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Bachelor of Computer


Semester E-Commerce - A :
any three questions.

Student to attempt

Naveen Nagalingam

What do you understand by a digital signature?

Explain its application and verification diagrammatically.

The principle of a handwritten signature is to provide authentication and nonrepudiation.

Same with digital signature. They are data files used to identify a user and
electronic assets for protection in online transactions, for example credit card
purchases. They rely on a trusted third party to establish user and merchant
identities. The PKI (public key infrastructure) is widely used in e-commerce.
The signer is the only person who can generate the secret key. So a sender's
message may be
Sign(secretkey, msg)
Publicly known are the verification algorithms, which depend on the public key of
the signer. These are stored with a Certificate Authority(CA), and are used to
verify a user's identity. They are stored in a CA server, which generates the
encrypted digital certificate, containing ID on the owner and a copy of the public
key. The CA adds its own public key, which the recipient can use in a verification
algorithm I.e.
Verify(publickey, signature, message)
Digital signatures are usually applied on a hash value of the message, which
then itself requires the decryption algorithm for the signatures for verification.
Commonly used hashing with signatures is
SHA-256 With RSA Encryption
(Secure Hashing Algorithm 256kb with Rivest-Shamir-Alderman Encryption)
Here is an example of a downloadable digital signature within a browser,
Symantec as the CA:

Explain the following tags:

a) <frame>

specifies a frame with a <frameset>

obsolete as of HTML5 due to usability issues

incase a browser does not support frames use the <noframes> tag before
specifying a frame

supports attributes
scrolling [auto/yes/no]
frameborder [1/0]
marginwidth [pxlvlue between frame contents and left/right margin]
marginheight [pxlvlue between frame contents and top/bottom margin]
class : identifier for the frame in the rest of the document
id : (same as class)
title : displays when the cursor hovers over the element in a browser
style : for CSS

suppose you want to embed another document within the current one use

<iframe src= /srcfilename.ext

frame tags here>
b) <link>

used to provide metadata for search engines to use

Used to describe the link between documents such as to a .css style sheet
in use in the current document

used to provide info on the site's navigation structure i.e. with the rel tag

placed in the <head> section

makes use of rel=

HTML 4.01 link tags have available mouse and key event handlers, and
some standard attributes.

href and hreflang
rel and rev
media : values must be valid, default is all and includes:
aural ..
charset : character encoding of document being linked

HTML5 link tags have standard HTML5 global and event handler content
attributes available. HTML5 has removed the rev, target, and charset and
crossorigin [anonymous : user credentials are not exchanged (default)

user-credentials : user credentials are exchanged, if this flag is set, with clientside SSL certificates or HTTP authentication]
sizes : specifying the size of icons ; can take multiple values separated
by comma and the value any
c) <style>

placed in the <head> element, as of HTML5 can be placed in the body

provided the <scoped> attribute is used

requires the ,<type> attribute to specify the type sheet language,

as of HTML5 no longer required defaulting to text/css

Element-specific attributes that can be added :

type : style sheet language


Standard global attributes that can be added are many in HTML 5,

common to HTML 4 are :
dir : direction of the text

d) <code>

<code> </code> can be used to markup output that is code content, for
example to display HTML code within a webpage

defaults to displaying in a browser in a monospace font

multiple lines should be preceded and ended with the <pre> tag

all global attributes and event handlers are available for <code> element

e) <div>

defining a division in HTML document

used with CSS to create a group block-elements

defaults to a newline before and after the element. This can be changed in

Supports global attributes and event handlers, example <div lang=fr>

What is the difference between a web site and a portal?

A portal in a business is typically used with an authorization method using a web

interface. It is used in business processes, such as by call-center workers to
access the customer support software system and to deliver information for
corporate strategic purposes in an ESS.
Portals generally are gateways to the Web, such as a search engine homepage.
The name suggests an entry point leading to a wider network and portals such as
Yahoo, Google, Facebook all offer diverse services and specialised content such
as news, email, IM, maps, music, video streaming, shopping, calendars etc. all in
one place. A portal may generate information on who you are. It may be
customizable, in terms of material you want to access. A website is usually not
so, may or may not have a business model, but is always of a focused domain. A
website of a company may include a portal page.

What are the various types of viruses? What can a virus do to the

List and explain the various business processes?

Explain the features of a good corporate website.

How does help the organization to enhance its business activities?

With the help of any example web-site, explain the perspectives of the
buyers and sellers in
a B2B E-Commerce type.
Also, mention the benefits over the traditional commerce. List the
disadvantages, if any.

What do you understand by application server?

What is the main difference between a web server and an application


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