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By Dan Wickline

Panel One: Establishing shot of Artemis city. Im going to call it New Cypress since
that is one of the items associated with the Greek goddess Artemis. Im not sure
how much of the city is established in IXth Generation #3 so look to that first. If its
left up to us then Id go with a very masculine city with tall building made of
concrete, steel and glass. Lots of sharp edges and big squares. Stay away from
curves in the building designs as much as possible. The city isnt sprawling but built
up into the sky.
CAPTION: The Aphrodite Protocol was initiated in the late 20 th century in an
attempt to save humanity from a predicted extinction level event that
became reality in the year 2102 A.D.
CAPTION: The Protocol successfully engineered and evolved humans into new
species that survived in this new world via technological singularity and
genetic enhancement.
CAPTION: The architect of the Protocol created nine heirs to rule over this
new world. They were placed in hibernation for seven-hundred years to be
activated in what became known as the Ascension; the year 2802, when the
self-proclaimed Gods of the IXth Generation took control.
Panel Two: We pull in closer to the tallest building in the city. This is where Artemis
IX calls home. The building is bigger, taller and shinier than the others. But we also
see the damage from the explosion caused by Hades IXs explosion in IXth
Generation #3. We see the damage of the outside of the building is being repaired
as we move in.
CAPTION: This is the city of New Cypress.
CAPTION: Home of Artemis IX
Panel Three: We are inside the meeting room with the open balcony that was
blown up in IXth Generation #3 (You definitely need pages 17-23 for reference).
There is a mix of people working to fix up the inside of the room. There are both
male and female cyborgs but the females outnumber the males four to one easily
and the females are all scantily dressed as in the reference pages. Besides the
workers repairing the structure, floor, etc. there are two females artists working in
the center. One is doing a sculpture of Artemis IX while the other is painting him.
They are working from computer images of him. Artemis IX is just now walking into
the room to see how things are progressing.
CAPTION: Recently Artemis hosted his fellow IXth Generationers.
CAPTION: Like most of their meetings, it began with heated words.
CAPTION: But this one ended with an explosion.

Panel One: Artemis approaches one of the male cyborgs, Brauron, who gives him
an update on the repairs to the room. Brauron is always carrying a computer tablet.
ARTEMIS: How are things proceeding, Brauron?
BRAURON: Were a little behind schedule. The explosion caused more
structural damage than we original thought
Panel Two: Chest up shot of Artemis as his face shows the anger he still holds for
Hades. The shift of emotion is so fast that the cyborg hes talking to has taken a
step back.
ARTEMIS: When I get my hands on Hades, Ill make sure she pays for that.
Panel Three: His anger settles a bit as he comments on the new marble floor that
has been put in. Brauron still looks nervous but pleased that Artemis approves of
the choice.
ARTEMIS: But I deal with that soon enough.
ARTEMIS: You went with a darker marble this time. I like it.
BRAURON: Uhm Thank you, sir.
Panel Four: Artemis has moved over to look at the statue being made. The female
cyborg has stopped working to let him examine the work. Artemis is looking at it
with a discerning eye.
ARTEMIS: Youre capturing the rugged nature of your subject.
ARTEMIS: I am very pleased.
SCULPTOR: Im honored to be working on the piece.
Panel Five: Artemis gets close to the sculptor, whispers in her ear and places his
hand very low on her back / butt. A very affectionate gesture.
ARTEMIS: Come by my quarters this evening and Ill let you have a closer look
at your model.

Panel One: Artemis moves over to the painter and we see that the painting and
the digital image floating next to it are almost identical.
ARTEMIS: Ive always had a soft spot for painters
Panel Two: Artemis roughly pushes the painter out of the way and grabs the
painting. The painter is going to the ground from the push.
ARTEMIS: What is this garbage?!?
Panel Three: Artemis is furious and smashes the painting over his knee. The
painter covers her head in fear.
ARTEMIS: This looks nothing like me!
Panel Four: Artemis turns to Brauron and barks an order at him. All of the other
cyborgs have stopped working and turned to see the commotion. There is one very
attractive cyborg with medium brown hair except for a blond streak that runs from
her left temple and down. This is Chione and shes important to the story.
ARTEMIS: Get her out of my sight and find me a real artist.
Panel Five: Artemis storms out of the room as everyone turns back to work
quickly except Chione.
ARTEMIS: And the rest of you get back to work!
Panel Six: Pull in close on Chione who is fed up with the way Artemis acts. She is
determined to do something about it. There will be no words here so this image has
to say the shit is about to start.
No dialogue

Panel One: A few days later, Artemis is working in his private office when the door
chimes. He is looking at the plans on his desk.
SFX: Deeb Deeb
ARTEMIS: Come in.
Panel Two: Chione steps into his office and Artemis doesnt bother to look up. We
dont want to make it obvious that its Chione, but if someone looks back later they
will see. So show her from behind and give just a hint of her blond hair.
CHIONE: Im sorry to disturb you, sir. But there is a message from the new
power plant.
CHIONE: Theyve had to halt construction and need you down there right
Panel Three: Artemis walks right past her as he exits the office, again dont make
it obvious that its Chione.
ARTEMIS: Why do I have managers?
ARTEMIS: Tell the hanger to fire up my shuttle. Im on my way down.
Panel Four: Artemis walking towards his personal shuttle as a male cyborg comes
up to tell him that they havent had a chance to check the shuttle for flight. Again,
since Artemis is an overly masculine character, his shuttle feels more like a star
fighter. Like a cross between an X-Wing Fighter and a Colonial Viper with touches of
an F-14 Tomcat. Its a two-seater with a canopy.
MECHANIC: Sir I didnt get a chance to do a safety inspection on your
Panel Five: Artemis is waving off the mechanic as he is climbing into his shuttle.
ARTEMIS: You can do it when I get back.

Panel One: The shuttle/fighter blasts off from the hanger that is built into Artemis
building around 10 stories up from the ground.
ARTEMIS: This is Fox-One, Im clear of the hangar.
Panel Two: Inside the cockpit Artemis is locking in the coordinates for his location
when a light starts blinking.
ARTEMIS: Computer, lock in coordinates for Delta-Three-Six.
COMPUTER: Can Not Comply.
Panel Three: The ship just barely misses another building and zooms past very
ARTEMIS: What the
ARTEMIS: Computer, reduce speed and lock in coordinates for Delta-ThreeSix.
COMPUTER: Can Not Comply.
Panel Four: Artemis tries to slow the ship down as his earpiece communicator goes
EARPIECE: Central control to Fox-One. Were getting some strange readings
from your navigational computer.
ARTEMIS: No kidding.
ARTEMIS: Switching to manual.
Panel Five: Artemis looks up and sees a building directly ahead of him and an even
bigger one just behind it.
ARTEMIS: Steering controls are jammed and I cant throttle it down.
ARTEMIS: Central, can you reboot the
ARTEMIS: Oh hell

Panel One: Artemis pulling the stick back all the way, making the shuttle fly at a
steep up angle.
EARPIECE: You appear to be on a collision course.
ARTEMIS: I can see that!
Panel Two: The ship just barely clears the first building but its obviously not going
to miss the second one.
No dialogue
Panel Three: Artemis hits the button to blow the canopy.
ARTEMIS: Time to go!
Panel Four: The shuttle slams into the side of the second building with a large
explosion. Shattering glass and metal shards flying everywhere.
Panel Five: We see Artemis falling away from the explosion as he leaped from the
shuttle just before it hit. So he is falling towards the roof of the first building as the
explosion behind him has gotten bigger from the last page.
No dialogue

Panel One: Artemis lands on the roof with a roll, hitting hard.
No dialogue
Panel Two: On one knee, Artemis covers his head with his arms as he is showered
by glass and metal shards from the explosion.
No dialogue
Panel Three: Artemis is now on his feet. He looks angry and stern. His jacket is
ripped up, he has some cuts on his hands and one on his cheek. Hes talking to his
ear piece.
ARTEMIS: Come pick me up Now.
Panel Four: Back at the hanger Artemis is getting off of more passenger friendly
shuttle, like something out of Star Trek. The mechanic is running up to meet him.
MECHANIC: Are you okay, sir? Do you need a medic?
Panel Five: The mechanic shows Artemis a computer tablet as they walk with a
bunch of data on it. But hes explaining it as they go.
ARTEMIS: Im fine. What the hell happened to my shuttle?
MECHANIC: I took a look at the flight recording and Id have to say that it
was sabotaged.
Panel Six: Artemis shows his surprise as he has stopped to look at the mechanic
and verify what he said.
ARTEMIS: Sabotaged? You mean someone tried to kill me?
MECHANIC: Yes thats what it seems.
ARTEMIS: What is your evidence?

Panel One: On the tablet we see a recorded image of Artemis shuttle and we see
the shadow of someone doing something under it, but we cant see what they are
doing or even what gender they are.
MECHANIC: Whoever it was knew our security enough to avoid all the
cameras here in the hanger.
Panel Two: Artemis heads for the elevator leaving the mechanic behind. We see
Brauron waiting for him.
ARTEMIS: Start checking cameras in the hallways around the same time.
MECHANIC: Yes, sir!
Panel Three: Artemis and Brauron ride up in the elevator together and talk about
what happened.
BRAURON: Are you okay, sir?
ARTEMIS: Im fine.
ARTEMIS: Get a hold of the manager at the power plant and find out what
they needed me for.
Panel Four: Artemis exits the elevator heading toward his office / quarters. Brauron
trails behind him.
BRAURON: I checked with them already and they deny having called for you.
ARTEMIS: Of course not. More of the saboteurs work.
ARTEMIS: Have a masseur come up to my office.
BRAURON: I anticipated that request. One should be waiting for you.
Panel Five: As he enters his quarters, which are adjacent to his office, we see that
a woman is already waiting for him. This is again Chione but we cant tell for sure.
Its a scantily clad woman standing by a massage table and we only see the brown
hair, not the blond streak if we see that much of her.
CHIONE: Good afternoon, sir.
ARTEMIS: It hasnt been so far.
Panel Six: Artemis is removing his shirt as hes talking to the masseur / woman.
ARTEMIS: But Im hoping to change that now.

Panel One: Artemis is standing by the table and grabbing a towel so he can take
off his pants. He is shirtless and we see that the explosion cut him up worse than
hes let on. The woman gasps.
Panel Two: Artemis is now in only a towel as the woman touches one of his
wounds. Artemis doesnt even look at the woman as he is more focused on affixing
his towel.
CHIONE: Are you sure you want a massage those cuts look pretty bad.
Panel Three: Artemis lays face down on the table ready for his massage.
ARTEMIS: Im fine. I heal quickly.
ARTEMIS: I just need to relax and thats why youre here.
Panel Four: Chione starts working on his back, rubbing his lower back first where
there are less cuts.
CHIONE: I was told that you leapt from a runaway shuttle before it exploded.
CHIONE: Why do that and deal with the injuries when you could have just
died and gotten a new body?
Panel Five: Close up on Artemis face as he replies. His eyes are closed.
ARTEMIS: Well, I just got this body for one thing. And I dont want to blow
through my supply.
ARTEMIS: And violent deaths may not be permanent, but theyre still kind of
Panel Six: From behind her we see Chione pulling a knife out of the back of her
CHIONE: Are there any side effects to the rebirth? Like personality change or
memory loss?
ARTEMIS: Not that Im aware of.

Panel One: We clearly see that its Chione now and she stabs Artemis in the side
away from her with the knife.
CHIONE: Then theres no excuse for what youve done!
Panel Two: Artemis flips around to grab the knife while Chione runs out of the
room. He flips the opposite way from Chione so again he doesnt get a good look at
ARTEMIS: Son of a
Panel Three: Artemis pulls the knife out, which causes him almost as much pain as
getting stabbed.
Panel Four: Artemis stands in his doorway, another towel held against his wound.
There is no one in the hallway around him. He has no idea who stabbed him.

Panel One: Artemis is returning to his office after getting bandaged up. Brauron is
at his side once more.
BRAURON: Are you sure you shouldnt stay in the med unit tonight?
ARTEMIS: The knife didnt hit anything vital, thankfully. Ill be fine.
Panel Two: Artemis stops a brown haired woman in the hallway, he is suddenly
very anxious and questions her. This is not Chione.
ARTEMIS: Who the hell are you?
FEMALE: Im Janelle. I work in the laundry. I brought up your new jacket.
ARTEMIS: Right of course
Panel Three: The woman continues on as Artemis turns and talks closely to
ARTEMIS: I want all the personnel on this floor to be male until we get this
situation under control.
BRAURON: A very wise decision, sir.
Panel Four: Artemis has stepped into his quarters and sees the massage table and
bloody mess left over from the attack. Brauron is punching things in on his tablet.
BRAURON: It will just take me a few minutes to make the changes.
Panel Five: A close up on Artemis. For the first time we see that he is nervous.
ARTEMIS: And I want a guard assigned to me at all times.

Panel One: There is a large male cyborg standing at the door to Artemis office.
Another smaller male cyborg approaches with a tray of food.
GUARD: Halt!
Panel Two: The guard asks the servant for the password of the day. The servant
gives it.
GUARD: Whats the code of the day?
SERVANT: Fearless
Panel Three: The servant puts the tray on Artemis desk. Artemis looks tired and
thanks the servant for the food without taking his eyes off of his computer screen.
SERVANT: Here is your dinner, sir.
ARTEMIS: Put it on my desk and go.
Panel Four Plus: Want to go for a strange panel here. I want to show Artemis from
behind as he starts to eat, there is a computer screen on his desk with a female
cyborg on it with brown hair. This is basically her personnel file, it shows skills, how
many times shes been rebirthed, etc. The picture of the woman is on the far right
side of the computer screen. Then I want to do like three echoes of the far right of
the fourth panel just showing part of the computer screen but a different female
cyborg. I want to show that hes flipping through all of the female cyborgs looking
for the one who stabbed him. If you have a better idea of how to convey this, go for
SFX: Click. Click Click Click

Panel One: Artemis is still sitting at his desk but starts coughing.
ARTEMIS: Kofff Koooffff
Panel Two: Artemis coughing even more as he heads into the bathroom that is
between his office and quarters. The bathroom is only lit from the light of the other
room, so we can see him but its still somewhat dark in the room.
ARTEMIS: Kaafff Koofffk
Panel Three: Inside the bathroom he is hunched over the sink and coughing like
ARTEMIS: Koff Kkkoooofff Kaaafff. Kooofffgg
Panel Four: He has stopped coughing as he grabs for his throat and his eyes roll
back in his head.
Panel Five: Artemis is lying unconscious on the floor in the dark bathroom.
No dialogue

Panel One: The bathroom is now lit by the sunlight from the window and Artemis is
coming to.
ARTEMIS: Unnnggh
Panel Two: Artemis hurls into the toilet, getting the last of the poison out of his
ARTEMIS: Huuuurrrkkk
Panel Three: Close up of Artemis face as he wipes his mouth with the back of his
hand. He is looking at the mirror and we see the surprise by what he is reading.
Though we dont see the mirror here.
ARTEMIS: This is getting
Panel Four: Now, from behind Artemis, we see the message written on the mirror
in red it might be in blood or it might be in lipstick well leave that for the reader
to interpret. The mirror reads: How many bodies do you have left?
No dialogue

Panel One: Brauron arrives in the office just as Artemis slips on a new jacket. He
looks very serious and ready to deal with this once and for all.
BRAURON: You wanted to see me, sir?
ARTEMIS: She poisoned my food and left a message on my mirror! Shes
trying to run me through all of my bodies.
BRAURON: I will start questioning the cooking staff immediately.
Panel Two: Artemis points toward the door or rather the guard standing on the
other side.
ARTEMIS: First you find the worst job in the city and assign the moron at my
door to it for the rest of his life.
ARTEMIS: Then I want you to get all the female cyborgs into the meeting
room right away.
Panel Three: Brauron looks confused by what he was just asked to do.
BRAURON: Im sorry, sir you want what?
Panel Four: Artemis gets into his assistants face. He is barely holding his anger in.
ARTEMIS: I want every active female cyborg in the meeting room NOW!
ARTEMIS: I refuse to cower to this homicidal bitch for another minute.
Panel Five: Artemis is leaving the room as Brauron points out something to him as
he goes.
BRAURON: She hasnt actually killed you.
ARTEMIS: Not for lack of trying.
BRAURON: Are you sure about that?

Panel One: Back in the meeting room. Its been a few days so most of the repairs
are done, the statue is complete. The room is filled with female cyborgs of various
looks but all are attractive and scantily dressed. Chione is in the crowd.
No dialogue
Panel Two: Artemis enters the room with Brauron right behind him. Artemis is
addressing the room as he enters.
ARTEMIS: The majority of you dont know why youre here. One of you does.
ARTEMIS: In the last week someone has attacked me on three separate
Panel Three: This is a different looking Artemis. Hes nervous, a bit unsure of
himself. The attacks have taken a toll.
ARTEMIS: They sabotaged my shuttle, stabbed me and put poison in my food.
ARTEMIS: Brauron thinks Im not dead because the culprit is trying to send
me a message.
ARTEMIS: Fine. Come forward. Im here and Im listening.
Panel Four: Overhead shot of the room showing that no one is stepping forward.
No dialogue
Panel Five: Artemis grabs the nearest girl, shes a blond. So he knows its not the
woman he is after but he doesnt let on to that.
ARTEMIS: I cant run this city if Im constantly having to watch my back.
ARTEMIS: So Im forced to do this the hard way.
ARTEMIS: If someone doesnt step forward and take responsibility right now, I
will kill this girl.

Panel One: Side shot of Artemis standing with the blond, pulled back far enough to
see that no one is stepping forward again.
No dialogue
Panel Two: Artemis snaps the blond girls neck, killing her.
SFX: Ker-krak!
Panel Three: Artemis standing over the dead blondes body, with his hands out
wide like he is completely innocent.
ARTEMIS: See what you made me do.
ARTEMIS: That girls death is on your hands and youre still wont come
Panel Four: Artemis gestures for a red head to come forward from the crowd over
to him.
ARTEMIS: Come here, please.
Panel Five: Artemis holding the red heads hands and looking at her like hes trying
to comfort her.
ARTEMIS: Now I dont want to do this to you, but I have no choice
CHIONE (Off Panel): Stop!

Panel One: Chione walks forward as the others move away from her.
CHIONE: Im the one you are looking for.
Panel Two: Artemis turns to face Chione. The red head runs back into the crowd
behind him.
ARTEMIS: Why are you doing this? What did I do to you?
Panel Three: Chione laughs at the absurdity. Not a happy laugh, but a shaking her
head and half laugh.
CHIONE: Wow you really dont get it do you.
CHIONE: We mean so little to you. You and your brothers and sisters came
back right away.
CHIONE: And were focused on getting this room rebuilt.
CHIONE: But what about the people who were in here working for you? You
havent bothered to bring them back.
Panel Four: She is now just a foot from Artemis and is standing up to him.
CHIONE: Do you even know who it was that died?
CHIONE: My best friends was in here. Her name was Amaryllis and you
havent brought her back. Youve forgotten about her.
CHIONE: Youve forgotten about all of them.
Panel Five: Artemis is taken aback by her comments.
ARTEMIS: In my defense, I was blown up like a minute later.

Panel One: Chione turns away from him in frustration.
CHIONE: You couldnt even identify me after I stood in your quarters and
stabbed you.
CHIONE: Were nothing to you but slaves.
CHIONE: And the way you treat us now will be your downfall in the end.
Panel Two: Artemis seems confused.
ARTEMIS: What do you mean?
Panel Three: Chione gestures to the crowd of female cyborgs.
CHIONE: You think youre immortal. A god sitting up here in your glass tower.
CHIONE: So what happens when you get to your final body?
CHIONE: Were the ones who will either take care of you as you grow old or
well ignore you. And watch you rot.
CHIONE: Which one do you think were likely to do right now?
Panel Four: Artemis takes a step back. He looks contemplative about what she just
ARTEMIS: I I never thought of it like that
Panel Five: Chione softens now that she thinks shes getting through to Artemis.
CHIONE: I know that youre concerned about burning through your bodies.
CHIONE: You should take that as a sign that its time to change how you are
Panel Six: Artemis takes a step toward Chione. He looks contrite but he is subtly
reaching into his coat as well.
ARTEMIS: I dont I mean
ARTEMIS: What is your name?
CHIONE: Im Chione.

Panel One: Artemis has a gun pointed at Chione now in the hand that was
reaching into the coat. Chione has taken a few steps back and has her hands up.
Others in the room are surprised. Artemis looks like the cocky guy that started this
story once again.
ARTEMIS: Thank you, Chione.
ARTEMIS: Now I can make sure I never bring you back to life.
CHIONE: No! Wait! Please!
Panel Two: Close up of Artemis smiling, showing that he has won.
ARTEMIS: And I do worry about running through my supply of bodies
because its annoying.
ARTEMIS: But I can always make more.
Panel Three: Artemis shoots Chione in the head.
SFX: Ka-Blaaam
Panel Four: Artemis walking away from the crowd and toward the reader. Everyone
else including Brauron are in shock and looking at the body.
ARTEMIS: Brauron. Have a few of the girls clean up the mess, please.
ARTEMIS: The rest of you can return to your duties.


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