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Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

Past Perfect Tense

Soal Past Perfect Tense

Pengertian Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa
suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi. Aksi yang
telah selesai dimasa lampau itu dapat terjadi berulang kali maupun hanya sekali. Selain itu,
past perfect tense juga dapat digunakan untuk membentuk conditional sentence tipe 3 dan
reported speech.

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb had, dan past participle (verb-3).
Had digunakan baik untuk singular maupun plural subject. Sedangkan past participle dapat
berupa irregular atau regular verb. Dengan demikian rumus past perfect tense untuk kalimat
positif, negatif, dan interogatif adalah sebagai berikut.

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

positif (+)

S + had + Verb-3/past participle

negatif (-)

S + had + not + Verb-3/past participle

interogatif (?) had + S + Verb-3/past participle

Contoh Past Perfect Tense

My brother had slept
They had come
My brother hadnt slept
They hadnt come
Had my brother slept
Had they come

Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tense

Beberapa contoh kalimat past perfect tense dengan fungsi-fungsinya dapat dilihat pada tabel
sebagai berikut.
Past perfect tense untuk
mengekspresikan aksi di
masa lampau yang telah
selesai terjadi sebelum past
event lainnya. Subordinate
conjunction yang dapat
digunakan antara lain:

after, before, when

Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tense

When he came last night, the cake had run out.
(Ketika dia datang semalam, kue sudah habis.)
The student had gotten a verbal warning before his parents
were called.
(Siswa tersebut telah mendapat peringatan verbal sebelum
orangtuanya ditelepon.)
I had already eaten my breakfast by the time he picked me up.
(Saya telah sarapan ketika dia menjemput.)
Prior to the proclamation, Indonesia had been colonized by
Japan for 3 years.

(Sebelum proklamasi, Indonesia telah dijajah Jepang selama 3


by the time

I had read the book three times.

(Saya membaca buku itu tiga kali.)
They had met twice before married.
(Mereka bertemu dua kali sebelum menikah.)
Yulia had gone to the gym every two days until 2012.
(Yulia telah pergi ke gym setiap dua hari sampai tahun 2012.)
He said that he had listened carefully the instruction.
Past perfect tense
(Dia mengatakan bahwa dia telah mendengarkan instruksi
digunakan pada reported
speech setelah verbs: said, dengan penuh perhatian.)
told, asked, thought,
I thought he had changed to be better man.
(Saya pikir dia telah berubah menjadi pria yang lebih baik.)
If he had taken a bath fast, he would have missed the train.
Past perfect tense untuk
(Jika dia telah mandi cepat, dia tidak akan ketinggalan kereta.)
Rina would been the same level with me if she had studied
harapan/impian yang tidak
(Rina akan berasa pada level yang sama dengan saya jika dia
(conditional tipe 3).
belajar lebih keras.)
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prior to
Past perfect tense untuk
menunjukkan seberapa
sering sesuatu terjadi di
masa lampau.

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Present tense

Past tense

Future tense


Daftar Isi

Home past tense Contoh kalimat past perfect tense positif negatif interogatif

Contoh kalimat past perfect tense positif

negatif interogatif

Contoh kalimat past perfect tense positif negatif interogatif- Masih ingatkah kalian
bentuk contoh kalimat past perfect tense, maka untuk pembahasan selanjutnya adalah
bentuk contoh kalimat past perfect tense positif negatif interogatif. Bentuk ini merupakan
hanya untuk memudahkan dalam pemahaman kalimat, berikut ini uraiannya.
Adapun rumusan bentuk kalimat past perfect positif adalah:


Participle (V-3)

this course

since two years ago

bentuk kalimat past perfect negatif




Participle (V-3)

Since two years ago

this course

bentuk kalimat past perfect interrogatif


Participle (V-3)


this course
since two years ago?
perhatikan hindari penggunaan participle saja kecuali HAD+ participle, hindari juga
menggunakan verb word atau bentuk past kecuali bentuk participle.
Kalimat positif
a. We had lived in Bekasi since five years ago
b. Danish had given us a lot of money since we arrived.
c. You had taken this medicine since 2000.
d. We just had sat when the bell rang.
e. They had gone there before.
f. I had finished it yet when you came.
g. she had loved him for a long time.
Kalimat negatif
a. We hadnt lived in Bekasi since five years ago
b. Danish had not given us a lot of money since we arrived.
c. You had not taken this medicine since 2000.
d. We just had not sat when the bell rang.
e. They had not gone there before.
f. I had not finished it yet when you came.

g. she had not loved him for a long time.

Kalimat interrogatif
a. Had we lived in Bekasi since five years ago?
b. Had Danish given us a lot of money since we arrived?
c. Had you taken this medicine since 2000?
d. Had we just sat when the bell rang?
e. Had they gone there before?
f. Had I finished it yet when you came?
g. Had she loved him for a long time?
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Present tense

Past tense

Future tense


Daftar Isi

Home past tense Contoh kalimat past perfect tense beserta artinya

Contoh kalimat past perfect tense beserta

Contoh kalimat past perfect tense beserta artinya- Untuk pembahasan kali ini, akan
menguraikan contoh-contoh kalimat past perfect tense beserta artinya guys. Simak baik-baik
contoh berikut! Diharapkan sudah tidak bingung lagi ya dengan pola bentuk pasif aktif,
nominal verbal, positif, negative dan interrogatif.

contoh kalimat beserta artinya:

a. You had lived in Semarang since four years ago. (kamu tlah tinggal di Semarang sejak
empat tahun yang lalu)
b. Danish had given us many souvenirs since we arrived. (Danish telah memberi kami
banyak souvenir sejak kami tiba)
c. I just had sat to read this newspaper when the phone rang. (aku baru saja duduk untuk
membaca Koran ketika telpon bordering)
d. I ever hadnt gone to beach before. (aku belum pernah pergi ke pantai)
e. I hadnt finished it yet when you left. (aku belum menyelesaikannya ketika kamu pergi)
f. He hadnt loved her for a long time. (dia sudah tidak mencintainya sudah lama)
g. He had sold her house more expensive. (dia telah menjual rumahnya lebih mahal)
h. A teacher had been asked the difficult problems. (seorang guru telah ditanya masalah
yang sulit)
i. They had answered his questions. (mereka telah menjawab pertanyaannya)
j. She had brought chocolates for him. (dia telah membawa coklat untuknya)
k. Aira had been loved by him so much. (Aira telah dicintainya)
l. My husband had loved me so much. (suamiku telah mencintaiku aku)
m. Sia had come early. (Sia telah datang lebih awal)
n. Had you lived in Bandung since five years ago? (sudhakan kamu tinggal di Bandung sejak
lima tahun yang lalu)
o. Had Danish given us a lot of money since we arrived? (sudhakan Danish memberi kami
banyak uang ketika kami tiba)

p. Had I just read this newspaper when the phone rang? (sudahkan saya membaca koran ini
ketika telpon bordering)
q. You had been cheated by them when it was final examination. (kamu telah dicurnagi
mereka ketika ujian akhir)
r. Danish had been given a lot of chocolates since he arrived. (Danish telah memberi kami
banyak coklat ketika dia tiba)
s. It had been yesterday you left that house. (baru saja kemarin sejak kamu pergi)
t. Tom and Jerry had been enemies since they were children. (Tom and Jerry telah menjadi
musuh sejak mereka anak-anak)
u. Hermi had been happy since her husband was there. (Hermi telah bahagia sejak suaminya
di sana)
v. She had been in swimming pool. (dia sudah berada di kolam renang)
w. We had been teachers since 1989. (kami telah menjadi guru sejak tahun 1989)
x. I just had been asked so many questions when the phone rang. (aku baru saja ditanyai
banyak pertanyaan ketika telpon bordering)
y. They just had been accepted as students. (mereka baru saja diterima sebagai siswa)
z. I ever had been given many books. (aku telah diberi banyak buku)
aa. It had been finished yet when you came. (hal ini telah diselesaikan ketika kamu datang)
ab. He had been loved by her for a long time. (dia telah dicintainya sejak lama)
ac. I ever hadnt been given many books. (aku belum pernah diberi banyak buku)
ad. It hadnt been finished yet when you came. (hal itu belum terselesaikan ketika kamu
ae. He hadnt been loved by her for a long time. (dia belum dicintainya sejak lama)
af. Had you been cheated by them when final examination? (apakah kamu telah dicurangi
mereka ketika ujian akhir?)

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