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Skripsi penggunaan brainstorming toward speakiing

Allman Barbara dan Freeman S. 2010.Menjadi Guru Kreatif.Jogjakarta. Golden

Book diakses hari/tanggal : minggu/25
januari 2015 diakses hari/tanggal : minggu/25 januari 2015

Roestiyah, N.K. 2012.Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta. PT. Rineka Cipta

Semiawan, R.C. 2008.Belajar dan Pembelajaran Pra Sekolah dan Sekolah
Dasar. Jakarta. PT Indeks
Subana dan Sunarti.2009. Strategi Belajar Mengajar Bahasa
Indonesia.Bandung. CV Pustaka Setia
Sutikno, M. Sobry. 2009. Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Upaya Kreatif dalam
Mewujudkan Pembelajaran yang Berhasil). Bandung. Prospect.

Barus, Adrian. (2011). Penerapan Model

Pembelajaran Brainstorming Untuk
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar,
Kemampuan Kritis Dan Kreatif
Siswa SMKN-2 Kabanjahe Pada
Materi Trigonometri. Suara
pendidikan, Vol 29 No. 1, hlm 2530.
Roestiyah. (2012). Strategi Belajar
Mengajar. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
ISBN 978-979-518-171-2.
Rofieq, Muhammad. (2012). Perancangan
Almari Pakaian Bayi Serbaguna
Memalui Brainstorming Dengan Ibu
Rumah Tangga. Jurnal Teknik
Industri, Vol 13 No 1, 101-107.
Dugosh Leggett Karen., Paulus Paul B.
(2005). Cognitive And Social
Comparison Processes In
Brainstorming. Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology
Vol. 41, hlm. 313320.
Widowati, Asri. (2010). Brainstorming

Sebagai Alternative Pengembangan

Berfikir Kreatif Dalam
Pembelajaran Sains Biologi. Jurnal
Biologi Edukasi Vol 2 No. 2, 17-22.
Penelitian yang dilakukan Wahyuningsih (2011) yang berjudul Pembelajaran
Menulis Puisi Dengan Menggunakan Media Video Realita Sosial Melalui
Metode Brainstorming.
Kohn dan Smith (2012) melakukan penelitian yang berjudul Collaborative
Fixation Effect Of Others Ideas On Brainstorming
Michinov (2012) dalam penelitiannya yang berjudul Is Electronic
Brainstorming Or Brainwriting The Best Way To Improve Creative
Performance In Group? An Overlooked Comparison Of Two Idea-Generation
Metode brainstorming dipopulerkan oleh Alex F. Osborn dalam bukunya
Applied Imagination.
Roestiyah. 2008. Strategi belajar mengajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Randie, 2011. Model Brainstorming and Mind Mapping.
Tanggal 01 Agustus 2012. Jam 12.28 WIB
Tinivitani, 2011. Pengertian Metode Brainstorming. Tanggal 01
Agustus 2012. Jam 12.44 WIB

Malihah, Noor. 2010. The Effectiveness of Speaking Interaction Through Task Based
Language Teaching. Published Thesis. Salatiga: Islamic Studies Institute ( STAIN ) of
Nunan, David. 1991. Research Methods in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. Get the Book Here
Tarigan, H. Guntur. 1990. Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Metode Riset Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran
Bahasa. Bandung: Angkasa. Get the Book Here
Wilson, S. 1983. Living English Structure. London: Longman. Get the Book Here
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Jakarta:
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Get the Book Here
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 2008. Berbicara sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbicara.
Hornby, A. S. (1995). Oxford Advanced Learners
Dictionary of Current Language. Oxford: Oxford
University Press

Kunjungi situs
Harris, D.P. 1994. Testing English as a Second Language.New York: Mc.Grow Hill.
Cari tentang component speaking
Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching: fouth edition. USA:
Harlow Pearson Education Limited.
Tentang pengertian teaching speaking

Hayriye, Kayi.2006. Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second

Language. The Internet TESL Journal. 12 (11).
Tentang pengertian teaching speaking

According to Murcia (2001 : 7) when teaching speaking English as a

foreign language, teacher needs to particularly competent at organizing
activities in class and motivating the students. However, the teacher needs to
make the speaking class to be fun and enjoyable. The teacher has to create
activities that give students many opportunities of communicating with their
friends. So, teaching speaking must be an enjoyable and fun activity that
makes the students feel secure to speak up and express their feeling freely.
Murcia (2006 : 106) states that to help students developed communicative efficiency in
speaking, there are some activities used in the classroom to promote the development of
speaking skills in our learners. The discussion below centers on the major types of speaking
activities that can be implemented as follows :

According to Diane in Irtatik (2009:11) the teacher facilitates

communication in the classroom. In this role, one of the major responsibilities
is to establish situations likely to promote communication.

According to Harmer (2001:347) teachers should play such of different roles in teaching
speaking. The roles as follow:

Prompter: Students sometimes get lost, cannot think what to say next, or
in some other way lose the fluency the teacher expects of them. The
teacher can leave them to struggle out of situation on their own, and


indeed sometimes this may be the best option.

Participant: Teachers should be good animators when asking students to
produce language. At other times, teachers may want to participate in
discussion or role play themselves. That way they can prompt covertly,
introduce new information to help the activity along, ensure continuing


students engagement, and generally maintain creative atmosphere.

Feedback provider: When students are in the middle of a speaking








communicativeness out of the activity. On the other hand, helpful and

gentle correction may get students out of the mistakes or errors they have

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