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Makiko es una joven mujer japonesa. Ella ama Asia, su continente domstico. Ella tiene dificultad
tratando de decidir cules pases ella quiere hacer una visita.
' Tenemos a la vista el mapa de Asia. Es el continente ms grande en nuestro planeta. La poblacin
de la mayor parte del mundo vive en Asia. Hay muchos pases bellos all. En los pases asiticos,
hay formas de pensar diferentes y viviendo. Hay grupos religiosos diferentes y ellas son todas las
msicas tradicin de pas. India est ubicada en el sur del continente. El Sari es el vestido
tradicional para mujeres all. El Taj Mahal famoso est en India, tambin. Turqua est ubicada en el
noroeste. Estos das muchos turistas visitan a Istanbul. Quieren ir a la Hagia Sophia.
Ahora mismo, hay un grupo de acampada de excursionistas en los Himalayas en Nepal. Nepal est
al norte de India. La montaa ms alta en el mundo es Mount Everest. Son 8,848 metros sobre el
nivel del mar!
China est en el centro del continente y Japn est en el este.'
Hoy, Makiko inicia su visita a China. Ella empieza en Beijing, la ciudad capital, donde ella
quiere hacer una visita las pagodas tradicionales con muchas paredes decoradas. Luego,
ella quiere visitar la Gran Pared y finalmente ella quiere ir a la ciudad moderna de Hong
Kong. Ella quiere comer alguna comida china deliciosa.
El debate de clase. La informacin de cambio con sus compaeros de clase.
1.- Qu otros pases estn all en Asia?
China. Japn. Corea, etc. (Ver mapa)

2.- Cul es el pas ms grande? China.

3.- Hay cinco cuadros en el mapa. Puede decir usted la clase que el pas que cada
cuadro pertenece? Canonice a Sophia Basilica (Turqua), Monte
Everest (El Tibet - Nepal), la Gran Pared (China), el Taj Mahal (India), Uno
el nipn
Conozca el lugar le cuentan a sus amigos sobre l. La geisha. La calle del capn y sorroundings.

4. Hay una China Town en Lima. Si usted


Makiko is a young Japanese woman. She loves Asia, her home continent she has difficulty trying to
decide which countries she wants to visit.
'We are looking at the map of Asia. It is the biggest continent in our planet. The majority of the
world's population lives in Asia. There are many beautiful countries there. In the Asian countries,
there are different ways of thinking and living. There are different religious groups and they are all
countries of tradition. India is located in the south of the continent. The Sari is the traditional dress
for women there. The famous Taj Mahal is in India, too. Turkey is located in the northwest. These
days many tourists are visiting Istanbul. They want to go to the Hagia Sophia.
Right now, there is a group of hikers camping in the Himalayas in Nepal. Nepal is north of India. The
highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. It is 8,848 meters above sea level!
China is in the center of the continent and Japan is in the east.'
Today, Makiko is starting her visit to China. She is beginning in Beijing, the capital city,
where she wants to visit the traditional pagodas with many decorated walls. Then, she
wants to visit the Great Wall and finally she wants to go to the modern city of Hong Kong.
She wants to eat some delicious Chinese food.
Class discussion. Exchange information with your classmates.

1. What other countries are there in Asia?

2. Which is the biggest country?
3. There are five pictures on the map. Can you tell the class which country each picture belongs to?
4. There is a China Town in Lima. If you
know the place tell your friends about it. Geisha. Capon Street and sorroundings.


Makiko is a young Japanese woman. She loves Asia, her home continent she has difficulty trying to

decide which countries she wants to visit.

'We are looking at the map of Asia. It is the biggest continent in our planet. The majority of the
world's population lives in Asia. There are many beautiful countries there. In the Asian countries,
there are different ways of thinking and living. There are different religious groups and they are all
countries of tradition. India is located in the south of the continent. The Sari is the traditional dress
for women there. The famous Taj Mahal is in India, too. Turkey is located in the northwest. These
days many tourists are visiting Istanbul. They want to go to the Hagia Sophia.
Right now, there is a group of hikers camping in the Himalayas in Nepal. Nepal is north of India. The
highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. It is 8,848 meters above sea level!
China is in the center of the continent and Japan is in the east.'
Today, Makiko is starting her visit to China. She is beginning in Beijing, the capital city,
where she wants to visit the traditional pagodas with many decorated walls. Then, she
wants to visit the Great Wall and finally she wants to go to the modern city of Hong Kong.
She wants to eat some delicious Chinese food.
Class discussion. Exchange information with your classmates.
1. What other countries are there in Asia?

2. Which is the biggest country?

3. There are five pictures on the map. Can you tell the class which country each picture belongs to?
4. There is a China Town in Lima. If you
know the place tell your friends about it. Geisha. Capon Street and sorroundings.

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