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INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL: ‘The Airconditioning & Reteigeration Equipment Manufacturer: Assocation of Australis [A.RLE.M.A.) has in conjunction with the Commonnesith Scientific & Industria! Ressarch Organization (C.S1.9.0.) prepared ths turvey guise data in the inorests of providing & fandard fodustry airconditioning load ertimat, i evry care fasta Taken inthe orparvion of thie document, nether ARLEMA. nor the C...R.0. it response ‘The limiotions and scope of this form are simplified to the extent that the results obtained from its use can only be regarded a an wstimate ‘The load sheet je designed to be Used in sngla zone applications, Where multrzone applications are encountered, the ares should be divided Into zones and an Individual load sheet calelated for each none, Ai'dimensione snould be ervared tava lenst ane dcimal place to increase the accuracy of the final eslesletion, The wotte column hes becn divided ‘ariealy to assist sddtion of the individual entries. Thousands should be entered in the lft, hundreds, tens and units In the centre, and ‘decimal in the night column iret 44a 00 gins, senwle eat (wtih affect he ry bulb temperate inthe conctonedsoRclarsng Yom tranemiion losses, solar heat, et {tem 15 1s the senisie heat requires to reduce the dry bulb temperature of the cutside air to the selected room dry bull temperature Item 17'to 71 are the latont heats within the conditioned space” ‘These affect the spoce relative humiaity Item 22 ie the latent heat required to reduce the moisture content of the Outside air of the selected room dewpoint {tem 24 ie the total eaoling toad which the equipment must provide to sataly the conditions selected, The equipment must satisty both the Sensible cooling Item 16) and the latent cooling litem 23), otherwise the design foom condition temperature and humidity will not be sohiove. COOLING: Term Solar heat: ‘Tae Solar heat guns are the maximums occurring between the months of Decomber to Match at 36° South Latitude. Should any other {ime period or latitude be required, refer to our closest Branen or your ASHRAE Guide. The solar hest should be ealeuated both at {O'am. and. pm. The time period which has the areatest soir Meat should be utlized, All windows must bo included In the Calculation” Refer to our nesrett Branch for fectors relating to heat absorbing dias. Inside shading Is based upon light coloured venetans. Gutsida shacing'has teen celculated on 2 ventilated avming ams & and 18. Infiltration 1." Where outside air is forcibly Introdscod (via the return sir duct systam), the infiltration volume in t/s through the erecks in the windows Bnd doors should be calculated (Table 1! to ensure the smoune of outside sir introduced exceeds the infiltration rate. This will ensure 8 ositve pressure within the building. Shovld the fresh sir volume be less, she difference in €/s should be allowed in lems B and 1 a8 Infiltration, 2, Where outside air is not provided, infiltration must be allowed in items & and 1B to offset outside air through the cracks in the windows tnd doors a laid down In Table removed by a exhaust system must be allowed in Items @ and 18 where outside aic is not forcibly introduced into the system. 4, HF outside air is forcibly introduced into the systern Utes 15\and.22), but at 9 lower rate thon the exhaust system, the cifarence in tis rust be allowed in Items 8 and 18 as Inflation. tom 10 “Special haat sources Where: manufacturers rate their equipment as gross capacity, the heat developed by the conditioner fan motor must be allowed in this area. Refer ‘Table 2"for factors. Factors for other Rest sources wil be found in the ASAE’ Guide ov may be obtained by contecting our Branch Ofice. tome 111 and 20 Activity factor Activity factors re bused on “Siting” “Light Activity” “Meavy activity” Az an office worker, AAs's patron of a restaurant. ‘As maderate: dancing. fem 12 — Duct gains ‘This amount should be allowed if the duct is external 1o the conditioned space and presumes that itis insulated, Non-insuleted duct external {fo the conditioned space is not usually recommended due tO loss incurred em 14 Room total sense haat ‘The room total sensible heat te the total heat generated within the space which affects the temperatures within the area, and is used to ealeuate the supply ar qualty Kem 18 ~ Outside a “The formulae provide 3 35 minute sir change ‘Thole 3 provides the amounts of oulsige ai tO asst in offztting various degrees of air pollution due to smoking. You should slways refer to Your lacs! codes for the bocaptable ventilation rate tO ensure the omaunt You have allowed conforms with their requirements Tem 16 Total sensible. heat “This isthe total of all sensible heats which the equipment must provide, Tem 18. infitestion (latent hea ‘The infiltration rate in ltes per second is obtained from item @. The multipiestion trom Table 4. Item 19 Special heat sources: Refer to noter on Table Fem 21 Room total latent host “This ig the sum of the total Intent heats generated within the conditioned space items 18 to 20). hem 22" Outside ar ‘The air quantity in litres per second wat calculated under Item 15 and should be entered here, The multiplication factor 0 provide the latent cooling required iz obtained from Table 4. item 22°—"Toral latent Pes “This is the total latent heat which the equipment must provide. FACTORS: ‘Table = lofitration: The itoms fisted within this table are those generally found in air conditioning applications. For others consult the ASHRAE Guide. Where the doors are receed ina vestibule, the fector of 0.6 may be applied. The windows are calculated from the ‘beeing breeze tide of the Building. Should the wind be oblique to the building, the surface area of the windows end doors st the two Sclacant sider must be used and the quantity in lives per second from the Table reduced by the fector 0.6, The table is besed on 12 km per hour wind velocity, ‘Teble'2"~ Specie heat sources: Further typical heat sources will be found in the ASHRAE Guide. ‘Table 3 — Gutside ir!— smoking! The ventilation rate, tres per second, a bated upon typical usage, the high figure being typical of @ board ‘Table 4 ~ Outside sir — latent heot:_ The latent heat factor is obtained by subtracting the room multiplier table 48 from the ambient ‘multiplier 4A, The air volume t/s it multiplied by this to provide the latent heat in tems 18 and 22. If the outside condition and/or the Inside condition are between thote sted i the tables, You mey interpolate to provide the correct answer HEATING: One common tempersture difference is provided. For other temperature differences, refer to Table 5. (CHECK FACTORS: Jcor to provide the latent cooling required is obtained ‘This factor with experince will sist in proving a quick rough estimate of a building cooling load. It also provides 2 check on Floor ora m® the accuracy of your esleulstion, Typical factors would be betweon 100 and 160. 2, Us ____ This sme aupply air change rate factor and should be calculated to ensure thatthe a movement planned is within ecceptablo oom volume m? lms: Typed! factors would be not lets than 1-7 for minimum ait movement and not sbowe 3.3. (where drafts may occur) ‘les special precautions are " = - * " Aone Freon TE U/eg Vea fensenr Sewers fen Ebi 2-7 | Penbow fer (oe ee (Prepared in association with the CS.1.R.0. &B.EM.A: E.M.A: AIRCONDITIONING SURVEY FORM No] TABLET —WEILTRATIONT arc, CoeABLE ‘4 — OUTSIDE AIR LATENTeMEAT 1] [Exerepegiies Sele Bitionod "| (oe lien Giam, | [Table @igm " . tiene) . — ‘Shader ‘Shades ‘Address, re fife psi - = sin +. Sonn, heavy, we ms Lt 7 -ar se ~ [revving Coe Teme 18 e Pope rik a Ambient - [ign fing Dry bib [operomuenPe lava ig a 7 | aifdae3s | 28 | a0 [a si [Poor neg ag _f37| ‘200 | 107 167 [ T3earing | 8a | [Hts Canobiy tse — rath in abe _br.2| i2ee | 26) 7 zonels zo 153) 2 [ere + Wahoo | 37.2 | onl a Lao NBD eee source} et toalaez [as “wot aa = | [ome wape 1 lors [for s6m | ot a9 | as Breer, ick | Sens_ Kage i po EY re |Site 1 PEE bi 9 | 672 | oa 367 | so [ consiioner ton Oren | faut Ware} 30 792 [76 ona | a0 aie crver_(netierrerboord | | saa. | Taiegnigie | racbay S| Poctrenpercoiersinsave! vals |] 1900... zaBOPM CONDITION: SA Fee see! so" Toe tod 5 oy ie Gat nots” Re innton | [nour wa || 2 A |_| [éttigerators 50 mm Insuiaiboninouy War! i67_|| fe £2 | ating Far root above T Tas] gos 123 TABLE 3 ~ OUTSIDEWAIR | SMOKIN Laas a7 138 [smoking rate is BP | apn |_|} Ouse i Winter °C [at] foot buar nehi eat) matte tan? | a7] 11 | cooing Room dw 22 | Outside av trom 15 ue 3 Factor rom Tabie @ 7 Ambient bw 2a | Taian aki Gant ai eter 99.0 Ww Avr Uoumeity Cate ae ot oh | Grand tort neat 06 + 23) a om Room Ares ™ [25 | SHA Room 'STia + 211 © Eaupment "824 Room volume a 15

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