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Signs and symptoms[edit]

It may have a variety of appearances; most easily identifiable are the enlarging raised red rings with
a central area of clearing (ringworm).[3] The same appearances of ringworm may also occur on the
scalp (tinea capitis), beard area (tinea barbae) or the groin (tinea cruris, known as jock itch or dhobi
Other classic features of tinea corporis include:

The edge of the rash appears elevated and is scaly to touch.

Sometimes the skin surrounding the rash may be dry and flaky.

Almost invariably, there will be hair loss in areas of the infection. [4]

Tinea corporis is caused by a tiny fungus known as dermatophyte. These tiny organisms normally
live on the superficial skin surface, and when the opportunity is right, they can induce a rash
or infection.[5]
The disease can also be acquired by person-to-person transfer usually via direct skin contact with an
infected individual.[3] Animal-to-human transmission is also common. Ringworm commonly occurs on
pets (dogs, cats) and the fungus can be acquired while petting or grooming an animal. Ringworm
can also be acquired from other animals such as horses, pigs, ferrets and cows. The fungus can
also be spread by touching inanimate objects like personal care products, bed linen, combs, athletic
gear, or hair brushes contaminated by an affected person. [3]
Individuals at high risk of acquiring ringworm include those who:

Live in crowded, humid conditions.

Sweat excessively, as sweat can produce a humid wet environment

where the pathogenic fungi can thrive. This is most common in the
armpits, groin creases and skin folds of the abdomen.

Participate in close contact sports like soccer, rugby, or wrestling.

Wear tight, constrictive clothing with poor aeration.

Have a weakened immune system (e.g., those infected with HIV or

taking immunosuppressive drugs).

Superficial scraps of skin examined underneath a microscope may reveal the presence of a fungus.
This is done by utilizing a diagnostic method called KOH Test, wherein the skin scrapings are placed
on a slide and immersed on a dropful of potassium hydroxide solution to dissolve the keratin on the
skin scrappings thus leaving fungal elements such as hyphae, septate or yeast cells viewable. If the

skin scrapings are negative and a fungus is still suspected, the scrapings are sent for culture.
Because the fungus grows slowly, the culture results do take several days to become positive.

Because fungi prefer warm, moist environments, preventing ringworm involves keeping skin dry and
avoiding contact with infectious material. Basic prevention measures include:

Washing hands after handling animals, soil, and plants.

Avoiding touching characteristic lesions on other people.

Wearing loose-fitting clothing.

Practicing good hygiene when participating in sports that involve

physical contact with other people.[5]

Most cases are treated by application of topical antifungal creams to the skin, but in extensive or
difficult to treat cases systemic treatment with oral medication may be required. The over-thecounter options include tolnaftate.
Among the available prescription drugs, the evidence is best for terbinafine and naftifine, but other
agents may also work.[6]
Topical antifungals are applied to the lesion twice a day for at least 3 weeks. The lesion usually
resolves within 2 weeks, but therapy should be continued for another week to ensure the fungus is
completely eradicated. If there are several ringworm lesions, the lesions are extensive,
complications such as secondary infection exist, or the patient is immunocompromised, oral
antifungal medications can be used. Oral medications are taken once a day for 7 days and result in
higher clinical cure rates. The antifungal medications most commonly used
are itraconazole and terbinafine.[5][7]
The benefits of the use of topical steroids in addition to an antifungal is unclear.[6] There might be a
greater cure rate but no guidelines currently recommend its addition.[6] The effect of Whitfield's
ointment is also unclear.[6]

Tinea corporis is moderately contagious and can affect both humans and pets. If a person acquires
it, the proper measures must be taken to prevent it from spreading. Young children in particular
should be educated about the infection and preventive measures: avoid skin to skin contact with
infected persons and animals, wear clothing that allows the skin to breathe, and don't share towels,
clothing or combs with others. If pets are kept in the household or premises, they should get the
animal checked for tinea,[8] especially if hair loss in patches is noticed or the pet is scratching
excessively. The majority of people who have acquired tinea know how uncomfortable the infection
can be. However, the fungus can easily be treated and prevented in individuals with a healthy
immune system.[4][7]

Fungi are germs that can live on the dead tissue of the hair, nails, and outer skin layers. Tinea
corporis is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes.

Tinea corporis is common in children but can occur in people of all ages.
Fungi do well in warm, moist areas. A tinea infection is more likely if you:

Have wet skin for a long time (such as from sweating)

Have minor skin and nail injuries
Do not bathe or wash your hair often
Come in close contact with other people (such as in sports like wrestling)

Tinea corporis can spread easily.You can catch it if you come into direct contact with an area of
ringworm on someone's body. You can also get it by touching items that have the fungi on
them, such as:

Pool surfaces
Shower floors and walls

Ringworm can also be spread by pets. (Cats are common carriers.)

Back to TopSymptoms
The rash begins as a small area of red, raised spots and pimples. The rash slowly becomes ringshaped, with a red-colored, raised border and a clearer center. The border may look scaly.
The rash may occur on the arms, legs, face, or other exposed body areas.
Symptoms may include itching.
Back to TopExams and Tests
Your health care provider can often diagnose tinea corporis by looking at your skin.
You may also need the following tests:

Examination of skin scraping from the rash under a microscope using a KOH (potassium
hydroxide) test

Skin biopsy
Back to TopTreatment
Keep your skin clean and dry.
Use creams that treat fungus infections.

Creams that contain miconazole, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, terbenifine, or oxiconazole

are often effective in controlling ringworm.

You can buy some of these creams over-the-counter or your doctor may give you a

To use this medicine:

Wash and dry the area first.

Apply the cream, beginning just outside the area of the rash and moving toward the
center. Be sure to wash and dry your hands afterward.
Use the cream twice a day for 7 to 10 days.
Do not use a bandage over ringworm.

Rarely, you may need medicine you take by mouth if your infection is very bad.
A child with ringworm can return to school once treatment has started.
To prevent the infection from spreading:

Wash all towels in warm, soapy water and then dry them.
Use a new towel and washcloth every time.
Clean sinks, bathtubs, and bathroom floors well after using.
Wear clean clothes every day and do not share clothes.

Infected pets should also be treated.

Back to TopOutlook (Prognosis)
Ringworm often goes away within 4 weeks when using antifungal creams. The infection may
spread to the feet, scalp, groin, or nails.
Back to TopPossible Complications

Skin infection from scratching too much

Skin disorders such as pyoderma or dermatophytid

Assingment About
Tinea corporis

Tinea corporis is a skin infection due to fungi. It is also called
ringworm of the body
A group of fungi called dermatophytes cause ringworm.
Dermatophytes live off a substance called keratin, a tissue found in many parts of a
persons body, including the nails, skin, and hair. In ringworm of the body, the
fungus infects the skin. Ringworm of the body is also called tinea corporis (the
specific dermatophyte is tinea)

Other related ringworm fungal infections have similar

names, including:

tinea pedis, commonly called athletes foot

tinea cruris, also known as jock itch

tinea capitis, also known as ringworm of the scalp

Fungi are germs that can live on the dead tissue of the hair, nails, and outer skin layers. Tinea
corporis is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes.
Tinea corporis is common in children but can occur in people of all ages.
Fungi do well in warm, moist areas. A tinea infection is more likely if you:

Have wet skin for a long time (such as from sweating)

Have minor skin and nail injuries
Do not bathe or wash your hair often
Come in close contact with other people (such as in sports like wrestling)

Tinea corporis can spread easily.You can catch it if you come into direct contact with an area of
ringworm on someone's body. You can also get it by touching items that have the fungi on
them, such as:

Pool surfaces
Shower floors and walls

Ringworm can also be spread by pets. (Cats are common carriers.)

Clinical Feature
Tinea corporis can manifest as follows:

Typically, the lesion begins as an erythematous, scaly plaque that may

rapidly worsen

Large, erythematous, scaly

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Following central resolution, the lesion may become annular in shape

(see the image below)

Annular plaque.

The inflammation can cause scale, crust, papules, vesicles, and even
bullae to develop, especially in the advancing border

The rash begins as a small area of red, raised spots and pimples. The rash slowly becomes ringshaped, with a red-colored, raised border and a clearer center. The border may look scaly.
The rash may occur on the arms, legs, face, or other exposed body areas.
Symptoms may include itching.
Back to TopExams and Tests
Your health care provider can often diagnose tinea corporis by looking at your skin.
You may also need the following tests:

Examination of skin scraping from the rash under a microscope using a KOH (potassium
hydroxide) test

Skin biopsy
Back to TopTreatment
Keep your skin clean and dry.

Use creams that treat fungus infections.

Creams that contain miconazole, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, terbenifine, or oxiconazole

are often effective in controlling ringworm.
You can buy some of these creams over-the-counter or your doctor may give you a

To use this medicine:

Wash and dry the area first.

Apply the cream, beginning just outside the area of the rash and moving toward the
center. Be sure to wash and dry your hands afterward.
Use the cream twice a day for 7 to 10 days.
Do not use a bandage over ringworm.

Rarely, you may need medicine you take by mouth if your infection is very bad.
A child with ringworm can return to school once treatment has started.
To prevent the infection from spreading:

Wash all towels in warm, soapy water and then dry them.
Use a new towel and washcloth every time.
Clean sinks, bathtubs, and bathroom floors well after using.
Wear clean clothes every day and do not share clothes.

Infected pets should also be treated.

Back to TopOutlook (Prognosis)
Ringworm often goes away within 4 weeks when using antifungal creams. The infection may
spread to the feet, scalp, groin, or nails.
Back to TopPossible Complications

Skin infection from scratching too much

Skin disorders such as pyoderma or dermatophytid
Back to TopWhen to Contact a Medical Professional
Call your health care provider if ringworm does not get better with self-care.

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