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Title: Computer-assisted language learning - Finals

Research Essay

Course/Professor Information: Ms. Tasneem Al Naimi

Higher Education Language Arts Teacher

My Name: Yusra Allak


Date: 22/12/2016

UNI ID:0135819

Year:4th year student

Major:Applied English


Students Name: Yusra Allak


Have you ever wished to learn a second language in a way
new and extraordinary? What comes to your mind when you
think of learning language skills? Have you wished to have a
fun creation of its own kind which develops all the language
skills at once? Well, its not only a dream any more. Have
you ever heard of the term CALL? I guess that term is all
that you need. CALL- which stands for Computer-assisted
language learning can be defined by many scholars in many
different ways but every one of them covers the main
connotation of CALL. Starting with Levy (1997) who thinks
that Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) may be
defined as the search for and study of applications of the
computer in language teaching and learning ( p.1).
Although we have Chappelle (2001) who believes that
"Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) was the
expression agreed upon at the 1983 TESOL convention in a
meeting of all interested participants. This term is widely
used to refer to the area of technology and second language
teaching and learning despite the fact that revisions for the
term are suggested regularly ( p. 3). Upon Chappelle's
definition of CALL in which he referred to the term CALL
by the area of technology , that points out the various types
of CALL programs which can clearly be briefed as follows:
CALL softwares like (CD-ROMS , web-based interactive
language learning), Generic software, such as (wordprocessors),Web-based learning programs (e.g: online
dictionaries, blogs, wiki etc), Computer-mediated
communication (CMC) programs: synchronous - online chat;
asynchronous - email, discussion forum, message board, and
last but not least Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)
which is the use of mobiles in learning language. As a
matter of fact MALL has influenced the CALL process the

best through which it helps learners to keep in touch with

their teachers, peers and most importantly the language
they are aiming to master. Nowadays, being in 21 century
has helped in expanding technology in every possible way.
The percentage of who holds technology in his/her hand is
absolutely enormous as it became one of life's essentials.
With the fact that 99% of people and students are holding
their phones, this will enhance the learners attempts of
.acquiring language

Technology has hit the pedal and influenced the language

learning process in every positive possible way over the
language learning skills; There are many applications and
websites that cover the language learning skills (speaking,
writing, listening, and reading. In addition to learning
vocabulary and grammar). From YouTube lectures that can
develop speaking and listening- professional illustrating
websites for vocabulary and grammar -Online classes - audio
videos that help in comprehending a particular issue- to
on/offline dictionaries that help the learner with knowing the
meanings/collocations/ how it can be used plus to how can it
be pronounced in BRT or AMR. It actually saves time and
effort of the learner and it encourages him/her to build the
self-learning esteem, through which the student depends on
him/herself to learn by him/herself and improves gradually
.through all the language learning skills

Moreover, Hartoyo (2006) thinks that A

computer is a tool and medium that facilitates people in
learning a language, although the effectiveness of learning
depends totally on the users . (Hartoyo, Ma, Ph.D. 2006.
Individual Differences in Computer Assisted Language
Learning (CALL). Semarang: Universitas Negeri Semarang

Although CALL has two sides of half cup of water .

That means it has two sides. One is positive and the other is
negative. Call has a lot of advantages but on the other hand
the empty part of a cup of water refers to its disadvantages.

CALL has plenty of bright sides starting with the most

important factor for students which is interest and
motivation; having the attention of students all the time is a
struggle that teachers always face,but not any more with
the creation of CALL .With computers and tech- devices and
learning applications teachers will manage to steal
students attention if not 100% but 95%
Traditional courses can be sometimes quite boring by
the nature of it. But not anymore; while the teacher involve
her/his students in quite fun classes by using interactive
kind of media during class. I believe its a huge creation in
..which teachers should give CALL more credit from now on
Another positive point can be self-help ; through
which the learner decides which skill he wants to improve
and he chooses the way that suits him/her the most, as well
as the level of their own needs. A great schooler Brown
(1997) in Kilikaya (2007) listed the advantages of CALL as
giving immediate feedback, allowing students at their own
pace, and causing less frustration among students
.Kilikaya, Ferit. 2007. The Effect of Computer Assisted
Language Learning on Turkisk Learners Achievement on The
.accessed July 22, 2008/ 17:10:00

Also, exposing learners to the most authentic use of

language skills via internet and technology will help them to
find and join groups of their own interests. Which will
motivate them to learn more? In addition to the most
important advantage which is the chance of having too
many exercises for all the levels and for all the language
learning skills. It enables students to learn many things in
the subject area needed and they can repeat anything they
are aiming to master anytime they want. Furthermore,
looking as language learning through CALL can be quite
updated with mostly everything in this wild world of internet
.invention and technology related

On the other side, every rose has its thorn and so

does CALL. It has bunch of disadvantages. First of all, its

difficult to find school labs available around the clock. Plus

to the fact that some schools has no such qualified labs at
all. So, If there was a good qualified school and it was
provided with good computers the struggle will still remain
in having these labs available in certain hours only.
Therefore, CALL program will only be practiced in a
particular time. In addition to lacking qualified and sufficient
staff or teachers of CALL that happens to be a huge difficulty
in which it will stand in the learners way of trying to
.develope any language skill

Moreover, to some expensive programs of CALL, not

everything can be found and downloaded for free. In fact
there are a lot of professional programs that aren't free and
will ask from you money to complete any procedure which is
.CALL related

Bearing in mind the fact of not having every program

or app for all the softwares,nor for each device. Some
programs are not available on mobile phones and can only
be downloaded on PCs. Besides teachers may face difficulty
in finding the right tech-tool, they may waste time on trying
technology that fits the lesson needs. So CALL can be tricky
.somehow due to the reasons Ive mentioned

An important question now arises which wonders how

technology seems to have a quite impact and it influences
the language learning process? The answer is simply as
follows; internet access has made accessing on-line
education the simplest.How? Learning language online
opens a wide door that allows anyone to reach whatever
class and its sources .With technology, teaching is no more
restricted with any geographical area. It also develops the
involvement of learners during in-class courses with the
internet access. And that is what is called by blended
language learning courses.Through which the teacher will
held a classroom discussion and it will help her knowing the
weaknesses rather than informing them with language
rules.Technology helps turning blended language learning

alive. Also it endorses intuitive language learning

pedagogy which ended up to be successful for language
learning development. Another influence appears from the
best interactive environment that are created by tech-tools
and CALL programmes during courses which will successfully
affect on the development of the learning language process.
And that is how essential the interactive courses are. So,
with the fact of the intuitive model of language learning , a
noticeable number of students feel more comfortable and
.less anxious about making mistakes and learning from them

What is better than having easily updated language

learning platforms? Of course nothing after comparing the
old-fashioned learning style which is outdated and no longer
relevant nor attention catching. Students will be up to date
.24/7 with all the right materials , courses, and sources

Besides to another important influence of the language

learning process,which supports participation and
teamwork; a lot of scholars believe that using savvy tech for
educational pedagogy in classroom bring to life the sense of
collaboration, where students will live in an atmosphere
.through which they will learn from each other
CALL has given learners the chance to improve their
language learning skills. Ill be providing evidence on how
CALL has improved your speaking skills. By providing any
tech-tools with the hands of learners whether it was viacomputer/mobile/ipad or whatever, learners now can tune in
youtube channels for example for any kind of help from the
native speakers of the language. For example the learner
can start imitating the way they talk, focus on their use of
their language upon certain environment and situations.
And If there wasnt any language partner to share what you
have learnt with, you can simply try to use the language by
yourself. Express what you have learnt again to yourself.
Besides that you will expand your knowledge with various
vocabs ,expressions and idioms. Also you get to learn
grammar through a process called implicit learning; its the
process of learning unconsciously. Whether you have turned
to your PC,mobile phone, or any reachable tech-tool, you

will have tons of assistance to improve your speaking skills

.as mentioned above

In conclusion Id like to briefly summarize what Ive

mentioned in this research. After knowing what does the
term CALL refer to and how it can expand to various
types ,plus to its advantages and disadvantages besides to
its huge impact on the learning process. Ive reached a great
point of certainty that the language learning process will
definitely get better,easier, and the most interesting since
ever. After discovering such a huge creation that will help
the learner and definitely the teacher as well in how to give
engaging modern language courses. Personally,taking such
course had made me realize how important it is in everyday
life as the language learning process. Ive learnt enormous
new helping applications and discovered more and more of
the use of language. If I had the authority in my university, I
would definitely put the CALL course as an obligatory
subject for every student. Because its content is the most
needed in this century. And now the time is yours ,learners.
Its your time to seize the wild chances that are open easily
for you towards the development steps. Dont let the
technology given to you go wasted without asking how can I
take benefit of these CALL applications in my learning and in
.my life. Take CALL as a way of life and break a leg

Bibliography-References Page
Levy (2016) Computer-assisted language learning, in
Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 21 December 2016)

Computer-assisted language learning (2016) in Wikipedia.

Available at: (Accessed: 21 December 2016)

Dexway (2016) 5 key benefits of technology for language

learning. Available at: (Accessed: 21
December 2016)

efidrew (2008a) Advantages and disadvantages of CALL

(computer assisted language learning). Available at: (Accessed: 21 December 2016)

efidrew (2008b) Advantages and disadvantages of CALL

(computer assisted language learning). Available at: (Accessed: 21 December 2016)

EngFluent (2014) How to improve your English speaking

skills (by yourself). Available at:
.(Accessed: 21 December 2016)
Ramasubbu, S. (2015) How technology can help language
learning. Available at:
(Accessed: 21 December 2016)

Williams, M. (2014) Is technology a silver bullet for language

teaching and learning? Available at: (Accessed: 21 December 2016)
Citations, Quotes & Annotations

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