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FREE - Issue Number 241 - JANUARY 2017

Wayland Mens Shed

Social & Community Group
Following a busy few weeks we have made
steady progress with a regular increase in
membership applications this is very good
news as it shows we must be doing,
something right, Our meeting hall in Church
Walk had a new coat of paint inside and is

now looking a bit fresher and our workshop

is now taking shape for those interested in
Carpentry & Metalwork.
In the New Year we will be organising
various Talks on subjects of interest Such as
Bee Keeping, Photography, Model Making,
and organising some Country Walks to
various places of interest. Keep Looking at
our weekly update on the Streetlife Watton
web site for more information.
Following six months of hard work
our Secretary Mr Bob King has stood
down in favour of another post on our
committee and his place has been
filled by Mr Jezz Hookham who can
We will be closing for Christmas on:
22nd December and reopen on
Wednesday 4th January at 12pm to
4pm. Many thanks to all and we look
forward to seeing you in the New
Year. Richard Adams, Chairman.


GOING . . . GOING . . . GONE!

Happy New Year!

From the Editor
I have been remiss in recent years, in
failing to thank all those who
contribute to the ongoing success of
The Wayland News. There are so
many who play a part, and the ever
present danger of faulty memory
usually means my missing someone!
So, using that as an excuse, I hereby
offer my heartfelt thanks to all of
you who play a part in providing the
advertising, the content, the
production, the distribution and not
least you, in the reading, of The
Wayland News.
This year, the paper will be 21 years
old. It has been my privilege and joy
to have edited it for all but a few
months of that time. However, every
morning the mirror insists on
showing me the toll that time and
life takes, and it is clear to me that
there must be changes at some point
in the future to ensure the paper
continues. My plan for this year, is to
plan for that over the next few
months. So watch this space!

Hedgehog picture from NWT, by Elizabeth Dack.

If, like me, you enjoy watching the
many antique programmes on the TV
these days, you will be familiar with
these auctioneers words before the
gavel comes down. But I dont want
to talk about what cash might be in
the attic, but what treasures we may
have in our own backyards.
Recently, following a nationwide
poll the hedgehog was unanimously
voted as the Nations Favourite
amongst our Native British
Wildlife. This does not surprise me
at all, who could resist its appealing
features immortalised forever by
Beatrix Potter as Mrs Tiggywinkle.
They are also The Gardeners
Friend, ridding us of slugs and
other garden pests.
I wonder how many of those who
voted know the distressing facts that

currently surround our treasured

prickly friends?? Numbers have been
devastated in the last ten years and
the species is in real decline in both
rural and urban landscapes. We've
lost a third of all our hedgehogs in
ten years.
Unfortunately the only time most
people see them these days is as road
kill. Its so sad because those killed
crossing the road are almost always
mothers, trying to find food for their
hungry urchins (the name for baby
But, the good news is we can all do
our bit to help reverse this sad state of
affairs. Here are a few suggestions to
help encourage hedgehogs to thrive
once again:During their nocturnal hunt for food
they can cover up to a two mile

radius, so enclosed gardens prevent

this happening. By simply cutting a
hole (no bigger than a CD case) in
the base of adjoining garden fences
this will open up the territory for
Keeping a small section of your
garden wild, allowing the grass and
brambles to grow provides valuable
shelter and hibernation opportunities.
This quiet part of the garden would
also be perfect for a hedgehog
house. Come along to the Growing
Together Acorn Fair at the Queens
Hall, Watton on January 21st 2017
and find out how easy they are to
Contrary to popular belief, please do
not put out bread and milk. Instead
make sure they have a source of fresh
(Continued on page 3)

The Wayland News Page 2

January 2017

January 2017

The Wayland News Page 3

hedgehog carers in your local area. Please visit
their website at or
call 01584 890 801.
Hedgehog Street, a national campaign led by
British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS)
and Peoples Trust for Endangered Species
(PTES) is aimed at ensuring the hedgehog,
remains a common and familiar part of British
Life. It gives people information on all aspects of
hedgehog conservation work and how you can do
your bit by signing up to Hedgehog Street.
Please visit the website to find out more
Wildlife should never be removed from the its
natural environment unless you are absolutely
sure that they are injured, underweight or
genuinely in trouble.
If you do find a hedgehog in need of care our
nearest centre is the PACT Animal Charity at

Woodrising near Watton. If you do take a

hedgehog there please bear in mind that this is a
charitable organisation and a donation to help pay
for its care would be greatly appreciated.
If this article has whetted your appetite and you,
your family, friends, school or community group
want to learn more do please come along to the
Queens Hall from 10.00am until 2.00pm in
January. The Acorn Fair will give you the
opportunity to meet the experts from Norfolk
Wildlife Trust, The Brecks Project, RSPB, to
Master Gardeners and Composters. There will be
games, quizzes and workshops, as well as
steaming mugs of hot tea and bacon rolls to keep
of the January chill. Please see our advertisement
on Page 11 of this edition of the Wayland News.
Pamela Morgan, Growing Together Project
Worker 01953 883915.

These cruise adverts even dominate the front

pages of our national newspapers. No longer do
the headlines trumpet earth-shattering events, such
as plane crashes, train derailments, earthquakes
and hurricanes, which are nowadays often
relegated to inside pages.
One of the main topics in the national press these
days is the crisis in the health service with the
shortage of doctors and the difficulties
experienced by hospitals in their efforts to
discharge elderly patients, where no home care
awaits them.
There is no doubt that everything stems from the
shortage of money, which affects every aspect of
the service, despite government attempts to rectify
matters by periodical injections of cash.
Blame is often laid at the door of the originators of
the N.H.S. which is rather unfair, because the
funding through employer/employee contributions
would have seemed adequate at the time of
introduction, and indeed worked well for some
time. Unfortunately the fact that services had now
become free at the point of use persuaded more
and more people to attend doctors surgeries and
hospitals than ever before, for even the most
trivial reasons. How many of us ever went near a
hospital in the old days unless stricken by a
serious illness or accident ? And similarly no-one
went near a doctor if one could avoid it, for the
chances were that Mum had a cure for most
things, so why bother?
But with new medicines and treatments being
announced almost weekly, human nature ensured
that the new routine was to see a doctor at the
slightest sign of an ailment after all it was free !
But everything has changed since those early
days. Hospitals, which now boast separate clinics
for all manner of ailments, used to comprise just a
few wards for very ill patients, plus a small outpatients department, which would be considered
busy with a daily turnover of about fifty souls.
Compare that with a modern hospital, where the
entrance doors are in constant use from morn to
night, with treatments covering every possible
facet of medicine. Even twenty years ago minor
operations were comparatively rare, but now it
seems that every other person over seventy
years of age has had a new knee or hip or a
cataract treatment. No wonder cash is short and
staff are overworked, which in turn leads to low
morale and resignations.

But we must look on the bright side, as they say,

and perhaps that is the basis of the latest game
played by the people who have charge of our
roads. This is, or should be, called where is the
obstruction ?. Let me explain the rules with an
actual example. I (the player) wish to drive from
Watton to Swaffham, and I reach the roundabout
on the Brandon Road, intending to turn right
towards Saham Toney. But there are large red
boards announcing Road Ahead Closed, and
these are repeated at every junction, with
diversions signs directing me on a bearing that
seems anywhere but towards my destination.
Nowhere is there any indication of where the
closure exists. I consider the situation. Perhaps the
blockage is no longer there. Should I chance it ? I
decide to ignore the signs and continue towards
Swaffham. At every side road there is another
Road Ahead Closed board, but still no sign of the
trouble. I round three more signs and I reach the
site of the Wind Turbines, and another board.
Then I am met by a car coming the other way.
Does this mean that the road is open, or has this
driver reached the blockage and has had to turn
back? I press on with great misgivings for there is
another two miles to Swaffham with no buildings
in between so is the trouble spot just before the
town, and thus am I just wasting petrol ? But no, I
get through with no sign of any closures, although
the diversion signs are everywhere. When I get
back home my neighbours are all describing
similar journeys in all parts of the county, telling
how they have motored miles on diversions that
they have later learned were not necessary.
All this could be part of a grand hoax, but as today
is not April 1st, I dont think it is at all funny, for
some people have actually cancelled urgent
appointments because they have been misled by
signs that have suggested that their destinations
were unreachable.
Surely with all the electronic gadgets available
the roads authority could arrange to ensure that
their signage is correct. Obviously there are
there are short periods when road closures are
necessary but the examples shown above
involve signs that have been in situ for many
Perhaps with the new year I wont have so
much to moan about, so heres wishing
everyone a happy and prosperous one.
Good afternoon.

Calling all budding Lusher Coach

artists/illustrators Excursions
Twenty years ago, in December 1996, Chris
aged 8 16
Lusher a local coach driver suggested to his

April 2003. Jenny planned to stop organising

excursions at the end of that year, seeing the
planned trips out using a hired coach and
However, the regular passengers persuaded
Jenny to continue to arrange a programme,
which she did with support from her family,
especially Catherine, her daughter, who for
many years was with Jenny for most of the
Now some 20 years after starting, and having
taken hundreds of passengers thousands of
miles, on almost 600 excursions and 22 short
breaks as well as about 70 trips to the
Thursford Christmas Spectacular Christmas
Show, Jenny has decided that the excursions
will cease at the end of 2016.
Through the Wayland News, Jenny would like
to thank every one of her passengers, past and
present, for the support, fun and friendship over
20 years.

(Continued from page 1)

water to drink, and put out a nice bowl of dog

food or meaty cat food (not fishy) for them
around dusk.
Dont use slug pellets or other chemicals that
may poison hedgehogs and other animals.
Dont leave black plastic sacks lying about.
Dont light a bonfire without checking to see if
a hedgehog has moved in. Likewise dont fork
over compost heaps in case they are in there
keeping warm.
If you would like further advice and information
on how you can help hedgehogs on your local
patch, including information on habitat
management and what to do if you find an injured
or young hedgehog out in the day, contact the
British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS).
They will be able to tell you what to do and put
you in the touch with the right people, including

A Quick Look Round

Well that was a hectic holiday period. I cannot
recall ever before seeing such a packed program
of events as those that were advertised in last
months Wayland News. If all those Christmas
lunches lived up to their promises there must be a
good few waist-lines that have increased more
than somewhat.
I obeyed the guidance given by Lotta Pottas to
take note of the scientific suggestion that
gardening helps our mental well-being and our
physical health, by spending some time poring
over the illustrations in the magazine sections of
the weekend newspapers, to decide what plants
would best adorn my flowerbeds and already I
feel like a new person.
Out in the big wide world I see that Mr.Tony Blair
has re-surfaced to suggest that we should have
another referendum, since we were not given
sufficient information to enable us to make a
proper judgement. Maybe he is right, but maybe if
we had been told more the vote might have been
far greater in favour of leaving the EU. Who
knows ? Perhaps as he has become a multimillionaire, this might go some way to explain
why he prefers the status quo, since it does seem
that the desire to leave is quoted more by the
working classes than in the moneyed ranks, who
are less affected by the petty restrictions that have
become the norm in recent years.
Of course no-one really knows whether Brexit
will be to our advantage or a retrograde step, but
a vote is a vote so the government must respect it.
By the time you read this, the holiday period will
be just about over, and we will be able to see how
well it all went (if it did) or if the usual troubles
tended to spoil it all things like strikes, which
have become part of the regular Xmas scene. This
year the strike season started even earlier than
usual, with some African airlines being threatened
with holiday walk-outs by pilots, being announced
well before the end of November.
Other advance notices are the numerous
advertisements for cruises which are not due to
take place until well into 2018 ! What a change
in the world. Not too long ago the only people
who went on cruises were the very, very rich,
but now it seems that it is the rank and file who
fill these floating blocks of flats.

Once Upon a Time A Feast of Reading,

Writing, Poetry and Illustration February 25th to
March 11th Dragonfly Gallery, Wayland House.
A fun event for all ages to beat the winter blues
organised by The Wayland Partnership
We would love to receive a picture from you
which illustrates your favourite book. It can be a
pencil drawing, a pen & ink sketch, or created
with crayons or with paints. When you have
finished, write your name, age and address clearly
on the back and bring or send it to Jan at Wayland
House, Watton, IP25 6AR by January 31st.
There will be prizes for really good entries. If you
would like more information, contact (01953 880202)
or (01953 880205 )

wife, Jenny, that they should start to organise a

few excursions as a local company had recently
stopped doing regular, mostly Sunday
Having had no experience of organising such
a service, Jenny reluctantly agreed to 'give it
a go'.
As a result the Watton/Ashill based coach
excursion group, now known as Lusher Coach
Excursions was formed. With Chris as driver
and Jenny taking bookings and keeping
accounts as well as acting as courier on most of
the trips, many excursions were organised to
both local and more distant destinations, and
passengers enjoyed their 'days out'.
Sadly in 2002 Chris became ill and died in

The Wayland News Page 4

Please Mention
The Wayland News
When talking to advertisers

January 2017

In your Garden

With Lotta Potts

A very Happy New Year to you all. I got
my new book out again to see what they
recommend for January and here we go
again with warnings of snow! They may
possibly be right for this month as it is
usually the most likely to have the white
stuff. However, writing this in the
middle of December to meet Julian's
deadline we seem to be in line for the
warmest December on record. There are
people nearby with hedge trimmers in
short sleeved shirts. That's the people
not the trimmers.
There really isn't much exciting to offer
for January. It all depends on the
weather. If it's wet or icy or snowy stay
off the grass and the borders. That's a bit
restricting but if you have paths and
drives that need to be used good exercise
is to clear them. Don't do my favourite
trick and clear snow from one used bit on
to another one. I mentioned this last year
and make no apology for having done it
Snow should be cleared off
evergreen hedges and bushes to prevent
the weight breaking the branches. This
is easier if you cut the hedges so they are
narrower at the top, sloping to the bottom
hence the term 'batter'. Sweep it off the
greenhouse roof as well to preserve the
glass. Stand well clear while you do this
if you don't want to end up on You've
Been Framed. If it's ice then grit is the
best option. If you use salt it can wash
into the grass and borders and do no
good whatsoever to the plants there.
Even the ones that are hibernating nicely
can be damaged by salt as it will wash
into the roots.
So if the weather is kind and dry there
are things that can be done outside.
Maintenance is one. Has the shed lost its
roof or felt? Have you got large puddles
where no puddles were before? Now's
the time to fix that lot and if possible
treat timber with preservative. Keep any
preservative off plants, even the dormant
ones. You never know what can happen
should wood preservative soak into the
crown of a nearby plant.
If you have wooden garden furniture this
needs to be treated annually as well so
maybe kill two birds with one pot of
preservative. Canes and wooden plant
supports can be treated as well by just
doing the ends that go in the soil. If you
fancy it the idea is to get an old
galvanised bucket or tin can and half fill
with preservative. Stand the canes and
supports in it overnight so they soak up
as much of the treatment as possible.
This will get rid of any wildlife that
crawled in there to get through the
winter. Banging the ends that went in
the soil on a hard surface will dislodge
some of them but dipping the same ends
will shift the rest. Don't do it if your
motto is live and let live. If that looks
familiar I admit it is a repeat but well
worth considering. I will get round to it
one January day or maybe even February
if outdoor work is a no-no in January.
Gardeners who are well-organised will
know exactly where everything is and
will also have cleaned, oiled and
sharpened all their tools before
Christmas. The rest of us can spend a
happy hour or two clearing out the shed/
garage and finding all those tools we
replaced when we couldn't find the
originals. We can clean, sharpen and oil
both lots! Now try to arrange the tools.
Posh people have shadow boards so that
it's immediately obvious what's out.
These people are the ones who will
already have everything ready for spring
anyway. A few large hooks will deal
with a lot of tools and if you inherited an
old cabinet the drawers and cupboards
will come into their own. Failing all that
put up a shelf if you have room and try to

keep it tidy.
So now it's all clean and tidy but looks a bit
flat. Now is a goood time to take stock and
plan for some planting for winter. Look
around while you're out and about and see
what you envy in other people's gardens.
There are some quite spectacular plants
now. A small tree is winter-flowering
cherry (Prunus x subhirtella 'Autumnalis').
It's a lovely shape and very small. I believe
the ultimate size is 6 x 3m but how long it
takes to get there I don't know probably
10 years (which is the normal time-scale
given for ultimate sizes). Other trees at
their best in January tend to have eyecatching bark such as the Tibetan cherry
(Prunus serrula) which looks as though it's
been polished. It's a lovely conker colour
but is best for a larger garden as it gets to 6
x 5m and needs to be fairly mature before
the bark gets a good shine. Acer griseum is
another tree grown for its bark. The
common name is paperbark maple. This is
better for a small garden, slowly reaching
to 5 x 4m. Like most maples its leaves
have brilliant autumn colour then once
they're gone the bark develops shaggy
chestnut coloured flakes that curl back
from the grey-ish bark. Although good for
a small garden it is a woodland tree so is
happier with others, rather than on its own.
A very popular shrub grown for its shape is
the corkscrew hazel (Corylus avellana
'Contorta') with the wonderful twisted
stems. Grow this at the back of the border
where it will shine in winter but it's boring
when in full leaf. Keep it pruned as if it's
happy it will grow like Topsy. It will be
fine in a large pot and this will keep it
under control.
There are dogwoods
(Cornus varieties) for coloured stems but
again, need room.
There are plants that flower such as the
winter-flowering jasmine (Jasminum
nudiflorum) that will clothe fences but try
it through evergreen shrubs where you will
get the pretty yellow flowers but the boring
leaves later in the year will disappear in the
other foliage. Mahonias will flower from
now until March and the recommended
one is Mahonia x media 'Lionel Fortescue'.
It is upright with a strong scent. It should
be pruned at 2 x 2m to take out some of the
oldest stems close to the ground. Then, of
course, is good old Viburnum tinus with its
pink or white flowers. Clematis 'Freckles'
and 'Winter Beauty' flower well through
the winter but need a bit of shelter. New
varieties come along just about every year
so it's worth checking out the growers
when you have a bit of time. They will be
at the main shows as well. I would avoid
'Armandii' as although it flowers
beautifully in winter it needs severe
pruning. I did hear of one person who
gave up with the secateurs and attacked
his with a chainsaw.
Closer to the ground there are bulbs that
flower now: snowdrops, early daffodils,
Iris unguicularis will start now in milder
conditions and carry on until spring.
If you get stir-crazy like I do there are
things you can be doing to get the
optimism going. Plant sweet peas in
pots. I know the received wisdom is to
do this in October but you can carry on
virtually until outdoor planting. Get the
spuds ordered and start chitting them.
All you need are egg cartons and
somewhere cool and light (frost free)
then when it comes to March or April
they should have sturdy dark green
shoots. Check out seed catalogues and
see if you can plant some veg seeds
indoors. If you have a propagator you
could experiment even more. This is fun
if a propagator came via Santa. Try to
keep the seed sowing within bounds as
you don't want to be throwing away
leggy seedlings next month and neither
do you want to be looking at a small
amount of space and a forest of
So maybe January isn't so bad after all.

But do remember, unless there's at least a

foot of snow on the ground you'll still
need to keep weeding.

In Your Garden
With Mr Potts
For goodness sake Mrs Potts! What Are
you thinking? Get indoors, stay warm
and have a rest!!
Oh . . . and Keeeeeeep Weeeeeding.

Watton Society's
evening of

Watton Society had a very entertaining

evening of Nostalgia, recreating a
bygone cinema experience. Phil Slater
presented an evening of movies showing
the Norfolk Coast in the 1950's flood.
The opening of the Cecil Cinema in Hull
which at the time had the biggest cinema
-scope screen in the UK. Several local
clips and newsreels, finishing with
'Wilson, Kepple and Betty'.
The interval was ice-cream tubs. A very
pleasant evening all round. The next
meeting is on 21 December at 7.45pm at
the Watton Christian Community Centre
where we will be entertained in the
Christmas spirit by Annette Jude and
Susie Turner. There will be Christmas
refreshments and raffle, non members
8. For more information ring John and
Judy Kerr on 01953 882613

The HAPPY Project

The HAPPY Project will have celebrated

Christmas by the time you read this, I
hope you have had a pleasant and
peaceful time over the Festive Season.
Now we begin to look forward to the
Snowdrops flowering and the days
becoming slightly longer.
The HAPPY Project aims to meet the
needs of isolated and lonely people in
our area as well as some of the villages.
It is hoped that if funding is available we
may be able to extend the project further
into other Wayland villages in the future.
Loneliness and isolation is high on the
radar at the current time, there are items
on the internet each day dropping into
my mail box, it is quite difficult to know
which path to follow to try and meet
peoples needs.
What do you think? Do you have any
ideas that you would like to see take
place and would like to become involved
in? Would you like to be a volunteer and
help someone who may be lonely by
encouraging them to join one of our
existing groups and make new friends
thus bringing a little light into their lives?
The Games Group meets in Watton
Library every Friday afternoon from 1:30
to 3:30 come along and join in a game of
Draughts or Dominoes or perhaps you
fancy a game of Scrabble or Monopoly.
The HAPPY Social Group now renamed
Watton Active Social People (WASPS)
is not just for Watton folk any one can
join in! They meet sometimes in an
afternoon and sometimes in an evening.
Evening meetings are held at The Hare
and Barrel. Watch out for posters in The
High Street informing you when the next
meeting is taking place, it will be in
The Family Art and Craft Group
currently meeting in Great Cressingham
is also going to be meeting in Ashill,
watch this space for further details as
well as Facebook, Streetlife, Breckland
View and the local papers.
If anyone has any questions or would
like to contact me for a chat about new
projects or any existing ones, please do
not hesitate to contact me on 01953
880235 or 07856 876920.

January 2017

The Wayland News Page 5

Watton Rotary Roundup

Breckland Cats
Cats Needing Homes

We have several adults cats in our care

who have been with us for some time.
They would like nothing better than a
loving forever home where they can curl
up with a family this winter.

We were very lucky with the weather for the

Town Councils Festive Market on 27th
November and it showed with a 20%
increase over last year; a total of 330 was
raised during the afternoon. Perhaps a slight
damper on our glee was a light shower just
as we were packing up causing the gazebos
to get a bit wet. Fortunately, the weather was
fine enough the next day to dry them before
packing them away. Well organised Thank
You Watton TC.
At our last meeting in November, Rotary
sponsored Scholar Satomi Ijyuin from Japan
gave us a presentation about her country, and
her journey to become a masters student for
a year in the International Development
department of the University of East Anglia.
Satomi is pictured with President David.
Then at our meeting on the first day of
December local author Joan Khurody

addressed our weekly Rotary meeting. Joan

gave an illustrated potted history of her
amazing life, having married an Indian
gentleman at a young age, becoming an
honorary Parsi, and accompanying him to
many countries in the course of his work,
including Indonesia, the Yemen, Iran and the
Lebanon. At the age of 80 Joan started her
writing career. Her first book is a biography,
detailing her wanderings amongst many
cultures; her second is fiction but draws
heavily on her lifetime experiences. Pictured
with her 2 books.
January 1st 2017 marks the beginning of the
second half of the Rotary year under
President David Branson. Martin Parker has
been elected to take over as President on July
1st this will be his second term, having last
been President over a quarter of a century
ago (1988/9).

Funds from Fun at

Christmas Market

lots of other wonderful things to eat. This year

the Candy Man - suitably attired in stripy shiny
jacket and unmissable red hat - was on hand to
persuade everyone to try some of his
wonderful selection of chocolates and sweets:
a prize every time, what could be better than
that? A very helpful Elf, also dressed for the
part, was there to help in this pleasant task.
More stalls, Grandmas Pantry, Beauty Box,
Books and Puzzles and Stationery completed
the selection of Retail Outlets for browsing and
buying and all did a roaring trade. In addition
there were competitions to test skill and
ingenuity or perhaps just luck at guessing!
All in all it was a great day and the amount
raised was a splendid 1643. Many thanks to
everyone who came to support this event.

Methodist Church funds and the charities

supported by the church benefitted
considerably from the proceeds of a very lively
and busy event held recently in the Christian
Community Centre. The members of the
Methodist Church were delighted with the
response to their Christmas Market. Lots of
people crowded into the gaily decorated Hall
and were happy to be tempted by all the
goodies on offer including delicious bakes,
hand crafted cards, Christmas goods and hand
made blankets. Bobs Caff did a roaring trade
with bacon sandwiches, jacket potatoes and

Charlie is a beautiful 3 year old tabby

who has been neutered, micro-chipped
and vaccinated. He is a handsome boy
who loves people and likes nothing
more than to curl up on a nice warm
armchair. He would suit any family
with teenage children, or an older
couple who are at home most of the
time. He must be the only animal in the
family and would make a terrific

Willow is a young healthy 13 year old

black and white cat who has a lovely
temperament and would make an ideal
companion for someone who is on their
own as she loves her home comforts .
Sadly her previous owner died and left
her all alone in the world. She is
neutered, and has now been vaccinated
and micro-chipped and after being
checked over by our vet, she has no
health problems. If she had a warm and
loving home this winter, should be purr
Both these cats come with 4 weeks free
pet insurance and their adoption fee is
50 each which helps towards our large
vet bills. If you can offer either cat a
loving home, please call Ann on 01953
681092. If you need any help, advice or
assistance with the cost of neutering your
cat, please call us on 01842 810018, or
go to our website
to see the other cats currently in our care.
Rita Thompson.

The Wayland News Page 6

January 2017

Fantastic end of year do for

Watton & District Diabetes UK

What a fantastic end to the year for the

Watton & District Diabetes UK Group!
It was our 10th anniversary in
December and what a celebration we
had. The past 10 years have gone by so
quickly, since the group was started by
the late Jim Dutton.
A massive thank you must go to our
fantastic committee, our amazing
members and an especially big thank
you must go to the Pentecostal Church
for allowing us to use their facilities for
our meetings and for helping us to make
the group the success it is.
We held a celebration party lunch for
the group and invited guests, followed

by the cutting of a 10th birthday cake to

mark the special occasion. There was a
festive party atmosphere and a good
time was had by all. The Church looked
Our first get together of 2017 will be a
Coffee and Chat meeting, to break us in
gently to the New Year!
It will be on Monday 9th January,
10.15am, at the Pentecostal Church,
Watton (who we thank for the generous
use of their facilities). For details of the
group and our meetings, please email
Helen at or
phone 01953 884713 and leave a

Norfolk Young
Farmers and

Countrysiders are clubs for 10 to 16

year olds for fun, learning and
achievement. We meet fortnightly on
a Tuesday evening, meeting mostly at
Gt Ellingham Recreation Hall, NR17
1HY, from 7pm to 8.30pm.
Members take part in a wide variety
of activities. These range from
making pizzas to farm visits,
dodgeball to sailing, there really is
something for everyone! The many
clubs around Norfolk often come
together to compete at big
competition days. There are the more
serious public speaking competitions
along with the fun of indoor hockey
or egg catching! We hold a
Countrysiders Conservation Campout
every year and a fabulous
Countrysiders Dinner Dance with a 3
course meal, a free bar and dancing
til late.
There is always so much learning along
with so much fun to be had. If this
sounds like it might appeal to you or
someone you know, do let them know!
For more information check out our
website at . If you
prefer, call the County office on 01603
731307 or email
Young Farmers is a National
Organisation and the total of Young
Farmers Clubs and their Countrysider
clubs across Norfolk is an amazing 27!
We look forward to meeting you!

Christmas Shop Window

Competition 2016

For some years, the Wayland Chamber of Commerce has

sponsored a Shop Window Competition for the businesses In
Watton, supported in recent years by the Wayland Partnership. This
year the theme was A Christmas Carol and the Town Council
was invited to provide a Judge. Deputy Mayor, Cllr Stan Hebborn
took up the challenge, assisted by his wife Susan.
Stan said, I appreciate that although I was not judging the Miss
World competition, I should at least put in as much effort judging
as some of the shop owners had spent dressing their windows.
He continued, My wife Susan and I spent 2 hours in the High
Street (and middle St/Thetford Rd etc.) looking at shop
windows. It was interesting to see who had dressed their
windows, who hadnt and how much effort was put in. I also
drove around the town on Tuesday night, looking for
illuminated displays.
Having set myself broad parameters, I decided that the 1st 2nd
and 3rd certificates should go to those who had given wider
thought to the task than just Christmas.
The Results
1st place the Pact Animal Charity Shop. Their window display
epitomised the many facets of Christmas, and of course the
subject of A Christmas Carol. They had made a donkey with
very creative thinking, with road signs to Bethlehem, a palm
tree and displayed the sheet music to Little Donkey. They also
had information displayed showing how to sponsor a donkey in
a sanctuary and other charity information. By showing A
Christmas Carol, the biblical inference of the Donkey en route
to Bethlehem and reminding that Christmas is a time for giving
and for Charity this ticked all of my boxes and more.
In 2nd place, Total Health Pharmacy. Although I would
struggle to find the Christmas Carol link to their display, the
polar bear and bear cub with a look of excitement and
expectation on his face, sat around a Christmas present depicted
a peaceful family moment, free from other distractions and was
seasonally appropriate yet so far away from the multi-colours of
display so often used to decorate for Christmas.
In 3rd place, Crafty Bee, in Chaston place. Although third, this
display clearly took hours to prepare, and featured knitted
characters and furniture from Dickens A Christmas Carol,
with Ebenezer Scrooge in a nightgown complete with
Candlestick, and the Ghost of Christmas Present with a turkey
looking on in trepidation alongside!
Highly Commended; The Dutch Flower Parade whose display
was the only one clearly illuminated at night and eye catching.
A big Well Done to everyone who took the time to dress their
windows and enter into the spirit of things!

January 2017

The Wayland News Page 7

Another GRAND Christmas For Inner Wheel

Once again the run up to Christmas has

been exciting and busy for the ladies of
Inner Wheel. Preparations for the festivities
began early with weekly rehearsals for the
Lunchtime Concert scheduled into the
programme from late October onwards. In
mid November a group of ladies spent a
happy morning wrapping literally hundreds
of Pretty parcels in readiness for the
Festive Market: an activity designed for
sharing a good chat and friendly banter
over the Sellotape and sparkles. Then,
suddenly, it was Christmas for real so it
was on with the Santa hats, up with the
fairy lights and out on to the High Street to
be part of the Town Councils annual
Festive Market. As ever Pretty Parcels
proved very popular, with adults and
children alike enjoying an excuse to choose
an early present. This stall resulted in a
profit of 331 which goes into the
Benevolent Account for distribution to

charities which the Club supports. During

the following week, ovens around the area
were red hot as members prepared for the
Christmas coffee morning held at Queens
Hall. Again, the support was fantastic, the
cakes delicious and the proceeds amazing
with a further 281 being added to the
coffers. Of this a donation will be sent to
the Queens Hall Maintenance Fund. And
then it was time for the Big One - the
Lunchtime Concert at which the
entertainment was provided by the ladies
themselves (above) very ably supported by
the ever popular West End Waiters. It was
a sell out! Over 100 people, including the
Mayor of Watton, Cllr. Beryl Bunning, and
the IW District Chaiman, Jenny
Childerhouse, filled the Hall with a sense
of festive anticipation as they waited for
the concert to begin. The programme
included songs, readings and music, both
comic and serious,and invited audience

participation with the singing of some well

known carols. After the entertainment
guests were served with a light lunch of
turkey baps its salad garnish followed by
mince pies and coffee. After expenses the
concert realised a profit of 555 which was
also added to the Charity account. This
means that , in just ten days and thanks to
the wonderful generosity of the people of
Watton and district, the ladies of Inner
Wheel have raised well in excess of a
1000 - 1167 to be precise - a grand
total indeed. Thank you to everyone for
supporting all that we do so
enthusiastically and we look forward to
seeing you in the New Year.
A special Thank you to Mullengers for
acting as our Box Office and to the Wayland
News for always giving the Club superb
coverage for all our events. Best wishes for
the New Year from Watton Inner Wheel.
Lesley Cowling Club Correspondent.

Watton and
District Royal
British Legion

face life without them.

Members have been dwindling over
recent years and there is a concerted
effort to see that this founding branch
does not perish.
We are actively
looking for new members and hope to
increase the social aspect of the group.
The Watton and District Branch meets
at the Hare and Barrel Motel on
Brandon Road Watton at 7.00pm on
the third Tuesday of every other month
with the next meeting being Tuesday
17th January 2017. If successful we
hope to increase the meetings to every
month and/or have more social outings.
All members past, present and future or
anyone remotely interested should
come along and share a drink and
sandwich with us.
Although the Royal British Legion still

has its main function of helping the exservice community and dependents
(i.e. anyone who has received 7 days
pay in any of the armed forces)
membership of the Legion is now open
to anyone who supports its aims and
The Watton branch chairman is Mr.
Alan Chilvers. Anyone interested in
joining the Watton and District Branch
should contact Mrs. Helen Daly
(Branch Secretary) on 01953 885124
or e-mail:

This year (2016) was the 95th

anniversary of the founding of the
British Legion in 1921. It was started
to provide practical and financial help
and employment to ex-soldiers left
destitute after the First World War.
One of the men involved in the
formation of the British Legion, as it
was first called, was Lord Walsingham,
who assisted Earl Haig in the original
set up. Lord Walsingham was also
instrumental in the formation of the
Watton branch of the British Legion in
1921 thus making it one of the
founding branches
The British Legion was granted
its Royal Charter in 1971, 50
years after its formation to
become The Royal British
Legion, and is the largest UK ex
-service charity created to
provide welfare help and
employment to former members
of the armed forces who have
fallen on hard times. The
Legion serves all ex-service
men and women, young and
old, who have been willing to
fight for peace and freedom,
either through combat or as
peace-keepers, as National
Service people or as members
of the Territorial Army. The
legion looks after those left
behind, the many spouses,
widows, widowers, children and
grandparents who either spend a
lifetime caring for an ex-service
person or a lifetime trying to

January 2017

The Wayland News Page 8

making new
home in

Breckland Brush Chimney Sweep

& Breckland Stove Installation
Ltd have moved to Watton - 01953
After living and raising our family
in the small village of Great
Hockham for 30 years we decided
to move to the convenience of
Watton and considering that a
number of our customers live in
and around the area this was an
easy decision to make.
We provide chimney sweeping
services, bird cowls fitted and the
installation of multi-fuel and wood
-burning stoves. Phil is an
Engineer of solid fuel appliances
and also a member of the National
Association of Chimney Sweeps.
A common theme when we talk to
our customers about moving house
has to be the phones!!!, obviously
having a business we wanted to
retain our phone number but the
drama of trying to join BT (who
said that we could keep our
number) was a nightmare and after
4 weeks of phone calls we decided
to stay with our current provider
EE who couldnt move our
number but are ironically part of


BT - so our new number is now

01953 881579. And, EE were
actually very good.
At the completion of every sweep
we issue a Certificate of Chimney
Sweeping and advise on any issues
found. We try to stress the
importance of having a Carbon
Monoxide alarm fitted in your
home, all fossil fuels i.e. coal and
wood release Carbon Monoxide
when they burn.
Together with suitable ventilation
it is vital that every home has an
alarm in place to keep you and
your family safe. Simply follow
the fixing instructions on the
We are regularly asked about
wood suppliers and what types of
wood to burn and we recommend
that customers should only burn
well seasoned hardwood and a

handy gadget to invest in to

determine if your wood is ready to
burn, is a moisture meter (easily
purchased on-line) and when
pressed into the wood, if the meter
displays a reading of less than
20% moisture then your wood is
ready to use.
Another common question is what
type of solid fuel to burn and we
recommend contacting a reputable
coal merchant and check the Hetas
website which details the suitable
fuel for your particular appliance.
As mentioned earlier, our new
number is 01953 881579 or 07966
298777 for all your sweeping
requirements and multi-fuel and
wood-burning stove installations.
And, may we take this opportunity
of wishing all our customers old
and new a Happy, Healthy and
Prosperous New Year.

Suffin tells me thas cumin up tew thet

toime o year when we hefta goo owt an
grab an ole tarkey fer ower Chrismus
dinna, Hev yew ordered yores yit?, cos
yew orta, thet ole bud flu is gittin
close, an we moight hefta hev an ole
hare or rabbit if orl tha buds is wiped
Thas tha bad noos, tha gud is that were
just abowt got orl tha beet in, an we
hent hed tew much trubble wit tha ole
cowncil boss soo far.
Mind yew she fare put tha wind up ole
Farmer S larst year, so much so thet he
hev had Horry up an down tha rud wi
his barra an shovel gitten orl the mud
orf tha rud. By the steart of Horry in
tha morning thet mus be corstin Ole
Farmer a fortune in beer.
Got hoom fer me tea larst Monday an
my missus she say Wot yew bin a
doin Sid, the ole wicar has corled hare
a cuppla times wantin tew hev a wud
wi yew? I thort hard an coont cum up
wi ennythin I hent dun or hed dun
rong. Did she say wot she wanted? I
say tew har Noo she say.
Waal I say, Shes allus abowt tha
willage, pookin har nooze inta
evrathin, sheel corl agin if thas
Wed jist set down ter hev ower bitta
grub an thar cum a grate ole bang on
the door. My missus went tew see who
it wos and give a yell. Thas fer yew
Sid she say Thas tha wiccar, want
yew urgent like. I jist hoop she dint
hear wot I said as I put my dinna back
in the oven tew kip warm.
Sid she say We have a serious
problem, theres mice in the Church
and they are nibbling the candles and
the Altar cloth, what are you going to
do about it? Why me I thort, thas tha
Chuch wardens job.
Well missus I say. Thar hent a lot I
can dew till tha weekend cos we hev
ter git tha beet up cos the lorry hev bin
ordered for Friday ter git the larst lood
away What about now she arsked.
Sorry I say Jist got toime ter hev
me dinna and gotta teark oova from
boy Geffry Who shall I ask then?
she say.
Goo yew an see Horry I say Heve
got a trap or tew layin abowt
Har ole fearce fell a cuppla foot at tha
menshun of Horry, thar hev fell owt a
toime or tew as I well know. Yew cud
goo an hev a wud wi ole boy Jed, he
live up tha end o Carbruk Rud in thet

larst howse O thank you she say an

hossed orf up tha rud like she wos
afire. She cum rownd agin tha nex
evening, cor she wos suffin rore
Sid she hollerd Do you know what
Mr Jed did? Why no I say. I asked
him nicely she say If he could catch
mice in the Church, he didnt say much
but went into his house and cum out
with a big shotgun and a bag of ferrets
and said Rite ho my wummen lead tha
I said, youre surely not going to use
that gun in my Church, think of the
damage that could do he give me
funny look and said Larst toime I was
in thar, orl tha plarsta was cumin orf
tha worls and tha pews wos so full o
woodwum holes a few more from ole
Bessie here woont be nootised, might
even git rid o tha warmints an orl
So wot happened I arsked
I told him one doesnt go letting off
guns in the Lords House, He could call
down all sorts of wrath upon us
He give me another of his looks and
said Pity he coont corl down a cat or
tew, sort owt yore mice problem
I give him one of my stern looks and
he went back in and come out with a
handful of proper mouse traps
So I say tew her hev yew cort any?
Yes, four this morning
See I say. I sed ole Jed wos yore
She shot orf wiowt nutha wud.
Tha ole horl was orl tricolearted up
larst weekend for tha Chrismus Bazaar,
they hed orl tha yewshul storls with
moostly Chrismus stuff onnem, plenny
of grub an orl. Hot soop anna roll, fer
only a cuppla quid. I dint win ennythin
on tha raffle, pity cos thear wos sum
marsterful prizes. Did win a bottle on
tha tombola, but I hint sed tew much
abowt thet cos Horry will be hangin
rownd till he gits a tearst on it. Hent
hard how much they meard yit, the
treashrer like tew hang on till tha larst
minute in cearse summwun dibs up
nuther fiver or tew. I spect we did orl
rite, cos thar ole wicar wos throwing
tha cleckshun munny abowt an wun
moost of tha prizes from wot I herd.
Well toimes a gitton on an I gotta git
my tarkeys unda cover and giv em a
gud feed fer tha morning.
So hares wishin yew orl tha
compelments o tha season, dew yew
hev a fine ole time but goo eesy on tha
ole beer cos ower local bobby hev got
a new breathorlizer an heez dyin tew gi
it a try owt.
Orl best wishes and dew yew kip a
Merry Chrismus from orl of us in
Ovintun and speshully me.
Boy Sid

January 2017

The Wayland News Page 9

Watton Churches Together Eileen Ward's

St. Marys Church, Watton
memories of Norwich
Follow us on @StMarysWatton
Road, Watton
If I can be of help to you please do not hesitate to contact me,
on 01953 881439, I shall be available at church on Tuesdays
between 10.30am and 12 noonGerry Foster
1st, 3rd & 4th Wednesday at 9.30am Holy Communion 2nd
Wednesday Morning Worship
Tuesdays 7.30am8.00am, Thursdays 5.00pm5.30pm
Saturdays 9.30am10.00am Parish Prayers
5.00pm-6.00pm Pray & Praise
Church Office opens Tues, Wed & Thurs 9am-1pm
Tel: 01953 881252
Sun 1st
Holy Communion
10.30am Covenant Service at Watton
Methodist Church
Sun 8th
Holy Communion
10.00am Holy Communion
Sun 15th 8.00am
Holy Communion
10.00am Holy Communion
Sun 22nd 8.00am
Holy Communion
10.00am 4th Sunday at 10
Watton Churches Together Unity
Service at Watton Methodist Church
Sun 29th 8.00am
Holy Communion
10.30am Group Service of Holy Communion
at St Johns Church, Ovington
Choral Evensong

Watton Methodist Church
Every Wednesday the Church is open for quiet reflection and
prayer between 10.15am & 11.30am. Its your quiet place. At
10.30 there is a half-hour Midweek Service in the Large Vestry
led by the Minister or a Church Member.
Sun 1st
10.30am Covenant Service Rev E Reddington We
will be joined by St Marys congregation
No service
Sun 8th
10.30am Mrs J Semmons
Mrs J Roebuck
Sun 15th 10.30am Rev J Purshouse
Mr R Cunningham
Sun 22nd 10.30am Mr A Warby
Rev E Reddington
Sun 29th 10.30am Mr M Reddington
Rev J Forsdyke

Roman Catholic Community

Each Sat 5.30pm Mass at Watton Methodist Church

St. Nicholas Church, Ashill

Tuesdays at 10.00am Holy Communion
Sun 8th
Family Holy Communion
Sun 15th 9.30am
Morning Worship
Sun 22nd 9.30am
Holy Communion

St. Georges Church, Saham Toney

Sun 8th
Sun 15th 11.00am
Sun 22nd 10.30am

Family Holy Communion

All Age Worship
Covenant Service at
Saham Hills Methodist Church

S.S. Peter & Pauls Church, Carbrooke

Sun 1st


Sun 8th
Sun 15th 10.30am
Sun 22nd 10.30am

Benefice Service of Family

Holy Communion
All Age Worship
Holy Communion
Lay Led Worship

St John the Evangelist Church, Ovington

Sun 15th
Sun 29th


All Age Worship

Group Service of Holy Communion

Dance Away at The Queens Hall

Ballroom, Latin and Sequence Dancing
8pm - 11pm Admission 4
January 7th No Dance in February

The Watton Society

7.45pm Watton Christian Community Centre
18th January Tom Thurston - The history of the
Heavy Horse.
More information John & Judy Kerr 01953 882613

Ed: On Facebook (thas a thing in that there Internet as Boy Sid

wud say) I set up a Page called Pictures of Watton with the
intention of bit by bit, letting people see some of the pictures,
video and history of the town collected over the years.
I published a piece by Ralph Swift who, through his memories,
took us on a walk through as much of Wattonas he could
remember around 1960. It sparked a great deal of interest and
Eileen Ward was inspired to jot down her own memories of
Norwich Road. If you feel inspired to jot down your own
recollections of Watton and life in earlier times as was Eileen,
I would be so pleased to have it for publication on the page
and in the paper when I can. Stop Press: While writing this
introduction Olive Salters daughter Myra (in New Zealand)
messaged me on Facebook to ask if I would be interested in
Olives memories! The power of modern technology is truly
amazing - so we can look forward to that in the months to
come! Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did,
Reading and enjoying Ralph Swift's memories of Watton has
inspired me to jot down my memories of Norwich Road having
lived either on or within, a few yards of that road for 80 plus years
- and still do. Starting at the Norwich end. My childhood was
spent at Shrublands Farm just a couple of hundred yards out of
Watton. Before the War there were just fields till the RAF Station
was built. Started in 1937 1 can remember seeing the four corner
posts of No. 1 Hangar being put in place and later Blenheim
bombers being parked opposite to where I lived. As a child I
counted them as they flew out to Germany on bombing raids and again when they came back. Alas some were missing having
been shot down, and some with only one engine working and bits
missing. Fire engines and ambulances were lined up on the
runway and it was a great relief when they managed to land
safely. During the War there were several bomb and machine gun
attacks on the RAF Station. Somewhere near where the
roundabout is now, a bomb exploded in the middle of the road,
and another landed nearby but did not explode. I had a good
excuse for not going to school that day! Coming into town, on the
corner ofGriston Road was the Corner Shop selling sweets and
tobacco run by Annie Goddard. Next the Railway Station.A
steam train, affectionately known as the 'Crab and Winkle', puffed
it's way between Thetford and Swaffham three or four times a
day. I travelled on it for five years to get to Thetford Grammar
School. There were also Goods trains bringing in Coal which was
unloaded on to huge heaps in the station yard for local coal
merchants to collect. Also sugar beet on the way to Bury sugar
factory. Next Tyrrell and Byford's agricultural merchants.Situated
in the station yard there were three large granaries - one was a
mill for grinding the corn for cattle feed, the other two for sorting
the corn brought in by local farmers. John Tyrrell and Charles
Byford lived at Attleborough near the Head Office and there was
another branch at Downham Market. I worked in the Watton
office for five years after leaving school.Next was Bardwell 's
Timber merchants and saw mills and at the frontanother small
sweet shop owned by Dolly Ducker.Then a hut which in it's
lifetime had been a variety of things. In it's early days it was
Watton 's first cinema owned by Fred Garner who had an
engineering business on the opposite side of the road. Later it was
used by Watton Town Band as a practice room, then the British
Legion and finally as a vegetable packing depot. The pathway
next to it was known as 'Picture Palace Lane' and followed down
what is Priory Road now, as far a Wayland Wood. At one time it
was called 'Betty Hogg's Lane but no idea who Betty Hogg was.
Behind the high brick wall was the Vicarage and then the Parish
Room used for Church meetings and Sunday School. My
daughters went there as an introduction to school life before
starting 'proper 'school at 5years old. Next Smithson and
Burrough 's the Blacksmiths and ironworks. My Father used to
bring his horses there when they needed new shoes. Now to
the Regal Cinema. Seats 1/9 to 2/9 (old money). Back row
with double seats popular with couples (memories!). You
watched the film through a thick haze of smoke as it seemed
everyone smoked in those days. Usherettes in a smart red and
gold uniform served ice creams during the interval. Next door
was Harmer 's clothing factory. During the war it was a forces
canteen. On to Barnham 's (later Noel Abel's) Sale rooms,
selling anything and everything on Wednesday market days.
Now part of Tesco 's carpark. The Sale room was often used
for Friday night Whist Drives and Saturday nights for popular
dances with local bands and known to all as 'The Sweat Box'.
At the end of the next row of cottages lived Joe Swan, a
shoemaker and also I believe projectionist at the Cinema at
one time. Next Hall and Palmer's Offices and Sale Yard,
(where Memorial Way is now). Sales of all livestock and local
produce. My Mother sent butter and eggs to be sold each week
and turkeys at Christmas. Now a favourite place for my
daughters to spend their pocket money - Saunder 's Sweet shop.
Next door Thompson's Barbers shop (where Top To Toe is now).
And finally on the corner of the old Thetford Road - the Police

Station. Now the North side of Norwich Road again coming from
Norwich. Before the War just fields and a few houses before the Railway
Station with The Railway Tavern opposite and next to the Railway gates
which were closed to road traffic when trains were due. Next were Julnes
and Sons Agricultural Merchants and then H. Brett & Son Monumental
Masons. Started after the first world war and possibly the third oldest
family business in the town with a family member - Simon, great
grandson of Henry the founder -still working there. Their work can be
seen in Church Yards all over Norfolk and beyond. (Yes I was Eileen
Brett and worked with my husband Maynard - Henry's son -for 19
years, and then continued running the business for 6 years on my
own after he died, finally retiring and selling to Alan Blake in 1973.
Over Church Road and Dyes Garage (where Dorrington House is
now) and then houses till you get to Breckland Funerals formerly
Tennant's Builders Yard. Few houses down Goss Stonemasons (Mrs
Goss was Henry Brett's sister and it was where he learnt his trade
before starting out on his own). After the next row of houses was
Corstons butchers shop (on the right of where the Queens Hall is
now). Later Greenland Houchen solicitors had an office there. And
finally the Willow House public house and restaurant; Many years
ago was a dentist and then a private house. These are just some of my
memories of Norwich Road.
I could go on and on but details deliberately a bit thin in places so as
not to bore everybody!
With many thanks to Julian for encouraging me to write this.

The Wayland News Page 10

For most people, mere mention of
South Pacific will invoke memories
of washing men out of their hair on
some enchanted evening. Well,
some people have the good fortune
to actually visit some of the islands
in the south pacific. Starting with
Robinson Crusoe Island, Polly
Perkins took us on an illustrated
tour at our December meeting.
Daniel Defoe wrote his first and
most famous book in 1719. It was,
of course, " The life and Adventures
of Robinson Crusoe" You may
recall that the inspiration for this
book was based on the real life of
Alexander Selkirk, who, having had
a first class row with the captain of
his ship, was put ashore at his own
request on what is now known as
"Robinson Crusoe Island. Well, I
suppose if you are going to have a
row with your boss, there is often
only one outcome. Moving on to
Easter Island, we were interested to
learn that it got its name because a
Dutch explorer discovered it on
Easter day 1722. It is most noted
for its megalithic monuments. There
are about 100 statues varying in
height from 1m to around 11m, and
have been carved from the volcanic
rock. They have huge heads and
elongated ears and noses. They are
mostly situated along the coast and

January 2017
at first it was thought that they were
erected to intimidate invaders, but,
they all face inland so that theory
must be discounted. The next port
of call was Pitcairn Island, which is
midway between
Australia and South America. It is
quite small but was sufficient to
provide shelter for the mutineers
from HMS Bounty. It would appear
that in those days British sailors
were a rather unruly lot and were
quite happy to try life on a desert
island! Some later transferred to
Norfolk Island. Mutineers also
came to Pitcairn from Tahiti which
was the next port of call. Tahiti is
very popular with tourists, it is
memorable for its native dancing
displays, and tattoos and colourful
costumes complete the picture, the
ladies weave palm leaves into hats.
A visit to the museum is a must.
Here you will see one metre high by
one metre diameter cauldrons on
display which, one is informed,
were used to boil missionaries! The
last island visited on this tour was
Cook Island. James Cook was the
first European to go to the South
Pacific. This was mainly because
although he could not read or write,
he taught himself mathematics and
astronomy. These skills resulted in
him becoming a first class
chartmaker and this expertise was
in great demand by the navy.
Strangely, he gave the island he
discovered in 1770, the name
Hervey Island and it was not until
early 1800s that the name "Cook
Island" appeared, and that was on

charts used by the Russian navy!

This rounded off another year of
varied events we have enjoyed.
Why not join us next year? We
meet at WCCC second and fourth
Tuesday in the month 2.30pm. See
YOU there?

West Norfolk

On Tuesday, 6th December, the

West Norfolk Aviation Society met
in the sumptuous environs of the
Mundford Bowls Club where they
were once again pampered by the
hospitality of their hosts, Len and
Val. The gathering was also treated
to the maiden speech of longserving member, Alan Badgery,
who gave a very colourful account
of his career in the RAF from
boyhood to his retirement in 1999.
His service brought him into
contact with a multitude of different
types of aircraft and bases
throughout the world. His rendition
was further embellished, at his own
request, by interjections from his
audience. Alan, together with
support from other members who
had visited the Falklands, witnessed
the amusing scenario of penguin
colonies, transfixed by the site of
low-flying oncoming aircraft, as
they fell over backwards like
cascading dominoes.
Guests are always welcome at our
venue on the first Tuesday of every

month unless advertised differently

on our website:
Like Alan, members and guests are
encouraged to compose talks of
their own. This has the advantage of
providing associates with the
opportunity to discover how their
colleagues tick. It also allows them
to develop their public speaking
Next month the society will meet on
the second Tuesday, 10th January,
to hold a quiz and/or a film show.
Please consult the website for

Tackers &
Stuffers AGM

We hope that you will have had an

enjoyable Christmas and wish you
well in 2017.
Members are reminded that the first
meeting in 2017 on 10th January
will be our AGM. Further details
will be posted on our Blog at http://
renewal and subscriptions will be
due at the beginning of January, the
latter are currently 10 per annum.
This is when we try to plan our
programme for the coming year so
any ideas for day workshops,
something you are able to offer, and

Make Sense Of Your

With A Little Help From Your
Local Pharmacist
If you are on regular medication or if you are taking
medicines for a long term illness such as asthma,
arthritis, diabetes or epilepsy you may have questions
that you want to ask about your medication especially
if it has been prescribed for a number of years.
Your local community pharmacist, who regularly
dispenses your medication, can help you to
understand what you have been prescribed. The NHS
Medicines Use Review Service (MUR) is a
completely free and confidential service where you
can discuss your medication with the Pharmacist and
any concerns you may have. You will be able to find
out more about the medicines you are taking, discuss
any problems you are having with the them, perhaps
improve the way you take your medicine to make it
more effective for you and also identify unnecessary
medicines that may remain on your repeat form
although they are no longer required.
Geoff Ray, senior pharmacist at Total Health
Pharmacy in Watton said taking a prescribed
medicine correctly is absolutely key to its
effectiveness. With the pressures on the NHS, there
is little time to help patients understand the often
complex combinations of medicines and side effect
and when and how to take them. Sitting down with
your pharmacist can really help you to understand
what you have been prescribed and how best to
take it to ensure you make the most of your
medicine. It also helps to identify areas where
wasted medicine can be avoided
I can illustrate simple examples of how medicine can
be better taken. Inhaler technique is one area where
we can help to ensure you are using your device
correctly. If you have a blue reliever inhaler and
you are beginning to use it more frequently, this
may be a sign that it is becoming less effective for
you which may require additional or alternative
medication, or it may just be a case of reviewing
the way you use your inhaler to ensure you are
getting the medication dose correctly.
The safe use of laxative products may be more of an
issue during this festive and indulgent season. You

demonstrations for the 4th Tuesday

meetings will be welcome. The
small group of people offering these
to date are running out of ideas and
some new ones would lovely.
We continue to meet at the Watton
Christian Community Centre on the
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each
month apart from August from 7 pm
to 9pm and the 4th Tuesday in
December. For details please phone
Jane Londcaulk at 07809 702357

By Ken Knowles
I wandered lonely with my flocks that
graze all day oer vales and hills,
When all at once I spied a box of
Carters Little Liver Pills.
The price tag said just One and Four,
Must have been there since before the
And now when on my couch I lay, in
vacant or in pensive mode.
My thoughts return to that happy day
when I found that parcel in the road.
And I ask Carter the answer to deliver
Was it the pills that were so small, or
was it just your liver ?

may be prescribed both Lactulose and Senokot. There

are differences in how you take both of these and the
implications of getting that wrong can be quite
unpleasant and make you feel unwell.
Skin conditions such as severe dryness, irritation,
medication related reactions and so on, often require
both emollient and steroidal creams. We find that
many patients dont understand the amount they need
to apply, the frequency and the order in which they
are applied. Steroidal creams in particular need very
specific application.
A Medicines Use Review gives you the chance to ask
questions that maybe you feel too embarrassed to ask
your GP or dont want to take up their time;
What does the medicine do? Why is it important that I
take this medicine? When should I take it? Should it
be taken with or without food and why? How long
should I take it for? What other medicines, drinks,
foods or activities should I be aware of when taking
the medicine? What should I do if I feel unwell while
taking it? Do I need all of my tablets? I dont use all
of them and it seems such a waste. How do I know if
it is helping? What are the side effects? Can I take my
herbal remedies at the same time? What if I forget to
take my medicine? I cant easily open the packets.
What can I do? I cant swallow my tablets. Is there an
easier way to take them?
The MUR will be conducted, usually on an
appointment basis, in a private consultation room
where you can talk openly about your questions or
What To Bring With You Your Pharmacist will
only know about medication that you have received
from that pharmacy so be sure to bring along any
other information including any that may have been
obtained from another pharmacy or hospital,
medicines bought without a prescription e.g.
painkillers, cough and cold remedies and also herbal
medicines and remedies and vitamins. Bring the
boxes or bottles if that helps.
What To Expect: Your Pharmacist will take time to
answer your questions and will complete an Action
Plan which will detail what was discussed and agreed.
You will be given a copy and a copy may also be sent
to your GP. Any suggested changes will be agreed
with your GP.
To book a Medicines Use Review with Total
Health Pharmacy, just call into the pharmacy at 14
Gregor Shanks Way or call 01953 881157.

January 2017

Evening WI
What a fantastic turnout for the Festive
Market. We thank all those of you who
visited our was lovely to speak to
so many of you and to see the smiling
childrens faces when they unwrapped
their tombola prizes.
We collected
411.30 on our tombola stall and a further
89.60 on our craft stall . . . and did you
see the festive elf dancing to the pipe and
drum band which marched through the
street and stood by our stall? All Santas
helpers festively adorned were kept very
busy and we thank all those who
volunteered to make this a memorable

A New Name
For Local Complementary
Health Clinic
Total Health Therapy in Watton has been
renamed as Wayland Wellness Clinic. The
clinic continues to offer the same
alternative health and wellbeing therapies
and the team of therapists and clinic staff
also remain the same.
Rachel and Geoff Ray, owners of both
the clinic on Thetford Road and
neighbouring Total Health Pharmacy
said, we have created a fresh new
identify for our clinic to reduce
confusion that often exists between the
private services offered at the clinic and
the NHS services offered through the
pharmacy. There is no change to the
treatments offered at Wayland Wellness
Clinic and we hope to expand and
introduce more therapies in the future.
Offering complementary therapies to
help people with their health and

The Wayland News Page 11

On the 5th the Wayland Group WI
(Watton and Saham Toney WI) joined
partners/husbands in a Carol Service held
in Saham Hills Methodist Chapel. What a
cosy building, so welcoming. Carols were
sung, accompanied by Yvonne Harrold
from Saham WI on the organ, and
readings were heard. It was unfortunate
that Rev Eleanor Reddington was unable
to give the Address and Prayers as she
was unwell and we send her best wishes
for a speedy recovery. During the last
Carol a collection was taken in aid of
Quidenham Childrens Hospice and
Saham Hills Methodist Chapel. After this
refreshments were served in the Chapel.
There is so much going on at this time of
year and in place of our usual December
meeting we had a Christmas meal and
delightful evening at Broome Hall. After

the usual notices, Crackers were pulled

and silly jokes read, delicious food
consumed, good conversation and Secret
Santa gifts distributed and a free raffle for
five hampers and other goodies. A lovely
evening was had by all.
Our next meeting will be held at WCCC
on 12th January 2017 starting at 7.30pm
when the speaker will be Simon White of
Peter Beale Roses. If you are interested to
find out more please contact Hazel
Gillingham our new Vice President on
01953 881510.
Alternatively you are most welcome to
join us as a visitor for the evening (visitor
fee 3.50).
Well, all that is left to say is Watton
Evening WI wish you all a Happy New
Year, and we look forward to catching up
with you all in 2017.

wellbeing, Wayland Wellness Clinic is a

centre of calm and caring in the centre
of Watton with 4 private consultation
rooms and treatments which are all
provided by fully qualified and
registered practitioners.
HCPC registered podiatrists Alison
Sandles-Bowles and Su Green provide
foot health advice and routine podiatry
treatment as well as nail surgery and a
specialist focus on people at high risk of
foot problems such as diabetics. Massage
therapies offered by Dawn Dean MCThA
include aromatherapy massage, Indian
head massage, pregnancy massage, Hopi
ear candling and reflexology and provide
an opportunity to relax and seek relief
from anxiety, stress and fatigue. Osteopath
Jason Houghton BSc(Hons) OST treats
many complaints including backache and
sciatica to muscle strain. Counselling from
Audrey Roberts MBACP is a helping
hand when everyday life causes stress or
anxiety, whilst Lyn Turner RMN ASHPD
practices hypnotherapy to help people

address many issues in their lives. Many

people seek alternative remedies from
Homeopath Janice Beckwith LCH RS
Hom and Nutrition and Wellbeing
Consultant Lucy Childs BDA HCPC
works with people to establish how their
dietary habits can be modified to have a
positive impact on their health.
The centuries old practice of
Acupuncture offered by Kate Stewart
Dip. AC. MBAcC aims to relieve many
symptoms of ill health and Hidden
Hearing offer hearing tests and hearing
care services.
In addition the centre offers a range of
associated products and a range of
mobility and daily living aids including
wheelchairs, walkers and walking
sticks, bathing, toileting and general
aids. Gift vouchers can be purchased
and make a great gift.
An appointments system operates by
calling into the centre at 8 Thetford
Road in Watton, or phoning 01953

Whats on at St Marys Church, Watton

The Winner of the 100 Club December draw was number 79 Tim Cator
Thursday 5th January 10-12noon Thursday Chat a social coffee
morning at St Mary's, Watton. This will continue in 2017 on 1st Thursday
of each month. All are welcome.
Mon 9th January 9.30-10.30am Story Bags at St Marys Church, Watton
for parents and preschool children
Sun 15th January 2.30pm-4.00pm Caf Stop at The Blenheim Centre,
Tedder Close, Watton. Crafts for all the family, free refreshments.
Wed 25th January 3.30-4.45pm Stop Gap after school club at The
Blenheim Centre, Tedder Close, Watton

The Wayland News Page 12

Mayor's Mardle with

Cllr Beryl Bunning
WOW! As I write this Christmas is just
around the corner and by the time you read
this it will be 2017.
Such a lot has happened since I was elected
your Mayor, and what a privilege it has
been to undertake the role. Thank you to all
the organisations and groups who have
invited John and myself to your meetings
and events as we have enjoyed every
minute, at every event. It is so very
interesting to opening exhibitions, homes,
centres and events. Everything I have
attended has been well organised and it is
encouraging to see big assets for Watton
are being provided. Outside the town we
have attended civic events at Norwich,
Dereham, Thetford, Attleborough, Kings
Lynn and Swaffham. I, together with John,
have been very honoured to represent
Watton at all these events. We have also
witnessed the Changing of Control and
Service at Lakenheath, and just a week ago
joined with other civic and military
dignitaries at their Yuletide Celebrations.
We couldnt have been made more
Thank you to the organisers of Watton
Carnival and Wayland Show who did a
superb job in staging such wonderful
events in Watton for residents in Watton,
Norfolk and beyond to enjoy. I know at the
show people from Thailand were present.
The unveiling of Hero, which is such a

Ashill & Holme

Hale Garden Club

In November, just in time for the festive

season, June Moy showed us how to
make a Christmas wreath. June is head
gardener at Oxburgh Hall where she also
conducts workshops in willow weaving
in addition to wreath making.
All the foliage used in the demonstration
was foraged from the grounds at
Oxburgh Hall, including the moss which
came from the north side of a cottage
roof. June used leylandii, yew and laurel
to cover the moss ring initially but any
evergreen with stems soft enough to bend
can be used. One of June's favourites is
cryptomeria japonica also known as
Japanese cedar and she also suggested
choisya, mahonia or even herbs such as
rosemary. To add interest use variegated
varieties of laurel and holly or even
pieces of conifer which have turned
brown. A sprig or berries and a few
cones followed by a very light spray of
gold and 'snow' are the perfect finishing
June was keen for some audience
and members
encouraged to have a go at wiring stems

January 2017
Museum4Watton Group, took place at the
Town Council Office in 2016 and was well
Thank you to all whom attended my Civic
Service, a special moment in my life. I am
so proud to be your Mayor. We have been
privileged to attend the Battle of Britain
Service, Remembering the Fallen of the
Somme, and our own Remembrances
Services, remembering those who gave
their todays, for our tomorrows. All were
very poignant services. It was a delight to
see the Churches working together and
bring the Nativity to life with real animals,
real baby Jesus, and costumed characters.
We attended the Achievement Awards
Evening at Wayland Academy and
congratulations to the Class of 2016
outstanding set of exam results. Memories
of my times as a pupil came ooding back
after all it was only a few years ago !!!!
Watton Town Council has been very busy,
listening to and working with the
Museum4Watton, What Watton Wants,
Wayland Partnership, Churches Together,
Watton Sports Centre and the Loch Neaton
Committee. We all have one aim which is
to do the best for the townspeople of
Watton and the surrounding Wayland area.
The Council was delighted with its first
ever Firework Display for the town and
credit must go to Vice Chairman San
Hebborn as it was such an overwhelming
success. Our other main event the Festive
Christmas Market was, once again, a big
success with the main man SANTA
and cones. As wreaths are used on
occasions other than Christmas, it is good
to know that if the moss ring is initially
soaked for a day or sprayed with water
regularly, the wreath can last for 3
months or more. One lucky member won
one of June's wreaths which she
generously donated to the raffle and
several said they were inspired to have a
go making their own at home.
What's on in the next 3 months:
26th January Joe Sharman 'Snowdrops'
23rd February Peter Skeggs-Gooch
'Different Ways with Clematis'
23rd March Trevor Harrison 'Unusual
Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants'

Great Hockham
Gardening Club

Our meeting on Wednesday December

14th was attended by 19 members. It was
a Christmas themed afternoon with
various puzzles and quizzes closely
contended but won by Table 4 - Mike
Hall, Sue & Matt Cunningham, Joyce
Hutchison and Patrick Alzetto. Well
done to all for taking part with such
enthusiasm despite my typing errors on

greeting the children; all who professed to

being good!! The Festive Market ended
with the switch on of the towns Christmas
lights. A big thank you here to TTSR for
our beautiful Christmas Tree. Our town
looks stunning. Thank you to everybody
who attended these events which again
attracted people from outside Norfolk.
Footnote from the Council: Work is due to
start on the Clock Tower in 2017 once the
Christmas lights are down.
So a very big thank you from Watton
Town Council for all the support you have
given us this year. We will try to do the
best we can for Watton.
We all wish you a Very Healthy, Happy
and Prosperous New Year.
the Anagrams - never helpful! We
followed this with tea/coffee and Mince
Pies & Christmas cake. A fun afternoon!
Winners of the Best Flower Competition
were: 1st Jane Dalton, 2nd Jill De
Ruyter, 3rd Sue Thomas Fruit: Sue
Thomas Photographs : 1st Patrick
Alzetto, 2nd Jane Dalton, 3rd Eric
Wed. 11th January 2017, Village Hall
2pm, We welcome back . . . Graham
Simmon to tell us the next thrilling
installment of..
'History Beneath Your Feet- The Next
Chapter' He was brilliant last time - don't
miss it. As gardeners we never know
what we might just dig up!! ALL
Interested in joining our Club? Need
more information? check out our
website, or give me a call.
The membership fee is only 10 per year
and there are many discounts and
advantages to being a member.
We meet on the 2nd Wednesday every
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy &
Peaceful 2017 Jane Dalton
(Programme Secretary GHGC) 01953
498694 Website:


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This issue of the The Wayland News was published by:

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and printed by:

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Peterborough PE1 5TD. Phone: 01733 424 949

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