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Title: Metacentric Height

1.1 Stability of Floating Bodies
Pontoon is a term used to denote a flat bottomed vessel which is rectangular in
across section and in plan. Considering Figure 1.1a, we have the weight force,
W, acting vertically down through the center of gravity, G, of the pontoon. Since
the pontoon is floating in water with a constant depth immersion, it follows that
there must be an equal force acting the opposing direction of the weight force,
known as buoyancy force, F, which acts vertically up through the center of
gravity of the displaced water.

Figure 1.1a: A pontoon floating on an even keel with W and F collinear

Since the pontoon is simple rectangle, the shape of the displaced liquid is also a
rectangular with its center at the geometrical center namely the center of
buoyancy, B. the buoyancy force, F acts upward through B. note that W and F
act collinearly with G situated some distance above B.

Figure 1.1b: A pontoon floating with an imposed angle tilt, showing the righting
When a pontoon is tilted as shown in Figure 1.1b, W acts vertically down through
G which maintained at the same position but F now act through point B* instead
of B. this is because F acts through the center of gravity of the displaced liquid
which is now trapezoidal in shape with its center of gravity at B*. As a result F

and W are no longer collinear, but a couple of forces that will return the pontoon
to an even keel are formed. This is known as righting couple. In case the
pontoon is capable of righting itself when tilted, hence it is stable.

Figure 1.1c: A pontoon with a raised G and an imposed angle of tilt, showing the
overturning couple caused by W acting outside F
If a relatively tall piece of weight on the pontoon as shown in Figure 4, the
combined weight, W of the pontoon and its load acts through the center of
gravity, G which is relatively high. When G becomes higher and the angle of tilt
increases, W acts further to the left. This means that at some point the
movement of the buoyancy force, F from B to B* is unlikely to be large enough to
produce a righting couple. What we now have the situation depicted in Figure
1.1c, where the line of action of W is outside (nearer the edge of the pontoon)
than the line along which F acts. Thus W is trying to overturn the pontoon. The
two forces F and W form an overturning couple. Thus it is unstable.

Figure 1.1d: The position of metacenter

A pontoon floating on an even keel has its center of buoyancy at B and its center
of gravity at G. A line joining B to G would be as shown in Figure 1.1d, that is
vertical and at 900 to the deck of the pontoon. Imagine line BG extends upwards
and now consider the pontoon in its tilted position as in Figure 1.1d, the center of

buoyancy moved from B to B*. A line drawn vertically upwards through B* will
intersect the line BG at the point labeled M in the diagram. This is called the
metacenter. Provided G does not move, then for all relatively small angle of tilt.
Experiment 3.1: Stability of Floating Bodies Experiment
To determine the key parameters of a pontoon and to investigate its stability.
1. The transverse adjustable mass was weight.
2. The pontoon was assemble and weight it.
3. The sliding mass was positioned along the mast such that the center of
gravity occurs at the top of the pontoon. This can be determined by using a
knife edge or by suspending from a light string around the mast.
4. The sink was filled with water, the pontoon floated and ensuring that the
adjustable mass is in its central position.
5. Adjustable weight was moved to the right of the center in 10 mm increments
to the end of the scale, noting the angular displacement of the plumb line for
each position.
6. The movement of the adjustable mass to the left of the center was repeated.
7. With the exception of weighing the adjustable weight and emptying and
refilling the volumetric tank, all the above for the sliding mass at different
heights up the mast was repeated, i.e. for different centers of gravity.
8. The graph of lateral position of the adjustable mass against angle of list for
each sliding mass height was prepared. The value of


for each sliding

mass height was obtained, the metacentric height was calculated, GM and
distance between the center of buoyancy and the metacentric.

Total weight of floating assembly

= 3.5 kg

Weight of adjustable mass

= 0.6 kg

Weight of sliding mass

= 0.8 kg

Breadth of pontoon

= 200 mm

Length of pontoon

= 350 mm

Second moment of area I=

LD 3
x 1012

Volume of water displaced



Height of metacenter above center of


= 3.8273 x 10

= 36 m

Buoyancy BM = V

Depth of immersion of pontoon =

Depth of center of buoyancy CB =

= 1.0631 x 10 m

V x 10 6
V x 10 6
2 LD

= 0.023 m

= 0.0115 m

Based on this experiment, it is shown that the metacentric height has been
influenced by the position of the adjustable mass. The metacentre also will be
affected by the position of the adjustable mass. The stability of the pontoon also
influenced by position of the plumb-line.
As the conclusion of this experiment, with several of center of gravity of the
pontoon it can effected the stability of the pontoon itself. Even of other object or
people, the changes of center of gravity can cause the stability changing too.

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