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Multidisciplinary Meeting

Multidisciplinary Meeting Participation

Selena Frizzley
ECC 514: Introduction to School-based Counselling Skills
Masters of Education in Leadership
Date: November 10, 2016
Instructor: Carol-Anne Haring

Multidisciplinary Meeting

Present at the meeting: Mother and Father of student, Assistant principal, Homeroom Teacher,
Resource room teacher, Team teacher from Junior High School, School Councillor, and
Educational Assistant working with the student.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the students social and academic progress in
order to ensure appropriate plans are put in place to help him to succeed this school year.
Individual Program Plan meetings are to review goals for the coming year and provide support
and feedback for the student. This student in this case is currently in grade 6 and he is on the
autistic spectrum. He has concerns around academics and social behavior which will be
addressed in his Individual Program Plan. His family consist of a mother, father and three boys
ages 6-14. Two of the younger boys are also on the autistic spectrum. The family does struggle
financially and at time requires additional support and services to meet their needs.
The school and the students family need to collaborate and work together in order to
achieve success. The parents involvement in the process is to act in the best interest of their
child. The Homeroom Teacher is present to provide information to the parents regarding the
students progress throughout the year. Resource Room teacher is present to offer support as the
student follows a differentiated program for Math and English Language Arts with a smaller
group of students. The Educational Assistant is present to provide information on the day to day
progress of the student based on their work together. TEAM (Talents, Esteem, Abilities, Mature)
Program Teacher from the Junior High is present to introduce the program to the student in
preparation for Grade 7; by introducing the program this year they can begin the transition plan
for when he enters Junior High. The School Councillor is present to offer the student additional

Multidisciplinary Meeting

support throughout the year as necessary, dealing specifically with socialization and emotional
support when required.
A meeting took place with the Family First Facilitator in advance of the Multidisciplinary
Meeting so that the educational staff were able to discuss what other community supports could
be put into place for the family to access. During the IPP meeting we will determine what
community supports the family is currently accessing and provide any additional support systems
that may be available for a low income family in their situation recognizing they have two
children with disabilities. There many resources within the school community that they have
access to and we will assist in ensuring they are aware of what is currently available to them as
part of the meeting.
During the IPP meeting we discussed the goals for this student and specifically focused
on what we are going to be working towards in class. We discussed the current level he is
working at and where we see his what strengths where we are seeing and areas that require
growth. This was a good opportunity to introduce the TEAM program that will be available for
him next year as he enters Junior High and identify what a good fit it this program will be to help
him meet his goals in a smaller group environment going forward. The parents seemed open and
positive to explore the TEAM option for next year as they had already been concerned about
what Junior High would look like for their child.
The goals that we have set up for this student will help him to move forward
academically and socially as they will be incorporated into all of his classes and will be
reinforced by the classroom teachers. This students Educational Assistant will also assist him
with his daily work and look for indications of success and challenges.

Multidisciplinary Meeting

The family seems to struggle financially so other community supports need to be put into
place to assist them especially given that they have three children, two of them having autism.
We have a Family First Facilitator in the school to provide support for the families in need, who
was introduced to the family through this meeting. It is a good opportunity to provide additional
support to the family and ensure that all the basic needs of the family are being met. FSCD
(family supports for families with children with disabilities services) was introduced to the them
as a starting point for receiving additional support. Summer funding is also available for the kids
activities which would be a positive option for the family instead of the older sibling babysitting
the two younger children with disabilities on a regular basis. Through Key Connections summer
programs summer vacation and school breaks child care are available. Respite care is available
to have someone come to the home to watch the children allowing for a break for the parents as
well. The City of Lethbridge subsidy-activity support will provide $150 per family per year
towards sports could be another option for the family to be active in the community. St. Vincent
De Paul also has a one time supports for helping with power and water rent payments. The
Salvation Army can also provide support to help in times of financial crisis. The community also
has a variety of services available for families with children on the Autistic Spectrum. The
Family Center has support through the Stepping Stones program; this program provides a family
with a child with Autism support for life skills to better manage behaviour and organizing
routines for in the home. This will provide the family with a sense that they are not alone and
may be a good starting point for this family. Autism society also has support groups and plays
groups that meet regularly.
This student needs to build skills that will assist in him being independent out of the
home. He would benefit from being in groups with peers in order to develop the skills so that he

Multidisciplinary Meeting

can grow and develop. The more that we can share with this family and set up for them through
our Family First Facilitator, the better it will be for the entire family. Another group available to
help plan for your childs future, if your child has a disability, is through Community Links,
Plan- Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network; this is another area that we introduced to the family
which includes future planning for your special needs student. It introduces topics like what
happens when your child turns 18? This will lay the groundwork and help navigate the
planning required for the futures of children with disabilities.
For the parents and students of a child with special needs we have many supports in place
for the families as a community within Lethbridge. The responsibility for this child does rest in
the familys hands and their ability and willingness to access some of the funds and support
services available. Our School Family First Facilitator is also available to help and organize
families including required documentation for accessing different services. Academically and
socially the school is there to best meet the needs of the student. At times when working with a
child with a disability there much more one must watch for and ensure is put into place for the
child and many of these services can be accessed within the community.
Through the IPP meeting it was also determined that a referral needed to be put into place
for the child through our Occupational Therapist. Our concerns during the meeting that were
discussed included that writing with the appropriate pencil grip seem to be an area of concern as
the students printing is very difficult to read and understand. Through the meeting we also
discussed the students continual self-stimulatory behaviour and how it can become very loud
and repetitive in the classroom setting. The stimming includes hand flapping and as of recently
chewing of clothing and different objects in the room. The Occupational Therapist will be able
to provide us with different methods to better work with this student and address these concerns.

Multidisciplinary Meeting

Many of the areas of concern will require follow up in additional meetings. Follow up
with the family regarding if they had an opportunity to access any of the community supports
suggested to them during the meeting, as this falls too the parents at this point to reach out and
access the supports available to them. Our Family First Facilitator will make additional contact
and provide support to the family, regarding autism support and financial support if necessary.
Academically follow-up will take place throughout the year regarding academic support and
following through with the students academic and social goals for the year.
Lastly, a meeting will be held with the Junior High School to go and visit the school and
introduce the student to the school and to the TEAM classroom. We will meet with his teachers
and insure that he is going to have a smooth transition to Junior High and success in grade 7.
The student will also have access to our school councillor as needed and can access this support
as the student transitions to Junior High through the councillor there as well.
There is an interrelationship between the school, family and community which is
enhanced when we come together for the student and we can only then truly make an impact on
the students. The best interests of the student always need to be at the center of our practices and
one way to do this is by supporting the student and his family together. When all groups come
together is when the best environment can be made to help the student succeed.

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