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[2017-01-06 11:13:46.174] [014334] [10.0.104.

31] [PGSQL]
SET application_name = 'NAVICAT'
[2017-01-06 11:13:46.178] [014334] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT d.datname, d.oid, pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) AS owner, shobj_description(d
.oid, 'pg_database') AS comment, t.spcname, d.datacl, d.datlastsysoid, d.encodin
g, pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) AS encodingname FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN
pg_tablespace t ON d.dattablespace=t.oid
[2017-01-06 11:13:47.602] [014335] [] [PGSQL]
SET application_name = 'NAVICAT'
[2017-01-06 11:13:47.604] [014335] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT nspname, oid, pg_get_userbyid(nspowner) AS owner, nspacl, obj_description
(oid) FROM pg_namespace
[2017-01-06 11:13:51.219] [014335] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT c.oid, obj_description(c.oid), c.relhasoids AS hasoids, n.nspname AS sch
emaname, c.relname AS tablename, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, t.sp
cname AS "tablespace", c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules AS hasrules, c
.relhastriggers AS hastriggers, c.relacl, c.reltuples, ((SELECT count(*) FROM pg
_inherits WHERE inhparent = c.oid) > 0) AS inhtable, i2.nspname AS inhschemaname
, i2.relname AS inhtablename, c.reloptions AS param, c.relpersistence AS unlogge
d FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN p
g_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace LEFT JOIN (pg_inherits i INNER JOIN pg
_class c2 ON i.inhparent = c2.oid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n2 ON n2.oid = c2.relna
mespace) i2 ON i2.inhrelid = c.oid WHERE (c.relkind = 'r'::"char") AND n.nspname
= 'public'
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.470] [017691] [] [PGSQL]
SET application_name = 'NAVICAT'
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.472] [014335] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT col.table_name, col.column_name, col.character_maximum_length, col.is_nul
lable, col.numeric_precision, col.numeric_scale, col.datetime_precision, col.ord
inal_position, b.atttypmod, b.attndims, col.data_type AS col_type, et.typelem, e
t.typlen, et.typtype, nbt.nspname AS elem_schema , bt.typname AS elem_name,
ttypid, col.udt_schema, col.udt_name, col.column_default AS col_default, col.dom
ain_catalog, col.domain_schema, col.domain_name, col_description(c.oid, col.ordi
nal_position) AS comment, b.attacl, coll.collname FROM information_schema.column
s AS col LEFT JOIN pg_namespace ns ON ns.nspname = col.table_schema LEFT JOIN pg
_class c ON col.table_name = c.relname AND c.relnamespace = ns.oid LEFT JOIN pg_
attrdef a ON c.oid = a.adrelid AND col.ordinal_position = a.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_a
ttribute b ON b.attrelid = c.oid AND b.attname = col.column_name LEFT JOIN pg_ty
pe et ON et.oid = b.atttypid LEFT JOIN pg_collation coll ON coll.oid = b.attcoll
ation LEFT JOIN pg_type bt ON et.typelem = bt.oid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nbt ON
bt.typnamespace = nbt.oid WHERE col.table_schema = 'public' AND col.table_name =
'participante' ORDER BY col.table_name, col.ordinal_position
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.472] [014335] [] [PGSQL]
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.497] [017692] [] [PGSQL]
SET application_name = 'NAVICAT'
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.499] [017692] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT col.table_name, col.column_name, col.character_maximum_length, col.is_nul

lable, col.numeric_precision, col.numeric_scale, col.datetime_precision, col.ord

inal_position, b.atttypmod, b.attndims, col.data_type AS col_type, et.typelem, e
t.typlen, et.typtype, nbt.nspname AS elem_schema , bt.typname AS elem_name,
ttypid, col.udt_schema, col.udt_name, col.column_default AS col_default, col.dom
ain_catalog, col.domain_schema, col.domain_name, col_description(c.oid, col.ordi
nal_position) AS comment, b.attacl, coll.collname FROM information_schema.column
s AS col LEFT JOIN pg_namespace ns ON ns.nspname = col.table_schema LEFT JOIN pg
_class c ON col.table_name = c.relname AND c.relnamespace = ns.oid LEFT JOIN pg_
attrdef a ON c.oid = a.adrelid AND col.ordinal_position = a.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_a
ttribute b ON b.attrelid = c.oid AND b.attname = col.column_name LEFT JOIN pg_ty
pe et ON et.oid = b.atttypid LEFT JOIN pg_collation coll ON coll.oid = b.attcoll
ation LEFT JOIN pg_type bt ON et.typelem = bt.oid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nbt ON
bt.typnamespace = nbt.oid WHERE col.table_schema = 'public' AND col.table_name =
'participante' ORDER BY col.table_name, col.ordinal_position
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.524] [017692] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT oid, oprname FROM pg_catalog.pg_operator
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.582] [017692] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT c.oid, c.conname, c.contype, c.condeferrable, c.condeferred, c.conkey, c.
confupdtype, c.confdeltype, c.consrc, t.relname, fns.nspname AS foreign_schema,
f.relname AS foreign_table, ts.spcname, i.reloptions AS param, am.amname, c.cone
xclop, pg_get_expr(ci.indpred, ci.indexrelid, true) where_predicate, obj_descrip
tion(c.oid) AS comment FROM pg_constraint c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace ns ON (c.conn
amespace = ns.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_class t ON (c.conrelid = t.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_cla
ss i ON (c.conname = i.relname) AND (c.connamespace = i.relnamespace) LEFT JOIN
pg_class f ON (c.confrelid = f.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_namespace fns ON (f.relnamespac
e = fns.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace ts ON (i.reltablespace = ts.oid) LEFT JOIN
pg_am am ON (i.relam = am.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_index ci ON (c.conindid = ci.indexre
lid) WHERE ns.nspname = 'public' AND t.relname = 'participante' ORDER BY t.relna
me, i.oid
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.596] [017692] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT t.relname, fns.nspname AS foreign_schema, f.relname AS foreign_table, c.c
onname, c.confkey, a.attname AS foreign_field, a.attnum FROM pg_constraint c LEF
T JOIN pg_namespace ns ON (c.connamespace = ns.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_class t ON (c.c
onrelid = t.oid) INNER JOIN pg_class f ON (c.confrelid = f.oid) LEFT JOIN pg_nam
espace fns ON (f.relnamespace = fns.oid) INNER JOIN pg_attribute a ON (a.attreli
d = f.oid) WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND ns.nspname = 'public' AND t.relname = 'partici
pante' ORDER BY t.relname, c.conname, a.attnum
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.643] [017691] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT * FROM "public"."participante" LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0
[2017-01-06 16:20:35.649] [017691] [] [PGSQL]
SELECT c.conkey FROM pg_constraint c WHERE c.contype='p' AND c.conrelid = 19777

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