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LBM 1 : Environmental Pollution

Step 1
1. Inadequate : Not enough
2. Sanitation : Cleanliness.
Perilaku menjaga kebersihan dengan harapan meningkatkan kesehatan
Step 2
1. What are the kind of environment pollution?
2. What are the different of physical, chemical and biological pollution?
3. What is the indicator of environment pollution?
4. What are the impact of environment pollution?
5. How are the preventive programs to reduce environment pollution?
6. How can the environment pollution affect the human health?
7. What is the relation between environmental pollution and environmental factors?
8. What are the characteristic of good environment?
9. What are the characteristic of healthy drinking water?
10. How to keep the environment stay health?
11. Mengapa suplai air bersih itu penting?
12. Sumber-sumber untuk mendapatkan air minum dari mana saja?
13. Cara mengelola air untuk di minum?
14. Tipe-tipe limbah?
15. Cara mengelola limbah cair?
Step 3
1. What are the kind of environment pollution?
a. Air pollution : polusi udara, misalnya : CO.
b. Water pollution : pembuangan limbah pabrik.
c. Soil pollution : penyemprotan pestisida yang berlebihan.
d. Noise pollution : suara bising mesin.
2. What are the different of physical, chemical and biological pollution?
- Physical pollution : introduction of discarded materials into environment, ex : trash,
etc, kaleng-kaleng, botol, plastic, karet.
- Chemical pollution : pesticide, insecticide, asap kendaraan, asap pabrik (CO, NO2,
CO2, SO3), zat radioaktif ( Hg, Pb, As), Pupuk Organik, Deterjen.
- Biological pollution : living organism, ex : eceng gondok. gas metana, microorganism
(e.coli, salmonella typhosa : dapat menyebabkan disentri, kolera, diare).
3. What are the impact of environment pollution?
- Musnahnya spesies, seperti ikan karena penumpukan sampah
- Kesuburan tanah berkurang karena terlalu banyak penggunaan pestisida.
- Penyakit-penyakit mudah menyebar.

Global Warming.
Krisis air dan udara bersih.
Tingginya mortalitas dan morbiditas.
Natural disaster.
Gangguan atau kerusakan dari indra pendengaran.
Menyebabkan lingkungan menjadi kotor.
Penipisan lapisan ozon.

4. How are the preventive programs to reduce environment pollution?

- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
- Penanaman pohon.
- Penggunaan bahan bakar yang lebih ramah lingkungan.
- Pembuatan regulasi tentang penggunaan lahan secara bijak.
5. How can the environment pollution affect the human health?
- Penggunaan kendaraan bermotor akan menyebabkan polusi udara yang mengandung
zat beracun seperti CO, apabila masuk ke dalam tubuh akan berikatan dengan Hb dan
dapat menyebabkan kematian, karena Hb lebih mudah berikatan dengan CO daripada
dengan O2.
- Penggunaan bahan kimia, misalnya : deterjen yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan
pencemaran pada air sungai, sehingga air sungai menjadi beracun.
- Terjadi penumpukan sampah, kemudian larut oleh air hujan dan mengakibatkan
banjir, sehingga menimbulkan berbagai penyakit.
6. What is the relation between environmental pollution and environmental factors?
7. What are the characteristic of good environment?
- Tersedianya pembuangan sampah.
- Tersedianya saluran air yang bersih.
- Pengelolaan limbah (Rumah tangga maupun industri).
- Adanya resapan air.
- Banyaknya ruang terbuka hijau.
- Adanya pengelolaan sampah secara baik.
8. What are the characteristic of healthy drinking water?
- Syarat Fisik :
Tidak Berbau
Tidak Berwarna
Tidak Berasa
Suhu antara 10-25 C (Sejuk)
Tidak adanya Endapan
- Syarat Kimia
Tidak mengandung bahan beracun
Ph antara 6,5 9,2
Tidak mengandung bahan kimia berlebih

Syarat Mikrobiologi
Tidak adanya mikroorganisme atau bakteri

9. How to keep the environment stay health?

- Tidak membuang sampah sembarangan
- Tidak menebang pohon secara berlebihan
- Melakukan PHBS.
- Mengurangi penggunaan transportasi pribadi.
- Menanam pohon.
- Tidak memakai pukat harimau untuk menangkap ikan.
- Tidak menggunakan pestisida berlebihan.

10. What are the characteristic of a good sanitation?

- Air dapat mengalir dengan baik.
- Air bersih.
- Tidak ada sampah yang menghambat aliran air.

Step 4

Environment Factors

Water Pollution
Soil Pollution
Air Pollution
Noise Pollution

Environmental Pollution

Preventive Programs


Step 7:
1. What are the kind of environment pollution?
Air Pollution
Air pollution is caused of ill health and death by natural and man-made sources, major
man-made sources of ambient air pollution include tobacco smoke, combustion of solid
fuels for cooking, heating, home cleaning agents, insecticides industries, automobiles,
power generation, poor environmental regulation, less efficient technology of production,
congested roads, and age and poor maintenance of vehicles. The natural sources include
incinerators and waste disposals, forest and agricultural fires (European Public Health
Alliance, 2009).
Water Pollution
Polluted water consists of Industrial discharged effluents, sewage water, rain water
pollution (Ashraf et al, 2010) and polluted by agriculture or households cause damage to
human health or the environment. (European Public Health Alliance, 2009). This water
pollution affects the health and quality of soils and vegetation (Carter, 1985).
Solid/Land Pollution
Improper management of solid waste is one of the main causes of environmental
pollution (Kimani, 2007). Land pollution is one of the major forms of environmental
catastrophe our world is facing today (Khan, 2004). much of the solid industrial waste
containing heavy metals is disposed of, without pre-treatment, in open dumps
(Rushbrook, 1994).
REMEDIES BY Dr. Mashhood Ahmad Khan. Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce EISSN


What are the different of physical, chemical and biological pollution?

What is the indicator of environment pollution?
What are the impact of environment pollution?
How are the preventive programs to reduce environment pollution?
Every home needs to maintain the plant in order to look beautiful and fresh
Residents must provide enough land to make way
Each house has a covered trash
Citizens need to hold frequent community service cleaning the gutters

Sadaran terhadap pemeliharaa lingkungan

Perlindungan terhadap lingkungan
Pengembangan terhadap fungsi lingkungan
Penggunaan sumber daya yang tidak berlebihan
Pengendalian dalam penggunaan sumber daya
Sumber : Hardjasoemantri, Koesnadi. 2000. Hukum Tata Lingkungan. Edisi ke-7.
Cetakan ke-15. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press
6. How can the environment pollution affect the human health?
7. What is the relation between environmental pollution and environmental factors?
8. What are the characteristic of good environment?
Air around the neighborhood feel fresh and clean
The water looks clean and clean
No garbage strewn
Source :
9. What are the characteristic of healthy drinking water?
10. How to keep the environment stay health?
11. Mengapa suplai air bersih itu penting?
12. Sumber-sumber untuk mendapatkan air minum dari mana saja?
13. Cara mengelola air untuk di minum?
14. Tipe-tipe limbah?
15. Cara mengelola limbah cair?

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