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By Gary Paulsen
Expectations for this Google Document:
1. This document is a portfolio of your comprehension of Hatchet.
2. Please use text citations for all answers. If you cannot back it
up, then your answers may not be strong enough.
3. Use conventions correctly! Spell check your document, ensure
all areas of punctuation and capitalization are correct.
4. Make sure you do not have random spaces between answers
or lack of spaces between answers.
5. Do Not Change The Font!
6. You can always press enter to create more room, the spacing is
not meant to be a limit on how much you can respond with or size!
7. You are responsible for your answers. If I comment on
something, please correct it. Then, resolve the comment.
New Skills: Conflict in Literature, Plot, & Mood
What are the four types of conflict? Add them into the following table! Be sure to add a
heading labeled CONFLICT and a heading labeled EXAMPLES.
Types of conflict


Man vs man, character vs character


Man vs nature, character vs nature


Man vs society, character vs society

Jurassic park

Man vs self, character vs self


Define Mood:mood is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers
through words and description.
Define Plot: a series of events that form the story in a novel

Plot Chart: Use later for reference to Hatchet. (Bullet points directly below to match)

Review Skills:
Reviewed Skills



Brian parents got into a divorce and his mom started it she did
not really want to marry him I guess?

Cause and Effect

Brian found turtle eggs, Brian has dinner. Brian opens up, gets
the transmitter on, Brian gets found. Brian has hatchet, has
rock, FIRE.

Point of view

Brian is confused because he does not know where he is and

does not know what to do. The point of view is third person
and its the narrator. He turned it, and in this way he found a
proper way to cook a bird. On page 145.

Problem & Solution

The tornado crashed and destroyed brians things. The things

that I mean is shelter and food and weapons.


Brian will try and survive in the forest by getting more

materials and things to help him survive such as food.


Driving in a plane while brian is the only passenger on the

plane. Tornado came and destroyed all of Brians materials.

Chapter By Chapter Summary

Chapter 1 Assignment: Create a bubble map that shows the varying emotions Brian felt in
Chapter 1. Be sure to cite specific text examples.

Chapter 2 Assignment: Create a list of survival supplies you would need in a plane crash and
why you would need them. (Google Doc tables)
Item for Survival

Reason I Chose It
To get wood.

Tent sleeping bag

To sleep in.


To never starve to death.


For items to hold.


To climb anything

Chapter 3 Assignment: How did you react to Brians thoughts and actions? Do you think that
he is sensible or unreasonable? Explain your answer.
Brians actions and thoughts are what he thinks. One of his thoughts is he thinks he is gonna
die. He just kept repeating gonna die, gonna die, gonna die. One of his actions was that he was
scared because the plane was crashing. Brian tried to control the plane but he failed. What i
reacted like that he is afraid to land the plane. The only thing that he thought in his head was the
pilot dyeing. The plane landed it the lake and still injured brian. The only place brian was able to
move only with his hands. He was not able to move his leg because of the crash.
Chapter 4 Assignment: Write 5 similes about Brians current state and explain their meaning.
Use a Google Table to do this.


After the crash Brians head felt like a drill

drilling a nail

His head was in deep deep pain.

When the plane was crashing, Brian had a

flashback that was like bees swarming
around him.

It felt scary and very sad to Brian.

Brian was lost like a needle in a haystack.

Brian had no idea of where he was.

Brian was tired like he walked 10 miles

He was so tired that he couldnt walk.

Chapter 5 Assignment:Positive Thinking

Many people believe that if they have a positive attitude, good things will happen.They believe
that people with negative attitudes somehow prevent good things from happening. Write an
editorial in which you support the power of positive thinking. Use Brians experience as an
example of how positive thinking can help people. At the conclusion of your editorial, encourage
people to adopt positive thoughts and to see what happens.
I think that when he had the positive attitude was when he thought they would come and save

him either late that night or the day after that. That way he wouldnt have to worry about not
being discovered or be left to die. So, in the beginning he had hope. I had positive thinking
once too, it was when I was moving to a new house in Hawaii. I thought I was going to make
some friends when I moved in and I did make some friends and more kids were there than I
expected. This message means that if you think positively good things are more likely to happen
Sometimes if you think bad not so good things will happen.
Chapter 6 Assignment: Pick an example of a flashback in the chapter, summarize it, and
explain how it helps/hurts Brian emotionally.
Brian had a flashback about when he saw these marines that were on some kind of course.
They had to survive for a week out in the desert and it reminded Brian of some ideas of what to
do for survival. That was the good flashback. The bad flashback was that he was very hungry
when he thought about that flashback. The flashback was when the had a big dinner and they
had turkey and rolls and other good Thanksgiving food.
Chapter 7 Assignment:Create a bubble map with 6 external bubbles. In the center, write

conflicts. Identify and describe 6 conflicts youv

youve seen in a book.

Chapter 8 Assignment:Retell a time when you had a dream that ended up being more of a
message to you
One time I had a dream about Starbucks. I dont like Starbucks. They had this thing called a
cake pop. It was really good. Then I woke up. I asked my dad to go get Starbucks with me and
he said yes. I went there and there was cake pops there. I wanted to get one like in my dream
so I did. It tasted better in my dream, so it ended up not being as good as Id thought it would
be. Sometimes dreams have more flavor than in real life. This is my story.

Chapter 9 Assignment:Create a chart of objects that would be useful to create a fire and not
useful. Explain each.


For a spark


To hit metal on


To burn


To keep the fire going

Chapter 10 Assignment: Create a table that lists at least two moods presented in the text and
give cited examples of each.

Mad, Brian is getting attacked by mosquitos.

Frustrated, There are nats since he is sweating.
Chapter 11 Assignment:Put yourself in a catastrophic situation. How would it change you?
Im nice, well, at least I think I am. If I was in a Sharknado I would probably change as probably
my attitude of being Mr. Nice Guy. You would have to fight to survive the Sharknado. My
emotions would change like Brians. Well he was mad at first because he could not do anything.
Now he is nice and happy because he has made fire and shelter. I would not be mad for the rest
of my life, only in having to fight and be brave situations. Because if I were for the rest of my life
no one would like me. So here is the deal, I would be nice after the Sharknado if I survived..
This would change me for only one reason is that I have to survive. I dont want to die. So I am
going to have to survive the Sharknado. After it is over, we will have peace.
Chapter 12 Assignment:Suppose that Brian has a pencil. To help sort out his feelings about
his parents, he writes to one of them on a piece of birch bark. Write the letter that Brian might
write to his mother or his father. Keep in mind the issues and the details that are revealed in the
novel. Remember, too, that for certain reasons, Brian does not want to tell his father the Secret.
I think he would write help me mom and dad. I know you to dont like each other but we
can do this. I have been on this island for only 6 days. I need a way to get back mom and
dad. I know its gonna be hard to get together but we can work this out. Im not all bad
over here I have created a fire. Call someone and tell them to look for fire
Chapter 13 Assignment: Write a blog from Brians POV. Be sure to use specific information
from the text, connect with the reader, and use emotional appeal.

Chapter 14 Assignment:Create a new invention that could help Brian survive in the wilderness.
I would invent a phone that has unlimited gigs. I would totally buy this phone so you dont waste
data. I would also buy so I can play on it all day I would also add were there no battery run out.
This would help brian because he can call for help. If they take like five hours to get there he
would just play on it. Remember it has no battery run out. On page 144-145. Thats the problem.
Chapter 15 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this chapter
and the text support to justify your answer.


The feathers of the bird were easy to pop



The insides of the bird came right out the



He is still getting better at survival


The tornado destroyed all of his stuff

Chapter 16 Assignment:Create a chart that shows Brians changing emotions in this chapter
and the text support to justify your answer.


Parents are not together


Brian made a bow successfully


The tornado destroyed all of his stuff that

brian had made.

Chapter 17 Assignment:Make a pro/con chart about Brian getting into the airplane wreckage.
Then, write a summary paragraph of this information. Please use in text citations.



Might find survival pack

Might get trapped

Materials + food

Die (drown)

Hunt better with new tools

Waste of time (energy)

GPS/ Transmitter

Get hurt

I think if brian gets into it he will find a lot of good items. Brian will probably find survival
kit. He may find a radio. He will maybe contact other people.
Chapter 18/19 Assignment:Create a chart in for possible themes and cited reasons for each
them. You must use at least 3.

Man vs Nature

Hard work

Overcoming challenges

Tornado comes and destroys

brians materials. Brian had to
survive the animals and
plants in the nature.

He made a bow for food such

as fish. Brian had to create
fire with a hatchet and a rock.
It was a problem for him

Brian needs to survive in the

wilderness alone. Brian has
to make a shelter after the
tornado destroyed it.

End of Book Project_________________

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