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The Art of Wu Hsiang or

Chinese 5 Element Palmistry

Click here to go Palmistry is the study of the shape of the hands and lines on the palms
to access life patterns of a person. It has been a study that dates back to
back to 5
times and predates astrology as paintings of Mans curiosity
Elements Chinese prehistoric
of the lines on a hand have been discovered in cave paintings in various
Palmistry Index. parts of the world.

For a personal

The Chinese have developed a system of hand analysis based on the

five elements of: Water Air Fire Earth- Ether. Their uniqueness is
that they seek a prediction of life past and present to determine where
such a life path will lead them in the future and their destiny lies in their
own hands. Wu Hsiang palmistry offers a chance to correct the course of
a life that is destined for disaster or maintain a course that will bring
personal peace and harmony.

click here
Much of this is based on
sound Eastern Philosophy
that man lives in the midst of
Nature and is part of it.
When man is in harmony
with himself then he reacts
harmoniously with Nature
environment that brings

If man is distributed or
unbalanced, he creates
disharmony that generates
from his being and disrupts
his surroundings. As an
example, a man who is
discontented with his life
alcohol, he then creates
squanders his earnings on
drinks and in his state of intoxication loses control and beats up his wife
and children who are already suffering due to the lack of money to buy
food or the necessities of life.
This behavior from the head of a household, whose role is to provide
and protect his family, spaws negative traits in his children who in turn
are more prone to emulate their fathers behavior. His wife is also

subjected to her own sufferings which will in turn force her to create
more unhappiness and disharmony.
Wu Hsiang seeks to warn of misguided pathways and direct the seeker
of knowledge to a more meaningful and fulfilling way of life. The belief is
that the future is based on your present acts and you are responsible for
your future based on your past and present acts.
Wu Hsiang can predict if you will be rich, famous and get married but
more important, it can predict if you can handle your good fortune or if
you will destroy yourself. This allows you to take measures before hand,
to steer you clear of disastrous mistakes.
In Chinese Palmistry of Wu Hsiang, the hand resembles the Tree of Life.
It develops from the sound base of Earth from which emotions or Water
springs, that gives rise to Fire or creativity that depends of Air or intellect
and the result is spiritual awareness, Development and peace on Earth.

Hand shapes determine Character Types:

Earth Shape

When the palm is square and the fingers end evenly at the top and are
the same length as the palm then such hands are considered as Earth
shaped hands.
Such people tend to be very grounded, practical in approach to things in
life and in control of their emotions to overcome them. It does not mean
that they are devoid of emotions but their passion is Earthly and physical
rather than being built on romantic notions. Words of love seldom or
never leave their lips but their deeds and action speaks for them.
Such hands are capable of earning a good living from practical work and
they do not yearn for glamour or high office. Dressing up in a tuxedo will
make them very uncomfortable and women with such a hand-type prefer
the smells of herbs and the fresh smell of nature rather than
sophisticatedly blended perfumes.

The Water Hand

Sensitive and hypersensitive in nature, people with such hands are

artistic and very impressionable. They have complex emotional
relationships and are easily influenced. They instinctively understand
human emotions and character and will therefore do well in vocations
and careers that need human interaction and understanding. Water
hands are fine boned pale and narrow with fingers that are longer than
their palms. Their tastes are very refined be it in food, color and style.
Environments and ambiences affect them deeply and they do well when
they are in a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere. They pick out
disconted easily and are deeply affected by it.
Women with such hands make good wives and mothers always willing
to make the home a heaven of peace. Men with such hands are delicate
in health and spirit and do better handling small businesses with a lot of
human interactions.
Both men and women of such hand type need romance and tend to
have romantic interludes outside their marriage when their marriage
becomes mundane or boring. Bringing romance back to it and they
promptly become ardent and thrilling again.

The Fire Hand

The Fire Hand belongs to an active and passionate type of person who
need strong inter-action in life to keep them upbeat. Their palms are
rectangular with short, even, capable fingers. Their palms are usually
red or blotchy.
Stimulating in thought and action, they are full of energy and can
motivate other into action and thought provoking ideas. They are born to
lead and are best when they hold such positions no matter in what
capacity. The negative Fire Type Hands could be leaders of gangs or
criminal pursuits and the superior Fire Type can become great generals
or Company Executives.
To ensure that they maintain a healthy and fulfilling life, they should
never allow their minds or bodies to become idle, instead, they should
keep active all their lives, with an interesting hobby to occupy their lives
when the challenges of their careers come to an end.
Women with such hand types are never totally satisfied with just keeping
house and having babies. Forcing them to do that dull their minds and
evoke rebellion eventually which will endanger family harmony.

The Air Hand

Shorter longer fingers situated on a square palm that is shorter than the
middle finger is considered an air hand. People with such a hand type
are born communicators and connect best on a mental level with those
around them. Using the logical or abstract form of deduction to come to
Disliking constraints in any form both physical and mental, they seek
new horizons constantly. Marriage or established rules and disciplines
suffocate them resistance or revolt. Freedom of choice and movement is
their way of life though they long for an anchor to give them some
stability. They are the inventors and the adventurers. All forms of
communications in their professional life, will bring them the satisfaction
they need.
In love, they communicate freely their feelings and expect a similar
response otherwise they become insecure which seems like a paradox
because they refused to be committed in love but require the security it

The Ether Hand

Ether, Energy is when the state of consciousness is attained at every

level. It is a culmination of all elements in to one and the harmony of all
elements into a whole. The Ether hand is the refined hand of the higher
intellect and philosopher. The fingers are gently taper with the sageness
of bamboo knots at each phalange which rises from the triangular lotus
pod shaped palms.
It is the hand of sages and wise men who view life on Earth as a
passage to the final step in their evolution or re-incarnation. Their role is
as a teacher, a guide, a counselor in the path to righteousness and inner
peace. They appear in any of the Earth and at every level of society as it
is not only the poor and deprived that earns the right to a better Karma.
Such hands are seen in Kings holy men, doctors and those who take on
a mission to correct the injustices on Earth or bring to it some joy and
goodness. These are considered old hands where the experiences of
past lives have etched lines of wisdom and inner knowledge and who
are equipped to open the hearts and minds of the unaware, the meaning
of true life.


The Fire Hand

The practical, intelligent lady is passionate about life. She is ready to put
into focused action her plans to make her dreams and ambitious reality.
Her eyes are crescent and phoenix in shape, giving her sex-appeal and
with a generous dose of flirtatiousness. But there is a knowing
shrewdness in her eyes that reveals her ability to use her assets to her
advantage. She is undoubtedly intelligent. Her eyebrows exhibits her
creative and flamboyant character but it also indicates a temper that is
Her smile is open and generous and invites friendship although you will
realize that she is always accusing you.
Her Fire Hand, which has a square palm with fingers that are shorter
than the length of her middle finger confirms her energy and active mind.
Quick to re-act to opportunities, her Fire Hand makes her a capable
person who is willing to roll up her sleeves and get down to work when it
is required. To get to her successful status, you can be sure that she
worked hard for it and would not rest on her laurels.
Though she is imaginative, her practical hand shape that she always
has her dreams tempered with reality so she does not get too

Model with Moon Hands.

Models and those involved in the

and glamour would normally have
Moon Shaped Hands. Their
romantic nature would draw them to
such professions.
This model has also got a creative
face shape which is called a Venus
Shape which resembles a Kwa
Chi or a Melion Seed. She naturally
draw to a career in fashion and

Those with Moon Hands should
always keep their finger nails well
manicured and women should
lacquer it with fresh coloured nail
lacquer to make them more
beautiful. Moon Hands are very
beautiful to look at as they appear
graceful and delicate. It is a
misconception that those with Moon
Hands will make good musicians.
Motgats fingers were so short that it
would not span 7 keys. Those with
Moon Hands are sensitive to things
of beauty and react assertively to
colour and sounds.

People with Moon Hands are normally long limbed and are generally
slim. They look best with long flowing hair and take great pains in their

Scorpio: 25-10-1957

Fire Rooster: 45 years old.

This Fire Rooster is a proud and proper person. He seeks perfection in
himself and those he associates with. Particular in his appearance, he
takes pride in being smart and well dressed. His moustache is becoming
and enhances his personality but he should not allowed it to get too
scraggly and unkempt or let it grow below his lip level. If it does, it will
give him a lewd look.
Secretive and private, there are things that he will keep close to his
chest and not reveal it ever to his wife or closest friend.
To achieve a good marital relationship, he needs to communicate with
his wife, expressing his needs, expectations and even his fears. He will
be a good father and provider.
His horoscope warns him of losses in speculation and anything to do
with gambling. Alcohol or anesthetic can cause allergic reactions as well
as certain seafoods. These two years will be very auspicious for Mr.
Scorpio and he must press forward with his plans for expansion,

especially after he turns 45 in October.

To harness the extra energy of his good planets, he must wear a Ruby
for good luck and energy. Red, pink and light blue are his lucky colours
and he can build a good aura by using these colours especially if he
wears them close to his face.
Love and marriage will be the hardest thing for him to control, but with
the determination and firm character that is apparent in the way he
carries his head and the firmness of his lips, he will have the resolve and
strength of character to handle it.


29th July, 2001 Metal Snake (-)

This is a little Metal Snake born in the period of the Great Heat in the
Lunar Month of the Monkey.
The combination indicates a charming girl who will be demanding in a
gently sweet way. As long as she gets what she wants, she is adorable
but if her requests are not forthcoming fast enough or if she is forced to
do something she does not want she can vent her disapproval
vehemently and become rebellious and cranky.
She needs attention all the time and glows when she is praised. Public
chastations and criticisms will hurt her deeply and cause lasting scars.
Her possessiveness can be seen from young by how she guards her
toys and possessions, but when she approves of a person she is overly
generous and giving. Independent in nature, she will like to do things
herself, for example, she will wish to feed herself or try to dress herself.
She is a sunny, bright girl but has a tendency to be shy. She can be very
dramatic and over react to situations so do not panic when she falls or
hurts herself as she will emphasize your trauma. Being calm and in
control is the best way to win her confidence and respect.

Food, fun, play, walks, stimulating toys and warmth will keep her happy
and healthy.
Her eyes display all her charm and dominating character that needs to
be watched as she grows up. As she loves her food, bonding time is
during meals, play and walks. She is a little water baby and can be
taught to swim at a young age.
Kisses and cuddles reassures her of her Mothers love but she is really
Daddys little Buttercup!

About Palmistry
Palmistry called heiromancy predates astrology as a predictive art. Man
has noted with curiosity the changing lines on the palm and the similar
yet different shapes of hands, (cheirology) palm lines and have
endeavored to an analyze their meanings. Madam Zorra, a practicing
Face Feng Shui Master, incorporates the Shou Hsiang (Hand Analysis)
to her Jen Hsiang (people analysis) for further accuracy.
You can send in a photograph of your left and right palm, stating if you
are right handed or left handed, together with your date of birth for an
analysis in this column. An included photography will be an advantage.
Use pseudonym to remain anonymous. Send it to Madam Zorra, C/o
WeekEnder, Star Publications (M) Bhd, Menara Star, 15, Jalan 16/11,
46350 Petaling Jaya or by e-mail to For
enquires, call 012-429 1199.

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