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Lab 1

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing

1.1 Introduction
Signal processing using digital computers and special purpose digital hardware has taken
on major significance in the past decade. The inherent flexibility of digital elements
permits the utilization of a variety of sophisticated signal processing techniques, which
had previously been impractical to implement. Advances in integrated circuit technology
have had a major impact on the technical areas to which digital signal processing
techniques and hardware are being applied.
Applications of these techniques are now prevalent in such diverse areas as biomedical
engineering, acoustics, sonar, radar, speech communication, telephony, nuclear science,
image processing and many others. Thus, a thorough understanding of digital signal
processing fundamentals and techniques is essential for anyone concerned with signal
processing applications.
A signal is a function of an independent variable such as time, distance, position,
temperature, pressure, etc. The analog waveform is sliced into equal segments and the
waveform amplitude is measured in the middle of each segment. The collection of
measurements makes up the digital representation of the waveform
Mathematical and algorithmic manipulation of discretized and quantized or naturally
digital signals in order to extract the most relevant and pertinent information that is
carried by the signal.

1.2 Objective:
Student undergoes this lab session able to:
i) To get knowledge on digital signal processing
ii) Understand principle of signal used in human daily life
iii) Differentiate between signal analog and digital
1.3 Basic Concept
An analog signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature (variable) of
the signal is a representation of some other time varying quantity, i.e., analogous to
another time varying signal. For example, in an analog audio signal, the instantaneous
voltage of the signal varies continuously with the pressure of the sound waves. It differs
from a digital signal, in which the continuous quantity is a representation of a sequence of
discrete value, which can only take on one of a finite number of values. The term analog
signal usually refers to electrical signal. However, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic,
human speech, and other systems may also convey or be considered analog signals.
An analog signal uses some property of the medium to convey the signal's information.
For example, an aneroid barometer uses rotary position as the signal to convey pressure
information. In an electrical signal, the voltage, current or frequency of the signal may be
varied to represent the information.
A digital signal is a signal that represents a sequence of discrete values. A logic signal is a
digital signal with only two possible values and describes an arbitrary bit stream. Other
types of digital signals can represent three-valued logic or higher valued logics.
A digital signal is a physical quantity that alternates between a discrete set of waveforms.
Alternatively, a digital signal may be considered to be the sequence of codes represented
by such a physical quantity. The physical quantity may be a variable electric current or

voltage, the intensity, phase or polarization of an optical or other electromagnetic field,

acoustic pressure, the magnetization of a magnetic storage media, etcetera. Digital signals
are present in all digital electronics, notably computing equipment and data transmission.
1.4 Methodology
i) Start up computer.
ii) Open MatLab software
iii) Open New Script
iv) Write MatLab code as per attach
v) Save project as Lab_1
vi) Evaluate the code and discuss the result
MatLab code

1.5 Result

1.6 Task
Based on lab demonstration result in 1.5, amend the MatLab code to get smooth (no
edge) sinusoidal signal and digital signal. Discuss the code and result.

fs = 1;
t = 0:1/fs:1.2;
x1 = sawtooth(2*pi*50*t);
x2 = square(2*pi*50*t);
axis([0 0.2 -1.2 1.2])
xlabel('Time (sec)')
title('Sawtooth Periodic Wave')
axis([0 0.2 -1.2 1.2])
xlabel('Time (sec)')
title('Square Periodic Wave')

1.7 Discussions and Conclusion




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