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Bender 1

Gretta Bender
Mrs. Dietrich
Honors English 10
15 November 2016
The Cyclops (Lines 56-300)
Odysseus demonstrated great cleverness while plotting the escape from the Cyclops. For
example, when he foraged his way into the Cyclops cave with some of his men, Odysseus
observed that the Cyclops had blocked the cave with a massive stone and so refrained from
killing him when he had the opportunity. He did not want his envoy to be trapped in the cave
with no way to escape and thus had to be very astute about the way in which they attempted to
flee. Unfortunately, Odysseus cleverness and attention to detail, while allowing him and some
of his troop to survive the ordeal, ultimately resulted in the loss of a significant number of his
When Odysseus and his men first entered the Cyclops cave, the Cyclops had taken his
animals out to graze. Odysseus quickly observed what the cave contained, while his men
attempted to convince him to steal Cyclops belongings and make a quick getaway. Odysseus
was stubborn in his mission, though, because he desired to observe the Cyclops and determine if
he was friend or foe. The Cyclops eventually returned home and realized that Odysseus and his
men were hiding throughout his cave. Thus, the Cyclops asked Odysseus what they were doing
there, and Odysseus quite cunningly replied, We would entreat you, great Sir, have a care for

Bender 2
the gods courtesy; Zeus will avenge the unoffending guest (Homer.1115.173-175). He tried to
make the Cyclops feel threatened by Zeus, illustrating his great slyness of character.
As the story continues to unfold, the Cyclops snatched a few of Odysseus men and
cruelly devoured them. As aforementioned, Odysseus had the chance to slay the beast right then
and there, but he realized that they would be stuck in the cave as it was blockaded by a
monstrous rock. The Cyclops then finished his chores while continuing to feast on a smattering
of Odysseus men. Odysseus realized the urgency of the situation and so conjured a plan to kill
the Cyclops and escape his wrath. The book describes, whose hand could bear to thrust and
grind that spike in Cyclops eye, when mild sleep has mastered him (Homer.1117.239-241). To
initiate his murderous plan, Odysseus offered the Cyclops a few glasses of liquor, leading the
Cyclops to eventually pass out. This put the monster into a great slumber, allowing Odysseus and
his men to pierce his enormous eye.
Ultimately, Odysseus was able to escape the hideous monster and his den, but he had to
sacrifice a fair amount of his men to accomplish this goal. Odysseus demonstrated astute
cleverness and strategic planning, and these are the primary reasons that he was able to escape
the wrath of the famed Cyclops.

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