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ApxiTekTovika Beyata architecture in greece 112 *HAEKTPOVIKT] TOAEOSOLia To dpxeréxtovos T.X. Zevérou sou Hl Op@h BPaguOY! Tis texvoroyiag uropei va eivai 7 youn Spaxurpoaeoun ion ora noosifjwara tay mOdewy, yiatt a xpetaatel MOAIG KaIpoC yid vO EAEy- Eouge thy adEnon tou nAneuouod... Pati doaye va why umopooy of avépuror va Goa" dno’ Bédouy ai ve dotixonO\Ody- Fai hhexrpovied.» (’Ane 76 «ipio dpépo ord Science, 18 os- Bpovapiou 1972: rat n eOxouibia énexteivero. ai orm warpoboui. # covamapen ub ‘th guon dvawotasuiter Ta GroreAsopara aaciedelag unxavorarigewc, 12, Eourspuen ovat, NS. OveWbs xipos US. AcTinec xapoc. A. KAaou) Bou ‘ouniig uovdbas nat Befyuara ravaotpo—ne me ano thy avaruén 100 rprrovevou touea, b00"7 raroINia Gvruieronicerai ue cuséarica wéaa. B."EnddAnda értine6a («olxéneba> ) et cyusarind oxcherd nonurarouias ‘dno Audyeva orowela UroBéxovrat Frowia onieie orooyeia. 1 Bou deh enerpenei thy épapiioyh ovotmudrw fg etexvohoyiag Seutepovevous phasing, Erabiand 10 Ebaeos Eevbepibverar rai ot iodyeieg xonaeig (éunopio xd) uerapspovrat oré npoto brtedo, “Etot eivel Buvar® ve etagendooy rai ta onéyeva Bixtwa EEommperjaeus ovo Unepuyeeve vo «bagoes..C. "0 gopéas irotoxiis Gmoresettor dnd bva Sixrdwpa Kandi {ino tdon, avgouelwon rhe numverntag #lvai npaxtind dnepiOpiorn (6). nal ox, 26). 210 86apoe daowAnoaveTa: Ranonctaoraon tou guaKou RepiBéMdovioe. Ol ouvennes Biabidoew nov 98 npoxaviouv and thy éeopuoyh Ouomnudtwy the nuBepyntixic feybernation) érveaadouv aytatovx denon tov Suvarouftwy dusone erate fie tO gvoine neprBaanev. Ta dixtua 4 Comparative diagram of a (probable) Govolopment of the structure of tne urban tunit (100X100 m) in the conventional turban pattern and scale. During tho transitional phase (8) three new elements are Incorporated In the aystem: minimum Intervention on the ground, flexibility in the microstructure, and naturo. During the third phase (C) the “rosds” are incorporated In the “structures”, and flexibility extends to the macro- ‘structure. Cooxisience with nature counterbalances the effects of Intense ‘mechanisation IC. interior courtyard, NS. Natural space, US. Urban space. A. Conventional structure of the urban unit and examples ofits destruction due fo the development of the tertiary sector, inevitable as long 8s this development is doalt with in 2 conventional manner. B. Superimposed “Tots on a conventional bu! demountable bullaing structure, wnich recolve prefabricated housing units or efements This structure permits tne application of “secondary use technology”. Gradually the ground is treed, and ground-level Junctions (shops etc) are relocated on tno iret floor level. tf also possible to transfer all underground service ‘networks to the raised naw “ground ovo}, C. The receiving structure consists of a tensile cable system, offering infinite possibilities for formal variations anid ‘ensiiy fluctuations (see Ml. 26). Al ground Tevet, the restoration of the natural environment 's completed. The living Tig unxavunns Kuxdopopiag o¢ romuRh Aluana clvat dvnotquéva. Fd iv kurhopopia ueya\itenns axtivar (dow, 688V006, Sraornuinfig) rd usa uetaponac kAwaniovovtar, cuvéeovras fe dtapopa elBincuueva névipe, 01 syxaraatéaeic a6 éBae0¢ civax npoowpivod xapaxtiipe Kai Snwobrinore ‘aurovoyes, ue ebapyioy Kai e503 Ouormudtwy KAewt05 RUKAAvaTOS 5. Teyaxtoyeg x00 Bowvod, noi srarpenstaro& yainc Kal duo yee Wa yore revov nai werd und (otov hhelwosoun rarebagicerar), 27d Aaropeto ‘ig puroypagiag ("Yunrtec) Exouy Garoesel soa ct pla xpora nepinou 5.000.000 ni Bouvou. 6 ‘Anoppiuuara Um roi énoppiuwara ‘nou npoatiBevtar o& anopoluara (eave66gr0n 105 nohuteAodS GevoBoxeiou Traymor, ATAGUTUR ZATU, Tora). Mé 10 cujeatixe overjuara KaTEOKEUBV, TS QUOIKO MEpIBGAOY. 900 uerarpanet ob UAma Soumoews, yerarpenerai diadoxixa o& nepieaniov Groppmudruy, “Broth evrponta nou Enrraxiives 6 avapunoc tous towels hg Sepuosuvouinic enenteiverar onueps kal om) ueppodoyia too EBdpouG Oi nnyés évepyets eiva: Aiyérep Gutind nosBAnuia ce ouyKocon ue Thy RataoTpOpN 100 mepI8aMovros, z, Nexporageto nakauay rau. 8 Aiéypauua tod ovoriyoros vraaeue vid "9 otaBeponoinan tau MoAEoBouiKod forod. Karoyn ral Gyn, 21 eradaaAoqieva Spt the Boune Conditions resulting from the appfication of cybernetics (cybernation) impose S carrespending Increase in the possibilities for direct contact with the hhatural anvironment. Local transportation hetworks are suspended; for intercity, International or space transportation, the networks escalate to link the various specialised transportation centres. Groune-leve! facilities are of a temporary nature and in any case autonomous, Gepending on closed-circuit systoms, 5 Tearing up a mountain to make aggregate, whieh in tarn will become concrete, ‘and later debris. At ihe quarries shown, Jn toss than three years the "volume ‘of mountain” quarried was epproximately 6,000,000 cusm. 6 Rofuée, wastos addod to wastes (Gemolitton of the luxury Traymor Hotel, ‘Atlantic City, 1972). In conventional building sysiems, the natural environment, after being wranstormed into building materials, wll gradually become an environment of debris (entropy does not ‘poly only to thermodynamics). The dovastation of energy resources is far fese importent when compared to the degradation of the natural environment. 7. Gomotery of old tramway cars. 8. Diagram of the tensile system used to 109 devo ioro0, r6 ovarn ua dynupaverai ord yopw Bouva fy ‘or6 e80g06. 9 H «dod rod ovorhuaros neoevréocus Gimayes wonoere ave (n oxrone0 otivnepirewan tvée npeucotod nrpieu ai blag roeuarnne yeauoae anotetavy 1 Boon oer’ npoehmia. (Ethv repinrwon Tov avnprmuéveu oltoTI400 Guerhparas te Sedopera evar Soyeveorena via: vat Ayérepo Suumeyne 1000 x Mods 70 vexed 80 fal de 'npbg v6 sora opr.) Omapayoveas ton unbevigera nd Tour sdrevavt opel. Et91 to “voter noipve Mh jp Tanwres Sipainag (ne ineponino MapaBodoetous npos Ta dxpa) 40. ‘Mepixn xdroyn tunixo0 tuhuarog ig eemprnué vn nohews. Ol dpcorruec ‘ouds yivovtal ob 8690p TUNG dries, 11. Mepuxh 84m AA (8A. ox. 20) 2. Aamrouépeta vis Sous x09 ovorhueros, Kéroun. To nporeivouevo Bvoryua vie Tv npr auTh Epapuoyh eival 100g. "ExTOG dvd Tove meCdBpOHOUG KATE YIKOG Yay dvnprmpevay erurébwv (GA. ox. 18), Undoxouy nai bynépotes ouvbédeK ‘ony oad roo Buxtvuapertos Optcovr.aG npoevrdeue, “Exel dvoptavrat Bidgopa Eninesa vid owexpnates xpncee. (To nootewvouevo cuotnua Bourg Sev civat nape uid dnd the aespes Suvarte uopote rie vevixTc Weas/overnparos wes esehiyuevng Bown texvonoyiag od 6a énerpénet stabilise the urben space grid. Plan land elevation. at the fluctuating) outer limits of the urban structure, the system is anchored either tothe nearby mountain (oF tothe ground. 9 The “principle” of the prestressed system Latera! wind (or earthquake) pressures Constitute the basic structural problem fing suspended building or @ suspended bridge. (In the fist case conditions are ‘more favourable because the “material” fa less solid In relation to the dead or live roads.) This factor Is nulilied by the Counter forces of the spacegrid units facing each other. Thus the “building” assumes tne form of part of a sphere and Of a hyperbolic paraboloid toward the edges) 10. Partial plan of a typical sector in the suspended city. The horizontal sections are faken al several iypical levels. 1. Partial elevation A-A (see il, 20) 12. Detail of the structure. Plan. The proposed ‘span for ins first application is 100 m. ‘Apart tram the pedestrian ways along the suspended levels (see il 75), there ‘are transversal connections at tha love! of the forlzontal prestressed cable nel, where various communal facilities are suspended. (The proposed structural ‘system ie but one ofthe infinite possible rations of the general idea! system, 12 apr ‘a highly developed ich will permit var 116 Gnewes napaarayée, Expodtoveag réo0 ‘Thy eldunt Tonoypagia Ké6e mepioxns {00 nal ra torn xapaxtnpiorina real Tig Wroppueutee Ov KarolRWY- Snutoupyav rg nave MdAzAIG) 13. Aenronépeta tg avnprnsene atcoxeung. 316 nat Atou te rravogewe t00 xriplou galverat td egoto éninedo, rod dvriatoixel ov} ‘ord8un TOU dpitévtiou ouaTH ATO Brrdoeu, 14 Aerrouspeia BiatdEeu ovoK.siov gvnornutvay enendSay Ever oven 6110’ Eva avotnua npoevtetapevey ‘rakwiav, Guoia ororxeia 84 anattoooay Evav nodundoxirepo Bound Gopéa. “Brot Gewpnnxe word va tunonoinee! uovo 70 dvoryua (10 1)."0 ueyéAos Gproud6 ovorxslav nad énavaAausavovrat ‘ytd tv npayyaronoinen évoe ¢opéa ory Kalpana Th MBACWE, KOI GE Repiaodtepes Tono8calec, Bixaiohoyet ‘aut 1H Avon. Ol dprOumpievo Tura: oToKXelay tev Emunédwy 64 moocpEpOVTaL or tunépr0 yea ayop’ fy Evouiaon tte vouoBeola (npooapuodsivn oxerina) 88 proponce va eeeapanice! bv dyopaath av toxvneay baneSuy Seraxspora xanawenctag nevis oF ua -8bor» (npsuaotod) elon Bou, Mhroict evataaaodpeves 0600 dé dptouévee npouneséaeic nod { eeumperovoay v0 naive auuéooy To ovoixeta abta dgopouv wove 1) Snutoupyia texvmran erinédav 284G0U5 ral empencuy dnowshnors xpten, dvaioya pe n)y icouyrpoota ‘ay ravovaduray.“H Bont the node ‘paceuis drorenetrat and tva Bietouia dnd ouhtves ddowuviou natuguéve eva nepibljua dre Evoxuuevo Monveotéoa. Tawiee dnd veonpevio eagpantCouy 1 ouvéxeta Tou apopaton SanéBou. 70 Sintdwpe nepeeyes Ode ra oronyeia éEunnpertcees ral 71 Owanvdoeig taxubpouinitg Sravouris poioveav. i (ptsrayoun) eith Soh 03 dveuataztadel os uetayevéotepn ‘econ dm pues Soy reyépavn ‘Yeupivoei¢ dd Bepuoriaotind And, rou 0a eivax Buvaro va mapax@e! dé Bxadunaate Brounxaving nAtuaKeR. ‘Mid napadday? 82 elvat Kai ol appayioueves (3x: Ond neon) Bouts ‘depobanduioy, mad 84 dnoBAsiouy ‘thy éérrwan TOU Bépous wai my Eniteugn usyaAdrepne eUnauviag. ‘Hposkraon rou kevepixod Bixruoy mekobpduwy dBnyet c& KévTpa eEurmperneing Ral KOWwaviKGW enogaY. 18, Audueves povdies dd oupBarind Browia otoxsia the dvonde: «) ovdses Epucpiav, 6) Kougiuara, y) KULEAE Aovrpay. Tunind érineso 7A aunpmnusung xnmounoAews ue Staureph olxéne8a», nov dnd th wa MACUpE Bdénouv mpg Eva tunve doTiKe mtep6aAdov wal dna thy GAAn Exouy Guecn era ue T2 avontd guotxe epi6dAhov. 'ErunAGov nooapépouy 1% duvarémra ancoxoMoeug ue Ta ure toUg tBusttKodg fy ToUg Kow8xonotoUG nous. 16. "Erugdveu dyeuc,us dvedants epoibex, 13 13, Detail of the suspended structure. The Tower half of the bullding plan shows the middle level, which corresponds to tho levol of ina horizontal tonsila, system 14 Detail of suspended floor elements. It is ‘obvious that in a prestressed cable ‘system, identical floor elements would require a far more complicated receiving structure, It vas therefore thought preferable to standardise only ine span (10). The large number of identical ‘elements needed for the construction ofa “carrier” at city scale, and in more: than one locations, ustties this solution. The numbered types of floor elements will be available In the market for hire (or purchase. Appropriate legislation would give to the buyer property rignts fof a ceriain kind (usus-iructusjon the “Iocation’ of the suspended “plot”. The abore floor elements correspond ‘only 10 artificial ground levele, and otfor ‘2 great variety of possible uses to satisty “ tho tomporament of each consumer. The structure of phase one consists of an aluminium tubular truss system ‘overed with a reinforced polyester skin Neoprene strips ensure continully in the jointed flooring. The truss system ‘contains lf service networks and goods Gistribution channels. This primitive ‘structure is later replaced by a vibbed structural membrane of thermoplastic ‘materfal (ABS) manufactured industriel ‘An alternative would be seated (not under pproscure) air chambers, which would reduce dead weight and contribute to (greater flexibility. An extension of the ‘entra! pedestrian network loads {0 the Tous communal facilities and social activity centres 18. Demountable units made of conventional prefabricated clomonts presently ‘available: a) storage units, b) doors windows, ©) toilet cepsules. A typical level of the suspended garden city, with “transverse Tots” facing on ono side ‘a dense urban environment and on the 18 other the open natural environment. In addition, they offer tne possibilty of gardening In private or communal plots. 16. Facade equipped with sun louvres. 17. Local station for suspended train network. 18, Lateral extension of public area along the Internat street. 19. Communal areas at the nodes-pylons. 20. Diagram of vertical sections. 21 Section o-€. 22. Section 8-B. 117 1. 19. 2 Tomudg ora8ude rpalvou dvmptnHévou —_Kowoxpnotor x@pot aT0Ug KousoUC: Touh C-€. ro dixtowu. nukaves, 18. 20. 2. Kowéxpnoz nepioxh o& mata énéxtaan “Audypaya Ko8eTew Toa. Tout 8-8. ara jinnag me 660U EvBoEmUKOWuVIaS, } 8 23. ‘Alvtuo dnoxetedoewe mop Karaxnyes 98 oraSyd éne€epyaciag Ayuérwn. To BiaTUo Elva cuvBedeiévo UB 75 romix® UBpavdixd al dpBeurixd olotua, noo 6a eivai ce xenon wexpic Brou dpxioeen bia8_0n omy dyond olxiaxtv wovdduv KAsioro0 nuxAwuaroe, Onde 44 karapynBet 15 yevixd Siatve napoxdv al dnoxerciaeuv. 24. ‘enrouépeta KouBou Karaxdpugns Kal Spigevriag nuMogoptag, 26. ‘enrouépetes (01 Biarout civar EvBsicrueéc). 70 bo otariKd auotnua elvar apepure wore va emrpenet thy éAedBepn alvman rode Bdes Tie arrcubuvaeis. Ol panes orpewews Grbv nOuBorvAwva dveweruniotnxay i Bva quota dvapthaces tov akusBiwy ot6 KEvTBO THE BlaTOLAC. Ot muAwves, Ta KoABBIG Kai Ta GAAS oroixela évaprivews 8a unopodv va evar oro ueMov dno GuvBeriKes Base nov 8% Exouv ric dnobéoers Tov xaAUBSIvaav MpotUNY xwpie 10 éhartduatd rove: cxwpela, uiKoh vtoxh ovh put, ueyaAous ouvTeneotés Biaotohiig, ueyaA0 Bdpos ral, éA0G, avayan cbvexous évanpooapyoy; hg Teaews ov Kaha Slav. 26 MaparAayes Siaragews Kai nuavornrar. 27. Mpoexrdcers kwvinis noes. 01 Buvaromres xpnaeug TOU xapou evar 23, ‘Sewage disposal network torminating at recycling station connected with the local plumbing and irrigation network which will remain in use until closed circuit dwelling units become available In the market and the general plumbing and drainage network is abolisned. m4. Detail of vertical and horizontal circulation node, 25. Dotalis (the sections are indicative) The entire structural system consists ot joints permitting free movement in all directions. The torsion momonts at the ‘node ooluren are counterbalanced By ‘a device permitting the suspension of the cables from the centro of Is cross section, The pylons, the cables and all ‘other suspension elements could be of synthetic materials, thus possessing all ne advantages of thelr steel prototypes with none of their ‘isadvantages: corrosion, smatt ‘resistance fo lire, considerable expansion Cootticlont, groat weight and, finally, the necessity for continuous adjustments of the cable stress, 28. Variations In layout and density 27. Cone-shaped oxtonsions. The possibititios of space use are unlimited. 28, A. The tensile space frame could double {88 a Support for ancharing a transparent anepwprores, 28 A. Te xwpoSiardaya unopst vo xpnaiteuces Tavroxpove ov Bop) opeas via thy dyatpwon Biapavoue KaAduparos oF nepireacers Bnwioupyiag Edeyyouevou uixporAiuatos. B. TO ‘odatmua ouynotvéyevo ue Tou cUvABeNS (ude novne xpoews) popets epiéAnuatuv ytd th Bnwoupyla KAcieTot Eheyyouevou ylspou (1. DfpoudeG Sous 2. °YAuo nepi@nhuaroc). Mavewe Sev Beupetrar dui Eva térovo adornua 66 ExeL Ela yevintie é¢apoyne. "Exrd Gro Gxpate, nepintices, 88 npéret ve Avanpooapuoatooue ati guaiKes ‘uvdnres 700 nepiBa AAO TOG, epooOV Sev natagdyauve aTov édeyxo Tou Agarog of may rexiy KNIuaxG (0d evBexousvire 64 mpayuraronoméet Me onone mv auenen me rapaywyindrmrag) 29, TepadAayn rod overhuatos yee npoawpivi| Avan dyicouv oreyaar Kay ‘dvayKav a onoavaruKres xapee (mtepioxée Evrovng dotixonorfoei). "EqToG dd Ades muta nov emia Novy réro1ee Soute atte dnoavanturtes xape6, 66 elvat avayeaiee nat vie thy dntoguyh av noAdveRpu karaotpopav dno aexoHous, 20, ‘errrouspeia. To ward Owoe dp6puv nepiopicerai ara 3,50 4 rat nuxvornra, 8 obyrpian ue TV mpoB Acriouévn ou) Baawh Adon, Bye! rperAaataarel ‘Mid eradianh épiotonotnan sivar ‘mombrane, making possible the creation ‘of a controlled microclimate. B. The systom compared to singie-purpese Supporting structures for membrane skins, {88 proposed in micro-climatie control ‘Schemes. (1. Supporting structure, 2. Membrane.) Nonetheless, tis not ‘assumed that such a system would be applicable on a largo scale. Except for ‘xtreme cases, we shall have to readapt {0 the natural conditions of tho environment - unless, of course, climatic control extonds to cover the entire planet (25 well it might, to increase productivity). 20. Variation of the system to provide 4 temporary solution to immediate housing needs in underdeveloped ‘countries (areas of intense urbanisation). Apart from other pressures imposing the adoption of such structures In Underdeveloped countries, they are also 10 de considered to face earthquake aisasters 30. Detail. The average floor heignt is reduced to 3:20 m and density, compared to standard susface occupation, Is tripled. Gradual optimisation is possible without ‘modifications fn the space tramo. 'S. Covered living space. 1. Flooring and roof elements. 2. Natural Tore. ‘Suspension cables. 3. Folding canvas ‘canopies with windows. 4. Vine-ree or ‘other climbing plant. The total or a great percentage of ihe elements in the antire Structure are produced and assembled by the users. Advanced technology is used only in sefecting and, eventually, ‘improving the appropriate conventional BuvarH xwals 1h uerarpont r00 gopeiag. 8. Yndatevos xapoe Biauov. 1. Frowgeta Batedou nal erenaAdeeas 2. Kanwdea dro purines ives 3. Muvoadneves tevt65 ne napaovpO 4 Jnarapia h S20 dvaopyoueve de 10 B5ag0q. 70 auvalon To lever. roaoots vay otorgeta he Dkr Bows ‘apdyerat wat cuvapwonoyelra ano reus rarolnoue, i éneudaan the eZeAiyueviie Toxvoroviag dona jdvo thy éuhoyh tov savanin ov mapeugepav mapaboowxay ‘uctmutay (nai th uéyiorn déionoinay Toug Be uxov Bedviaaerg). A. Neproxt ids Gro data. 3. NrevenedéroAn (Bidonville) rg srexvohoylac Beutepoyevous xohcswe> oto npoaatie tou Papiowou St: Denis. 22, Zuywpirind Stéyeouua méavav egenewy. 38, 70 nporewousvo ovary - nod Bev beopdcer nape ouynerpyevn apxiterrovert - Biver 1) Buvarornra (76 dtoue va avantdger thy Rpcownuérnré tou ouvgeroveac udvo Tou 70 mepi6anov Tov. "Exe! Swe Opaye inh vy dvayan (nol ob noid KAWuaRa) A utinwg f)tdon ouoppdiceuse ro nave. va turtonolel ddua Kai ta OtONBIa TOU, (Aenrouépesa dnd th yehowoypagla roo Kiera Mnrpénoudou «76 veo kareomptvo>.) systems. A, Sub-group ares. a1 "Secondary use technology": bidenvi In the Parle suburb of St. Denis. 92, Comparative graph of probable developments, 33 The proposed system, which does not correspond to any particular architectural Siyle, enables the Indivioval to express ‘is porsonality by creating his own ‘environment. But do people actually feel the need to do so (and to what extont) ‘or does the trend to conform extend {8 far as one's own altire and ornaments? (Detail trom @ cartoon by Costas \Mitropoulos: “The now establishmont”.) 28

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