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017 (Calculate Cycle tine, TAKT Time and Lead ime The time confusion - Cycle Time, TAKT Time, Lead Time Part 1 ther seaments Bn setenr ts ‘What are the differences between these 4 commonly-used! terms? Find cut all yet need to knew with this article that aims to sert cut the confusion. cycle Time ‘A lot of practiticners tend to confuse Cyele Time with Land Time, Some peorte say Cycle time is the time hetwaen twe suecessive Celiveries, while others believe itis the time between iritiaticn and delivers. In simple terms, Cycle time is the time from when the Operation beains to the point-of-time at wich the operation ends, Then what is Lead Time? Let me expen this with a simple exemete, A.austomer requests their product cn November 6, The company receives the ercer instantly, and delivers the rroctict on Novernber 10. He actually starts warking an the product enly from the 8. ‘Therefore, the Lead Time here is 4 days, while the Cycle Time is 2 days. Lead time is representative of the ime that is expended = but not the effort. You couki have a Lead Time is 25 days andi yet spend only 2 hours wrling to solve the problem at hand. At first ‘lence, Cycle Time may appear to represent effert but it represents time, toa. “Thus, cutting cyele time should be the most-important mantra for any Continucus Improvement project. Note: Apart fram Cycle Time, ane shauid alse consider Waiting time, which the time before the Cycle Time is reckoned, hitps:wsimplilearncomsime-consion-ycle-tmetakttimelead-tme-part-t-article 13 017 (Calculate Cycle tine, TAKT Time and Lead ime Note 2 Ancther important pint to remember is that that Lead Time can never be less than Cycle Time. Fer optimal operations, at best, Lead Time = Cycle Time, Lead Time is further cateocrized into Procurement Lead Time and Production Lead Time, ‘GET Your copy Accelerate your career with a professional certification PMP" Certification 7036 Ratings S1781 Leerners, InGerman, 1X1 stands for Talzeit’, mearing Music or Rhythm of Music. What is TAKT Time? It is the maximum acceptable time to meet the demands of the custemer. In ether words, TAKT Time is the speed with weich the product needs to be created in crder to satisfy the needs of the customer. In formulaic terms, TAT Time = dNet Time Available fer Prodiuction:

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