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Fy = 1e2p 28-49 (2000) ‘ MO‘TION SPECIFICATION OF THE BEATING-UP MECHANISM - OF A NARROW HORIZONTAL WEAVING 00M NAL Raiit i} LRACT. A narrow horizontal weaving, loom is sed to weave strips of cloth, whieh are later sein tnther inte jams The eating-mp mation of te loom is respensitle for pushing the louse wel wp tgh i inthe fabric dering weaving, A model for the swtien path of the beater is prescatol ia this yapsr } tgpe of motion ix developed from standard paramctnie poivtisniais by & jeeterstion#. A esmparisen of thismodet sade with that ofa fntske Staypte Harmonie Motion ($1 | a snedel cond be sal to design a eamt-follower mechanism to replace tine saspouled {sn system of he Fao ' LO INTRODUCTION: Weowing isa processormakin clothes hy nterkrcng tw sets oF res orig dh other the longituelinal tld being, the warp and the thread across being. the welt im Lhe andor of itertseinny is enti thy wane | | Hie eipment sea fee csv flies (salad a foo, “Hae ai wrt pies iors en Tig # peli tn patigttarrepioms “There dete wagprweighter foo Fouad stetly in vse in yt art Soni ‘America, the blackstrap Town in Bolla, the diss oom in Chua and Japan. the Daca hoo is i Fanopean gonntties, and dhe narcent-borizental loom foured in the Wesl-Afiiean ragin. : Fhe parvo horizmtal loon eg Foun over a wide tiget of West Arica, There hins been gen! Inch | devotopment i the mechanization aad automation of the Ueapean looms for the peotnct a | ali ite lei ase pi othe teense develop fb rr } sot this Town is still Bowe atsed in the weaving anlustsy 4) # | stan! reports exist in,the iéerature on the historical survey of the narraw horizontal Loom (7. rT ‘auch work fia not been dome on sts autorzation, ‘This paper presents the results of the Hirst * tuili which cou serve-a 9 base fir the ‘nochanization and avitermatiion @F the arrow fs ne ‘tome, = 1 <° | pyeattnone hoviznetah loom (Fig: #1) comersts of te fiame. whch includ the back be cet ts ceding mex leisinschich includes: the elles, the Ramesses. Ae thea, al he Hoon ei = Fyne beating mnecheamnsnn shied incliies ie nod sd the Gisater: A defaill Geseription of this 1 . sic bly is pressngl an 8) ba 1 stetiaat Sea al pee ei ie Tha Ren ‘nunp is thneadall through the eve of ore Ib. Ths the ya ic Function of Ihc hams is to raige and lower the warp yarn Te eumber of hy Hine om the complenaty: oP tine wenec: The fi fopnessing the treaties of Joos within the shed The filling yom is wx ness are separated srucins, ‘This create a shes, The shel & Tencer gran by Falla, sae jue tMsestnttle “The sfenttiom siete be ann feof) ean cross. nf the Loose ts the wihe ieaving, behind the filling se shintle-pnsscs over the lower set of yarntsand und the appsr sel 2 Phe rewl deus ss fot, «ated aah tn eerneeses wil ab pss the ‘Howe fling yarn mp taght inte the tn thy fret of the loom feet. ue hares LOQALMOTION- A chytineef exotion ts built up by inet palling the beater towns thes bing the shuttle aero in appearance is ene of 2 eiiele oF endless ynotion, 7 sn ig lagsified ato three primary ami the muolaon (S14), the the Tet-otT motion {137 9 rioting (PS). and three primary motions a socaindary mots, T the p imation (HT), "Te scconikany: mations a FeV), tn Phashs #2 the prttnaey amotio wene clserved fer Flows the sequenier: eka Si-s Ph SH > BY 3 IK Sits BT > eo J ihy take-up motion Vine pon peat ingeup mowon was devclopalin {1 Fane the geometry of | “he pal of tho heater is desley sapations (1) 4D. The dispfaeentant of as elo 1 6S) a y US (LCOS chore ¥

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