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I didnt know whether to plunge into the well of treacherously
vindictive scorpions; or whether to hang myself insanely upside
down from the cadaverously gleaming gallows,
I didnt know whether to chop my skull into an infinite fragments
with the merciless butcher knife; or whether to let every
conceivable parasite on this boundless planet to uninhibitedly
suck blood from my derogatorily diminishing veins,
I didnt know whether to stand bare-chested in the way of the
unrelentingly unsparing avalanches; or whether to lecherously
drown to the rock bottom of the deep ocean; with an
unsurpassable battalion of sinister crabs in my mouth,
I didnt know whether to torch my skin alive in a gutter of
insidiously adulterated kerosene; or whether to ruthlessly
excoriate every iota of my nimble skin; from the top of my
brutally emaciated bones,
I didnt know whether to lethally gouge my eyes with ghoulishly
blood coated thorns; or whether to shatter my entire
countenance into a countless fragments; sadistically banging my
body against the venomously cold-blooded rocks,
I didnt know whether to bury myself alive infinite feet beneath
sinking soil; or whether to surrender myself to every construable
bit of disparagingly convoluted badness; on the trajectory of this
gigantic planet,
I didnt know whether to indefatigably sip vials of hedonistically
ghastly poison; or whether to get gored full throttle; by the
acrimoniously piercing thorns of the savagely marauding bull,
I didnt know whether to barbarously slash the trembling veins
of my palm with perfidiously criminal blades; or whether to
make a ludicrously grotesque barbecue of myself for the
unscrupulously wandering termites,

I didnt know whether to lividly wither like a despondently

crackled leaf; or whether to leap naked fleshed from the
pinnacle of the sky; to crunch my every bone with stray pebbles
and rocks on earth beneath,
I didnt know whether to let the demons crucify me on the
sacrificing altar torturously sucking every speck of my
exuberance under the acridly sweltering Sun; or whether to
raunchily take every pistol bullet that hurtled pugnaciously in
serene air; right in the center of my head,
I didnt know whether to timelessly incarcerate every cursed
breath of mine in chains of isolation; or whether to tirelessly
march through a graveyard of sickness; where the ghosts of
disease made every instant of my life more crippling than an
infinite deaths,
I didnt know whether to lasciviously slit every patch of
robustness in my throat with the satanic garden shears; or
whether to truculently blast even the most inconspicuous
element of sensitivity in my ears with perniciously ribald bombs,
I didnt know whether to indiscriminately inundate every pore of
my slavering body with unfathomably unforgivable bitterness; or
whether to greedily slurp asphyxiating acid down my throat in
incomprehensibly luxurious amounts,
I didnt know whether to forever disappear into the corridors of
bawdily nonchalant nothingness; or whether to continuously lick
victimizingly threadbare dirt on the lavatory broomstick; like an
irascible cockroach all my life,
I didnt know whether to become a live carrion for the
egregiously cannibalistic vultures; or whether to surprisingly
come in front of a speeding truck; being massacred to a gory
absolution without the slightest intimation or respite,
I didnt know whether to limitlessly hurt myself like an
uncontrollably prurient imbecile; or whether to jinx myself with
the most uxoriously tyrannical spirits of fretfully decimating

I didnt know whether to baselessly howl the last chord of my

throat till the threshold of infinite infinity; or whether to perch
my diminutive form upon the belligerently flaming pyre; for an
irrefutable isolation from the vagaries of this manipulatively
prejudiced planet,
I didnt know whether to eat ominously bellicose cyanide for
dessert; or whether to forever snap my inconsequential
reflection from the periphery of this fathomless earth;
devastatingly fading into a corpse of lunatic darkness,
Her loss was so profoundly unbearable that I really didnt know
how to die; Her untimely departure was the most irreversible
defeat that I had faced in the chapter of my truncated life,
And therefore; all that I intransigently sought for today; was a
death more ghastlier than the most horrific of death could ever
dream of or could ever be; such a penalizingly lambasting corner
in the coffins of diabolical hell; where the absence of her divinely
sacrosanct form would never ever make me cry again.

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