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Eating is an important thing in peoples life.

people have different preferences in terms of places to
eat. Some people prefer to eat in the restaurant, while
some others like to eat at home. Both of these places
have advantages and disadvantages. *you are not
allowed to put all the details in the introduction
Eating in the restaurant has advantages and
disadvantages. First of all, it is clear that restaurant offers
people different atmosphere. It means that people can
enjoy live music, live performance, as well as nice
decoration that can make them feel joyful when they eat
there. Moreover, eating in the restaurant is so simple (or
practical) because people just need to sit, order, eat, pay,
and go; even they do not need to wash the dishes the
one that most people hate to do. Various menus is
another interesting thing that people can find in the
restaurant. Japanese restaurant, for instance, serves
people various kinds of food, such as sushi, ramen,
sashimie, takoyaki, and okonomiyaki. Sundanese
restaurant, in addition, provides ketoprak, batagor, and
siomay. In the digitization era like nowadays, restaurants
compete each other to have facilities which can support
their business. To attract the customers, restaurants
provide internet connection which can be accessed freely.
Therefore, some people especially teenagers are fond
of uploading pictures directly when they are eating in the
restaurant. However, eating there is quite expensive as
people need to pay for the 10% tax and tips for the
waiters/waitresses. Besides, people are not certain with
the hygienity of the food they eat.

Similar to eating in the restaurant, there are plus and

minus sides of eating at home. The most prominent fact
of eating at home is that it is cheaper. Take for example,
by having Rp. 50,000,- people can buy ingredients and
cook certain kinds of food which can be enjoyed by the
whole members of the family in a whole day. Additionally,
people do not need to pay more if they want to eat more.
Healthy food is another positive aspect of eating at home.
By eating at home, it is guaranteed that the ingredients
are fresh and there is no additional substances which
might be dangerous for their life, like MSG. Next, by
eating at home, it will challenge the people especially
women to learn cooking, so that they will not buy the
food outside all the time. Furthermore, by eating at home,
people can spend their time together with their family
members; this make their relationship closer and
stronger. On the other hand, there are a number of
negative sides of eating at home. Monotonous menus is
one of the examples. It is because people will eat the
same menus in their breakfast, lunch, as well as dinner.
Some people even experience the same menu in a
certain order. Take for instance, on Monday, they have
pecel, Tuesday they have rawon, Wednesday they have
soup, and on the days the order will be repeated.
Moreover, eating is a bit complicated as people need to
prepare the ingredients, cook the food, and wash the
dishes at the end. This, somehow, makes people reluctant
to eat at home because it does need a lot of time and

Although both of these places offer positive and

negative sides, I personally choose to eat at home
because it is cheaper and healthier.
1. Sentence S + V I eat meatball.
2. Avoid using double verb
a. Saya suka makan bakso.
b. *I like eat meatball.
c. I like to eat meatball.
d. I like eating meatball.
3. Avoid contraction *Im, isnt, cant I am, is not,
4. Modal auxiliaries

Had to

+ V1

5. Every, each + singular every person, *every people

6. Comparative -er OR more
7. Avoid using FANBOYS at the beginning of the
And In addition, additionally, besides, beside that,
moreover, furthermore,
But However, nonetheless, nevertheless, on the
other hand, in contrary,


Therefore, thus, consequently, subsequently,

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