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50 juta orang diseluruh dunia menderita inkontinensia urine dengan rasio

perempuan dan laki-laki 2:1. Kira-kira ada 41%-57% wanita lansia berumur lebih
dari 40 tahun di amerika menderita ketidakmampuan ini
Since it aff ects about one third of adult women, urinary incontinence is one of
the greatest problem that aff ect womens quality of life. The international
Continence Society defi nes urinary incontinence as: the condition in which the
involuntary loss of urine is a social and demonstrable problem, not only it
cause anxiety and embarrassment, but it also aff ects the suff erers confi dence
and self respect. Approximately, 50 million people worldwide suff er from urinary
incontinence where in women to men ratio is 2:1 and an estimated of 41% - 57%
of older women above 40 years of age in the US suff er from this disabling
condition In a survey done in Asia, the prevalence of urinary incontinence in
India was 12%.
Results: After 4 weeks of kegal exercise, urogenital distress score was reduced from
1.7 0.65 to 1.0 0.42 and incontinence impact score from 1.6 0.63 to 1.1
0.40 in the experimental group (p<0.05). In the control group, no significant decline
was observed at the level of < 0.05.
Preeti Bali, Gomathi Mahalingam,Kanchan Bala. 2016. Effectiveness of
Kegal Exercise on Women with Urinary Incontinence. International Journal
of Nursing Education, July-Sept. 2016, Vol.8, No. 3. 1
UI is more prevalent than asthma, epilepsy or dementia (All Party Parliamentary
Group (APPG), 2013). According to the International Continence
Society/International Urogynaecology Association (ICS/IUGA), the symptom of
urinary incontinence is defined as the complaint of involuntary loss of urine
(Haylen et al, 2010). UI is associated with reduced quality of life, higher
rates of depression, reduced work productivity and decreased enjoyment of
sexual activity (Coyne et al, 2008).
Angie Rantell. 2015. Understanding urinary incontinence in women.
Practice Nursing 2015, Vol 26, No 6. h 275.
It is suggested that as many as half of all of nursing home residents and 1035% of
community-dwelling adults may be affected by urinary incontinence (Newman et al,
Hal ini juga menunjukan bahwa ada sebanyak setengah dari penduduk yang tinggal
dirumah dan 10 sampai 30% tinggal dikomunitas mengalami inkontinensia
(Voegeli: 2016)

David Voegeli. 2016. Incontinence-associated dermatitis: new insights into

an old problem. British Journal of Nursing, 2016, Vol 25, No 5. H 256.
inkontinensia urin pada pasien berdampak secara fisik dan mental, yakni
membatasi kerja, kesempatan pendidikan dan rekreasi, dan menyebabkan rasa malu
sosial dan isolasi. Sangat penting bahwa orang-orang yang mengalami masalah
inkontinensia diberikan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan kembali layanan
komprehensif berkualitas tinggi sebagai bagian penting dari perawatan mereka.

Urinary incontinence impacts on patients both physically and mentally, restricting

employment, educational and leisure opportunities, and leading to social
embarrassment and isolation. It is vital that people who are experiencing
continence problems are given every opportunity to regain their continence and
high- quality comprehensive continence services are an essential part of their care.
This article looks at how community nurses can first identify patients who may be
experiencing continence problems, before going on to look at treatments and
longer-term care. The author also addresses the issue of when community nurses
should look to deal with continence problems themselves, or when they should refer
onto specialists in the field.
disfungsi kandung kemih atau inkontinensia urin dapat berdampak luas pada
pasien, perawat mereka, dokter dan masyarakat, namun promosi kontinensia dan
pengelolaan inkontinensia sering diabaikan dalam perawatan kesehatan.
efektivitas klinis di daerah ini tergantung pada penilaian holistik menyeluruh
yang mengidentifikasi jenis dan penyebab inkontinensia. Ini harus diikuti
dengan intervensi disesuaikan buatan yang memperhitungkan kebutuhan khusus

Bladder dysfunction or urinary incontinence can have far- reaching consequences

for patients, their carers, clinicians and society, however the promotion of
continence and the management of incontinence are often neglected in general
healthcare. Clinical effectiveness in this area is dependent upon thorough holistic
assessment that identifies the types and causes of incontinence. This should be
followed by tailored-made interventions that take account of the individual's specific
Despite being so common, bladder difficulties are still not as openly talked about as
they should be and many people needlessly sufferMariama Barrie, continence
clinical nursespecialist at Berkshire Healthcare NHSFoundation Trustin silence
without receiving the help they need. First and foremost, it is important to
remember that everyone with a bladder and bowel problem can be helped and
many may be able to be completely cured. This article aims to encourage patients
and clinicians involved in patient care to be more proactive in promoting continence
management. It will demonstrate how continence nurse specialists can play a
fundamental role in the multidisciplinary team by using a problem-solving approach
to assess patients'continence and implement treatment and management

strategies before focusing on rehabilitation. It will also raise awareness of how, just
like any other medical condition, people experiencing incontinence deserve
sympathy and attention.
In simple terms, urinary incontinence can be defined as the unintentional passing of
urine. It is a common problem that affects between three and six million people in
the UK (NHS Choices, 2015). There are approximately 14 million people in the UK
today with some form of bladder problem (Bladder and Bowel Foundation, 2015),
which means there are more people experiencing bladder problems than with
asthma, diabetes and epilepsy put together (Bladder and Bowel Foundation, 2015)
Ada kira-kira 14 juta orang di inggris menderita masalah berkemih, yang artinya
ada lebih banyak orang mengalami masalah perkemihan dari pada asma, diabetes
dan epilepsi jika digabungkan (Barrie: 2015).
Mariama Barrie,. 2015. JCN 2015, Vol 29, No 6. Identifying urinary
incontinence in community patients.
An estimated 4%7% of women under the age of 65 years and 4%17% of women
over the age of 65 years have daily episodes of urinary incontinence (Hunskaar et
al, 2005).
Urinary incontinence can have a devastating effect on a person. The person can feel
embarrassed, ashamed, and depressed, and may even feel that his/her life is not
worth living (AguilarNavarro et al, 2012). Nurses and health professionals must be
sensitive to the persons feelings and ensure that when it is not possible to promote
continence, the urinary incontinence is managed well. Providing quality continence
care enables the person with continence problems to maintain dignity and avoid
complications such as skin damage, leakage, and embarrassment (Nazarko, 2013a)
Urinary incontinence is a symptom that should be investigated and whenever
possible treated in order to enable the person to regain continence. Sometimes, it is
not possible or appropriate to promote continence, and the focus shifts to that of
managing incontinence sensitively to enable the person to maintain dignity and
avoid the complications of poorly managed urinary incontinence.
Age-related changes to the urinary system make it more difficult for people to retain
continence as they grow older (Nazarko, 2012; Nguyen and Goldfarb, 2012:
Wehrberger et al, 2012). Adults rely on a complex system of hormonal, muscular,
and neurological controls to remain continent. In certain circumstances, these
controls are damaged. Long-term conditions such as stroke and dementia
(Shamliyan et al, 2007) and treatments for conditions like heart failure can lead to
urinary incontinence (Tannenbaum and Johnell, 2014). Around 52% of people with
Parkinsons disease experience urinary incontinence (Sammour et al, 2010).
Parkinsons disease can cause bladder problems and affect a persons mobility and
ability to use the toilet unaided (Ransmayr et al, 2008).

This is linked to severity of disease (Sammour et al, 2009). Moreover, drugs used to
treat Parkinsons disease can cause voiding difficulties and continence problems.
Around 67% of women with osteoporosis experience continence problems due to
disruption of neural pathways and mobility difficulties (Sran, 2009). Between 53%
90% of people with dementia experience urinary incontinence (Miu et al, 2010).
Stroke can affect either the frontal or brain stem micturition centres to malfunction.
The level of damage sustained is related to the severity of the stroke (Pettersen and
Wyller, 2006).
A number of people with neurological conditions become incontinent because they
become immobile and lose the ability to use the toilet unaided (Coll-Planas et al,
2008). Continence assessment should determine the cause of urinary incontinence,
if it is possible to modify the risk factors, or if containment is the most appropriate
strategy. The hopes and aspirations of the person living with incontinence should be
central to all treatment decisions (Nazarko, 2013b).
Linda Nazarko. Use of continence pads to manage urinary incontinence in
older people. BritishJournalofCommunityNursingAugust2015Vol20,No8
Urinary incontinence (UI) is considered a global public health problem that is
epidemiologically relevant. It isa pathology characterized by the involuntary
loss of urine and can be classified into three main types: stress urinary
incontinence (SUI) when involuntary loss of urine occurs during exertion or
exercise; urgency incontinence (UI) characterized by complaints of involuntary
urine loss immediately accompanied or preceded by urgency; and mixed
urinary incontinence (MUI) when there are complains of involuntary loss of
urine associated with urgency and efforts.
The risk factors for UI increases with advancing age, especially in women
after 70 years of age,and thus, it is important that every health professional
assisting an elderly woman, regardless of their specialty, asks the following
question: "do you have involuntary loss of urine?". This is because, in
general, patients do not mention the issue if not questioned, often by shame
or for thinking that it is a common problem of advanced age.
Ada total 25.627 artikel ditemukan terkait dengan inkontinensia urin. Dari artikel
yang ada 2.683 atau 22,1%nya adalah studi mengenai pendekatan klinik dan 3.095
atau 12%nya terkait kejadian, prevalensi dan teknik evaluasi kesehatan. Ini
menunjukan bahwa hanya sedikit penelitian mengenai intervensi secara prilaku
dengan biaya rendah baik bagi pasien maupun pelayan kesehatan (Lima, et al:
Maka dari uraian diatas peneliti bermaksud menyusun Karya Tulis ilmiah dengan
judul Asuhan Keperawatan dangan Pasien Inkontinensia Faktor Urgensi di Panti
Griya Kasih Lawang

A total of 25,627 articles were found related to the descriptor urinary

incontinence. From these articles, 5,683 (22.1%) are studies related to clinical
approach and 3,095 (12%) are related to incidence, prevalence, and health
technology evaluation. A total of 990 articles (3.8%) were found in relation to
behavioral interventions (behavioral therapy) in UI, predominantly in the
international literature. This shows that there are few studies related to
behavioral interventions and with low cost, both for the patient and health
We conducted a new search in July of 2014, in the same databases, and
found 29,825 articles, being 14,285 (47.89%) about clinical approach, 8,297
(27.81%) about incidence, prevalence, and health technology evaluation, 1,003
(3.36%) about BT, and 6,240 (20.91%) about other UI related issues, i.e. the
number of studies in the UI theme increased, however, studies about BT are still
in the low numbers.
Claudia Feio da Maia Lima, Clia Pereira Caldas, Liana Amorim Correa
Trotte, Antnio Milton, Oliveira Ferreira, Brbara Martins Corra da Silva.
ELDERLY WOMANJ Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 9(8):8762-70, Aug., 2015

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