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Cheryl Joy C.



Article : Keeping the Brain Fit

The human brain is the thing which distinguishes human beings from other animals and has enabled
human kind to reach astonishing heights. Neurobics is a term to describe exercises that help the brain
stay fit.
Specific types of sensory stimuli and activities, especially those that involve non-routine actions and
thoughts, produce more of the chemicals that encourage growth of new dendrites and neurons in the
brain. Routine activities become so automatic that they are completed largely unconsciously. This means
they require less activity in the brain, and exercise it less. There are many games and products on the
market to improve the brains functioning by keeping memory and cognitive skills sharp. However,
physical exercise has been proven again and again, to be essential for brain health.
Brain Benefits of Exercise

Improves circulation and brings oxygen in to the brain.

Increased breathing and heart rate sends more blood to the brain, enhancing energy production
and waste removal.

Studies with elderly patients show that walking will improve memory, learning ability,
concentration and abstract reasoning.

Decreases chances of cognitive decline.

Those of us who wiggle their fingers and toes before getting out of bed in the morning activate
nerves that stimulate the brain and internal organs helping us feel more alert and active in the

Exercisers have better executive functioning. This includes planning, organizing, and the ability
to take on many intellectual tasks simultaneously.

Contrary to popular belief, cognitive decline is not inevitable. A 25 year old brain has a similar
amount of brain cells compared to a 75 year old.

Exercise improves and even cures mental illness such as depression and anxiety.
Neurobic activity should do one or more of the following:
1. Involve one or more senses in a new context.
2. Involve your full attention.
3. Break your routine in a significant way.

Neurobics do not have to be complicated. They also dont require that you set aside special times for
them. As long as they follow the guidelines above, many simple activities make for good brain exercises,

and can be worked into your normal day.

Fun brain games are a great way for enhancing the reasoning and logic skills. Reasoning and thinking
skills are crucial for solving problems efficiently and quickly and also making important decisions in dayto-day life. The most important concepts of reasoning and logic include quick decision-making, abstract
thinking and selecting the best options. Brain games tend to test your brain and force it to use its

Maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right and get your daily exercise. Ensure that you indulge in the brain
workout regularly because if the brain is not challenged for a long period of time it tends to reduce its
capacity to work efficiently. The brain is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.

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