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Setelah diundur beberapa kali, tim Fedora Project akhirnya meluncurkan

Fedora 25. Fedora adalah sistem operasi bebas/merdeka dan opensource yang cocok dipakai oleh pengguna yang menginginkan fitur-fitur
baru di setiap peluncurannya. Di kala sistem operasi lain menganggap
perangkat lunak tertentu adalah fitur eksperimental, di Fedora perangkat
lunak tersebut berjalan sangat stabil.
Fedora Project dengan senang mengumumkan ketersediaan Fedora 25,
langkah besar kita untuk melangkah ke masa depan yang terkemas
(containerized) dan modular! Kata Matthew Miller.
Seperti beberapa rilis sebelumnya, Fedora menghadirkan 3 varian; Fedora
25 Atomic Host (Cloud) yang dapat diterapkan di lingkungan awan, Fedora
25 Server yang mampu dipakai di lingkungan server/datacenter, serta

Fedora 25 Workstation yang cocok dipasang di laptop atau

PC desktop dan dipakai untuk aktivitas komputasi sehari-hari.

Fitur-fitur baru di Fedora 25

Fedora 25 adalah satu-satunya distro populer yang menjalankan
sistem di display server Wayland secara default. Bukan berarti
pengguna tidak bisa menjalankan Xorg Server, Fedora 25 tetap
menyediakan Xorg Server melalui kolom login user.
Display server ini berjalan di bawah GNOME 3.22, desktop
environment yang menyediakan fitur-fitur baru seperti
kemampuan batch rename di manajer berkas Files, pendesainan
ulang perkakas pengaturan keyboard, kemudahan pencarian
perangkat lunak di GNOME Software, dan lain-lain.
Seperti yang sudah kami kabarkan sebelumnya, Fedora 25
membawa codec MP3 yang bisa didapatkan di GNOME
Software. Codec ini membantu para pengguna yang ingin
menikmati musik tanpa perlu repot-repot mencari codecdi luar
GNOME Software.
Bagi para penggila teknologi pemaketan baru, Fedora 25
menyediakan pembaruan Flatpak.
Pembaruan ini membuatnya (Flatpak -red) semakin mudah
dipakai untuk menginstal, memperbarui, dan menghapus
perangkat lunak Flatpak.
Sejak GTK+ mengubah sistem pemversian dan siklus
pengembangan, GNOME menjadi lebih stabil, sehingga pengguna
ekstensi GNOME Shell tak akan berurusan lagi dengan

ketidakstabilan yang tidak berarti. Ekstensi GNOME Shell tidak

akan lagi memeriksa kompatibilitas dengan versi GNOME Shell
karena ekstensi Anda akan berjalan sempurna di setiap rilis baru
GNOME dan Fedora.
Fedora 25 juga membawa pembaruan Fedora Media Writer yang
semakin memudahkan pengguna untuk mengunduh dan
menginstal Fedora Workstation, varian Fedora lain, Spin, maupun

Fedora Workstation adalah polesan, sistem operasi yang mudah

digunakan untuk komputer laptop dan desktop, dengan perlengkapan
yang sangat lengkap untuk developer dan pembuat segalanya.
1. After creating bootable media, plug-in and boot into the bootable media
(DVD/USB drive), you should be able to see the Fedora Workstation
Live 25 start screen below.
Select Start Fedora-Workstation-Live 25 option and hit
the Enter button.

Fedora 25 Boot Menu

2. Next, you will be at the login interface below, click on Live System
User to login as a Live user.

Fedora 25 Live User Login

3. After logging in, the welcome interface below will appear after a few
seconds on the desktop, if you wish to try Fedora before installing it, click
on Try Fedora otherwise, click on Install to Hard Disk to proceed with
the fresh installation process.

Fedora 25 Welcome Screen

4. In the screen below, select the installation language you want to use and
click on Continue to advance to the installation summary screen.

Select Installation Language Type

5. The following is a screen shot showing the installation summary screen

with default localization and system settings. You need to customize the
localization and system settings as per your location and preferences.
Start with the Keyboard settings. Click on KEYBOARD to move into the
keyboard layout customization screen.

Fedora 25 Installation Summary

6. From the interface below, add the keyboard layout you want to use
according to the origin of your machine using the + sign. After adding it,
click on Done to get back to the installation summary screen.

Set Keyboard Layout

7. Next off, click on TIME & DATE to adjust your system time and date.
Type the region and city to set the timezone or simply select them from the
Note that you can also enable or disable network time from the top right
corner. After setting your system time and date, click on Done to move
back to the installation summary screen.

Set System Timezone

8. Back at the installation summary screen, click on NETWORK &

HOSTNAME to set your system network settings and hostname.
Once you have set the hostname, click on the Apply button to check if the
hostname is valid, if that is the case, click on Done.

Set Hostname for Fedora 25

9. At this point, you need to now create the installation space for your
system files, at the installation summary screen, click on INSTALLATION
Choose I will configure partitioning under Other Storage Options to
perform manual partitioning and click Done to move forward to the manual
partitioning interface.

Select Installation Destination Drive

10. Below is the manual partitioning interface, select Standard Partition

as the new partitioning scheme for the installation.

Manual Partitioning Selection

11. Now create a /root partition by clicking on the + sign to add a new
mount point.
Mount Point:/root
Desired Capacity:setappropriatesize(eg100 GB)

After that, click Add mount point to add the just created partition/mount

Create New Root Partition

The interface below shows the settings of the /root partition mount point.

Root Partition Settings

12. Next, create a swap partition by clicking on the + sign to add a another
mount point, that is the swap area.
Swap area is a virtual space on your hard disk that temporarily stores data
which is not currently being worked on by the CPU from the system RAM.
Mount Point:swap
Desired Capacity:setappropriatesize(eg4 GB)

To add the swap area, click Add mount point.

Create Swap Partition

Swap Partition Settings

13. Once you have created the root partition and swap area, click
on Done to view the possible changes to be made to your hard disk.
Click Accept Changes to permit execution of the various changes.

Accept Partition Changes

14. Your final installation summary should look similar to this with custom
settings. To begin the actual installation of system files, click on Begin

Final Installation Summary

15. After the installation of system files starts, you can create a regular
system user and add a password for the root user from the interface below.

User Configuration Settings

16. Therefore, click on ROOT PASSWORD to set the root users

password. As before, click Doneafterwards to move back to the user
configuration interface.

Set Root Account Password

17. Subsequently click on USER CREATION at the user configuration

interface to create a regular system user. You can as well make the regular
user a system administrator by marking the option Make the user
One more time, click Done to continue..

Create System User Account

18. The installation process will continue for a while, sit back and relax.
When it is complete, click on Quit to reboot the system and eject the
bootable media you used. Finally, log in into your new Fedora 25

Fedora 25 Login Screen

Fedora 25 Workstation Desktop

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