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Correcting my hashimotos and so much more

You know that saying, Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.?
That was the mind set I had obtained going into this disease or
Ill explain everything I learned and why I chose to do what I did, but for
now this is what I did(the brands I used and recommend. Just click on the words)
Milk Thistle
Organic Coffee Implant (Implant is an enema, but it sounds so much

Organic Ashwagandha/Adrenal Support

Lugols 5% Liquid Iodine
Thyroid Support
Cats Claw
PROTEIN. I needed to boost up my stomach acid. Dont worry Ill
explain my madness)
Vinegar and Lemon: (preferably first thing in the morning on an empty
1. About 2 cups of warm water
2. 1-2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar or Coconut vinegar (Organic of
3. Equal amount of lemon juice as the vinegar (try to stay organic, less
Life Style: This is most important! Not that my diet was bad because of
this weakness i was blessed with, I had to be even better at my Lifestyle!
Which yes, learning how to manage stress better. Especially emotional
stress! It felt like I was taking a lot of pills, but remember they are food

based supplements and its nutrition. I will explain my daily routine of when
I took my supplements and why towards the end of my very long story! On
a side note, this whole process I was going through would have been a lot
easier and faster if I had someone do the work on me that I am blessed to
do on othershint hint hint (I need to be ZONED!!!Every week please!
Ok, Ill settle for once a month if I HAVE to!)
Thank you AMAZON SMILE: (I use to donate to Teen
Closet, AT NO EXTRA COST! Why not help out a charity while you are
helping out your body?)
What did I learn about Hashimotos and why I took what I did
Let's clear this up, the thyroid does NOTcause Hashimoto's! Hashimoto's
causes thyroid problems. It's an auto-immune disease that attacks your
thyroid. The traditional treatment for treating Hashimoto's is to prescribe
thyroid meds. Well, taking thyroid meds really isn't going to help the
Hashimotos. It will help treat the symptom and I don't want to treat the
symptom, I want to fix the problem. The thyroid meds are to "help" the
thyroid from further damage done by Hashimoto's. With that being said, I
knew that I had to work on more than just my thyroid. For now, I decided
to work on my liver, adrenals, digestion,thyroid and diet/lifestyle.
Why Iodine and Thyroid Support?
First thing i knew to help my thyroid function better was taking Iodine. Our
thyroid NEEDS that nutrient to function. Iodine is one of the two building
blocks of your thyroid hormones. Your thyroid converts tyrosine (the other
building block) into thyroglobulin and attaches between one and four
iodine atoms to create T1, T2, T3, and T4 respectively. Without enough
iodine, your thyroid simply cant produce its hormones. To learn and
understand about that topic more, is a great source
of information on the link between the thyroid and iodine. When I very first
learned about the link between them, I had started taking iodine drops a
long time ago. I would get on these kicks of learning something and then
applying it to my life and then I dont know, maybe Id forget or just fall off
the health train. I knew when I had taken the iodine before, I had felt
better! So, I starting implementing what i had learned on a more constant
basis because I was determined to really correct this and see if the
knowledge I had obtained was truth. This time around, I took the drops in
combination with the Thyroid Support supplements because of the other

ingredients the Thyroid Support had contained. This explains why I took 2
different sources of Iodine. I based that choice off of my personal
reasonings and needs. Be careful because there is such a thing as Iodine
Toxicity. Personally, I felt that the Iodine (kelp) in the supplement wasnt
sufficient enough for me. The other ingredients that the Thyroid Support
had was exactly what I needed for a bunch of different reasons. Zinc-Plays a
role in the enzyme needed to convert T4 to T3. Zinc is also necessary to
trigger your hypothalamus thyroid hormone receptors, meaning that
without enough zinc, your hypothalamus cant accurately gauge thyroid
hormone levels to increase production when levels are low. Zinc can
actually deplete your bodys copper levels, so it is also advised to pair your
zinc supplement with a copper supplement, but don't worry this
supplement has copper in it too! Selenium- the enzyme that converts T4
(the inactive form of thyroid hormone) to T3 (the active form), is a
selenium-dependent enzyme, so without enough selenium your thyroid
hormones are stuck in their inactive state, causing hypothyroidism
Sufficient levels of selenium also help prevent and reverse autoimmune
thyroid. When your body converts iodide (the form iodine that you ingest,
such as table salt, which is sodium iodide) into iodine, the process produces
hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant and damages thyroid
cells, which can trigger an autoimmune response. Selenium acts to
neutralize the hydrogen peroxide. To learn more about these ingredients,
look them up! Know what you are putting in your body and why!
I have learned for myself to take this first thing in the morning 30 min
before eating.
Why Ashwagandha and adrenal support?
Adrenals play a huge role in energy, stress, adrenaline, cortisol, ectSo
here was my thought process, I knew from family history that I have a
weakness in my thyroid. (Life would have been so much easier had I had
done something long ago when I first knew of my genetic weakness, but
then again I wouldnt have gone through this to learn so I could help
EVERYONE who wants to do better for themselves right??) Anyways, why
is the first thing the docs wanna check when you come in with symptoms
like fatigue, constipation, depression, weight gain, etc they wanna check
your thyroid? Why not check your adrenal glands? They play a huge role in
energy, weight gain, moods, digestion, well and yeah hormones. They
produce progesterone. (Thats for a different experience of mine I am
currently doing as a result of my hashimotos) So I figure this, (my personal

theory)If I have had a weakness with my thyroid and ignored it, it is going
to get worse. When the thyroid stops functioning optimally what gland
would kick it up a notch? I am thinking adrenals! Hence, the nutritional
support for adrenal glands. Ever heard of adrenal fatigue? A weird
symptom I was having was cellulite in my mid section. Didn't ever have that
before. High levels of cortisol increase cellulite. I figure, lets do something
about my adrenal glands that are so tired of doing their job ALL THE TIME
with out a break! Short periods of increased cortisol isn't a bad thing, its
when you stay high for a long period of time. Theres this really cool video
by Dr. John Bergman. I love that he has a visual demonstration that
explains SO much of what I have learned. I love the way he explains things
for you to easily understand!
Why Milk Thistle and Coffee Implanting?
Liver!! Oh man does this organ and I have our differences! I had my gall
bladder removed when I was 18. Oh you dont need a gall bladder! They
say!! Ummyeah I do! But what did I know? I was 18! I didn't understand
anything other than I was in major pain from gall bladder attacks! Knowing
what I know now My body was trying to tell me something. Well, I am
listening now! The gall bladder is your reservoir for your bile that your liver
produces to help clean, detox and break things down. So every time you are
exposed to ANYTHING, it filters through the liver. Can you imagine how
much work your liver is doing to produce bile to cleanse the body of toxins?
Now take away its reservoir! Thats twice the amount of work on your liver.
To add more damage to my liver, since December of 2012 to February 2015,
I had underwent 5 major surgeries; 3 right shoulder and 2 low back.
Anesthetics alone will toxify the body, not to mention the before and after
meds and shots I was given. After that realization, a memory of learning of
the Gerson Therapy popped in my head . What does the liver have to do
with the thyroid and hashimotos? Well, the T4 hormones into the T3 just
so happens to get converted in the liver. Your T3 hormones are 20 times
more powerful and stronger than your T4. I wont get too much into the
differences with Free T4 and T4, but I do know this: Some of your T4 is
called free T4. This means that it hasnt bonded to protein in your blood.
Most of the T4 in your body does bond with protein. So I did the Gerson
therapy everyday for 2 weeks and then once a month for about 3 months. I
didn't stop because it wasnt working, I stopped because I was changing! I
could feel my liver was working better. Which goes to show, doing all these
things don't have to be all the time for the rest of your life. I was just
helping out by body in a good way. All those supplements I take are

nutrition because lets face it, food just isn't food anymore! Yes, even
organic food doesn't have the nutrition its supposed to have. Thats due to
the depletion in our soil. Plants cant manufacture minerals. So if its not in
the soilits not in our food. On the bright side, your more protected from
chemicals with organic foods than you are eating non organic and GMO
and all that other modified crap.
Why Probiotics?
Probiotics are the good bacteria that fight for a healthy intestinal flora!
There is some opinions on refrigerated or not! My opinion is based upon
the knowledge i have gained from zoning the feet. Every client that I have
worked on, i could tell they were taking probiotics of a high quality
refrigerated kind. Those who I suggested taking probiotics said they were
taking probiotics, I couldnt tell. Even when they had mentioned something
about the way its packaged so you don't have to have them refrigerated and
something along those lines. Do with what you want with that
informationthis is just what I have learned for myself!
Why did I need to increase stomach acid: (Now this one is a long
Most people have low stomach acids these days. Diet is huge to blame and
so is stress. With decreased stomach acid you don't have the ability to break
things down to absorb in the body, especially proteins! acid reflux, gerd,
indigestions, heartburn, bloating, food allergies, malabsorption, the list just
keeps goingthose symptoms are a main result of low stomach acid. How
did I learn that? I was zoning a client and couldnt quite understand what I
was feeing in the stomach. Especially the lining of the stomach. It felt very
similar to a different client that had chronic heart burn that I felt in the
esophagus. I put the 2 together and gave some suggestions, and VIOLA
symptoms decreased. Then i started researching about low stomach acid,
what problems and symptoms come with low stomach acid. Did you know
that vitiligo (Michael Jacksons disease) is a symptom of low stomach
acid?? Its all about having enough stomach acid to break things down for
absorption. Best way to explain in simpler terms is to compare stomach
acid to a boiling pot of water: bare with me here
Water=Stomach Acid
Heat=Diet and Stress
Cooking Food=Eating Food

If there is little to no water left in a pan to cook and break down your food,
how do you expect your stomach to do the same thing? Now some say
taking vinegar causes the symptoms to be worse, well yeah it can but, just
be patient. What happens to a pan when its water has evaporated? it burns!
What happens when you put a drop of water in the pan? It sizzles, smokes
and then evaporates rather quickly (kinda like a burning). Now what
happens when you keep adding water to that dried up burnt pan that is still
on high heat because life is stressful and your diet isnt what it should be??
It stops sizzling and it doesnt burn anymore! See?? Now you getting it?
Reduce stress, eat healthier and increase your low stomach acid. Like with
everything in life, too much of anything isnt a good thing. Just pay
attention to your body! Listen to it and you will know when to up things,
slow em down or just stop!
Why Cats claw?
Cats Claw is a great immune booster and since Hashimotos is an
autoimmune disease, why not? Plus, it has an added benefit of reducing
inflammation in the body. I needed a reduction in inflammation to aid in
my bodys healing and repairing. I didnt take this very often, only when I
knew I needed to.
Why Lifestyle?
Kind of self explanatory! Although I would emphasize on STAYING AWAY
gluten 75% of the time. Plain and simple! Needless to say, I wasnt just
treating Hashimotos. I was helping my body heal and correct itself to
function the way its supposed to. I am not there yet! I am still doing my
daily routine and regimen.
My Story
In June, I was waking up every morning breaking out in hives. At first, i
thought i was attacked my a mosquito and then about a week of this, it
progressively spread and got bigger and worse. I knew it was hormonal!
How did I know? Honestly, it just came to me! I cant explain it, other than
listening to my inner voice. Now, if you cant hear your inner voice, because
we all have one, thats ok! You can learn! The best way I learned was
following through with what I felt. Have you ever had a feeling that
someone was staring at you? Or you walked by someone and you felt just
creeped out? Its that kind of recognition. My biggest teacher was learning

muscle testing! Google it! Youtube it! Learn it! Practice it! Most important,
trust YOU! Muscle testing can also be referred to as Kinesiology. Back to my
experience of breaking out in hormonal hives, I called up my family doc to
schedule a blood test. July was when I had my blood drawn and then
diagnosed with Hashimotos/Hypothyroid.
I was kinda mad and angry for the first minute I heard that I had
hashimotos. I had been praying to find out what was wrong with my body
because if I knew what was I wrong I could fix it. The first thing I said while
looking up as if I am talking to God right there, was Really? Why? Then,
as if I had planted the thought in my head, well you wanted to know, now
you know! What are you going to do about it? I quickly changed my
attitude and turned it into seeing if everything I have learned and studied
for the last 13-14 years from zoning is actually true and works. Lets, just say
I wouldnt have spent all day typing this if what I had learned didnt work!
It was true for me in my case! I wish I can say and guarantee everyone who
suffers this same issue would have the same great results, but I cant! On
the other hand, I can guarantee that if you can make lifestyle changes now
and incorporate a lot of the same things i had done, that you will FEEL
better! It may take longer than 5 months or a year to heal your issues, but
progress is progress! Especially, if you are doing it to when your body is
able to rely upon itself and not medication/pharmaceuticals!
When I started noticing changesImmediately while doing the Coffee
Implanting! I couldn't believe how fast the fatigue had went away! I still
was got tired and would want to take a nap, but its not like I felt dead tired
like before! I could honestly say that I couldnt start the day without doing
my Implanting! That is what literally got me through the day energetically.
I don't drink coffee, I don't drink sodas, I don't drink black tea, I do
however was drinking my Keto drink in the mornings because it helped
with my ketones and utilizing my stored fat and converting it to energy! I
noticed the days when I didn't have my Keto drink and still did the implant,
I wasn't as bubbly! This was my first change of improvement was energy!
HUGE right??
I continued to wake up with hives ALL OVER! I had to take the hottest
showers to relieve that itchiness. At times I did break down and took a 24
hour allergy pill! It was unbearable at times! It was the only thing that
helped that ITCH! After about 2 weeks of almost taking an allergy pill every
day in conjunction with everything else i had been taking, i noticed that i

could take one about every 3-4 days. Then it got less and less until it
became annoying, but bearable! (I did this from about mid September to
November). A week before Thanksgiving, is the last time I had taken any
allergy pill for those hives because I didn't have hives anymore! Thats when
I realized that I knew I was at the end of Hashimotos! I still continued with
my daily regimen! I still use muscle testing for the amounts of supplements
I need and if I even need it that day! (See why you should really learn that
awesome technique?)
I thought since its been 6 months, I would go get my blood work done. At
the time, I thought I had gone in June for blood work, but as you can see it
was done in July. I really wanted to give it a good solid 6 months of trial.
Every 3 months the cells fully regenerate. Most people give up on things
before they even have a chance! I am so curious as to what the results
would have shown after 6 months. That last 1 month, does make a
difference! Either way, I am happy with the results so far

The only editing I did on my reports was block out my phone number,
address and account number!

Most of my Hashimotos symptoms are gone. The one that really bothers
me that is still lingering is my weight! With how I eat and what I do, I
should be losing weight just by watching tv!lol! Unfortunately for me, this
is another lesson I have to experience so I can have a full understanding
and learn to be able to help others, right?? Right! My next tackle is going to
be insulin resistant/estrogen dominance and low progesterone! When I get
all of those checked (to find my baseline), fixed and balanced naturally, I
WILL SHARE! Until then, I hope that by writing this and sharing it has
helped! If you have any questions, are want to pick my brain, I would love
to share what I can and help in anyway. Just click on the link below! It will
take you to my webpage and contact info!
My Daily Routine Schedule:
1. First thing in morning when I woke up on empty stomach:
1/2 cup water with 4 drops of liquid iodine. Why 4 drops? Thats what I
muscle tested. (if you havent learned it yet, you really should! Its pretty
much amazing stuff). 2 capsules of Thyroid Support and 1 Ashwaganda.
2. Coffee Implanting (took about an hour from start to finish, including
brewing and cooling. But i got smart and brewed a bigger batch and stored
in a mason jar in my fridge).
*Only did for 2 weeks every day and then 1 x a month after that.
3. Vinger/Lemon/Warm water drink when I wasnt doing the implant.
4. Took Probiotic right before every meal.
5. I would take a HCL supplement with every meal because I ate protein at
every meal.
6. Around 1-2 Id take Milk thistle
7. Later afternoon 3-4ish I took another Ashwaganda.
8. My diet pretty much consisted of a ketogenic lifestyle! Avoiding gluten
because gluten seems to play a huge role in acquiring Hashimotos! I do and

did eat fresh fruits during all of the. Not a bunch, but what was in season! It
may have natural sugars, but I do believe our bodies do need healthy

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