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