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The fatigue report covers global fatigue screening using the global model and local fine
mesh fatigue analysis using three sub-models. Twenty-five fine mesh hotspots are
assessed. This report also documents low frequency fatigue assessment using the global
model.Two sub-models referred to as the Port and Starboard Hopper Sub-models are used
to analyse hotspots located in cargo oil tank six and associated wing water ballast tanks.
These sub-models cover from frame 8 to frame 25. Hotspots at the toes of stringer decks
for bulkhead 37 are analysed in a submodel from frame 36 to frame 40. This model is
referred to as the Bulkhead Sub-Model.
Fatigue assessment assumes a 10 year coating life [8]. The ballast tanks are assumed
fully coated. The cargo oil tanks are assumed coated 2 m down from the main deck and 2
m up from the bottom plating.
The fatigue analysis methodology is a spectral fatigue method. This means all stress
calculations are completed in the frequency domain using stress RAOs. Stress RAOs are
calculated using input from the hydrodynamic analysis which takes account of complex
inertia and pressure loads due to rigid body motion using radiation/diffraction analysis
techniques. Response spectra are determined for each sea state in the scatter diagram
(Appendix E). Fatigue damage is calculated per seastate taking account of the probability
of that sea condition [2]. This method is equivalent to Lloyds FDA level 3 Procedure [6].


Global Fatigue Assessment

Global fatigue checks indicate that one web frame and associated longitudinal
bulkheads, stiffener connection and associated web frame openings should be subject to
detailed sub-model investigation. This is because for Terra Nova the same structural
details are used in several locations (cargo region) throughout the structure. Therefore it
is recommended to complete further detailed analysis on the most loaded or most highly
stressed area: the toe stringer details identified in COT2 are shown to have fatigue lives
less than the required Lloyd's design fatigue factor (62 years). If similar details were
studied in every single location they occur then it is likely the same result would be
obtained. Therefore, design changes should be assessed on the most loaded area or
worst area and these changes should be implemented in all locations where they occur.
The flare tower connection to the hull shows the lowest fatigue life from the global
fatigue screening assessment for frame 1 to frame 11. Head seas give 14 years life and
directional seas give 9 years life. Attachments to the main deck in the midship area are
shown to have fatigue lives between 25 and 40 years (life extension for main deck
requires 31 years, [5]). Openings in the web frames are shown to be fatigue sensitive but
this is due to the global mesh density. Detailed web frame analysis using fine mesh is
recommended for the most loaded web frame. The moonpool area in way of the main
deck and bottom plating are fatigue sensitive. The global assessment using the F2 S-N
curve for the moonpool, which may be conservative, gives a fatigue life of approximately
one year. Further checks for the moonpool using Lloyds D S-N curve are recommended in
conjunction with a detailed sub model of the moonpool area and all major primary
structure between frames 42 and 48.
Forward of frame 48 parts of the longitudinal bulkhead in way of the main deck and
stringer deck connections to the longitudinal bulkhead are shown to be fatigue sensitive.
Further investigation in these areas is recommended perhaps using refinement of the
global model with appropriate S-N curve. The stringer deck issues are likely to be similar
to the observed hotspots at bulkhead 37 and so detailed submodelling is perhaps not
required as this would simply repeat design details already covered. Fatigue life
indications less than 10 years for the longitudinal bulkhead at the main deck may be
associated with the connections to T06 topside module.
Bottom stiffener connections to web
assessment between frames 15 and 42
longitudinal L19 at web frame 30. Side
transverse bulkheads show a lowest life

frames and transverse bulkheads fatigue

shows a lowest life of 38 years. This is for
longitudinal connections to web frames and
of 16 and 13 years respectively. This is for

longitudinal L34. It is recommended similar connections are checked for the inner side
longitudinal. Figure shows the region with fatigue life between 25 and 40 years on the
main the deck. Consistent with the results in Section 5.1.2, the plot shows a fairly
widespread and uniform distribution in the 25 to 40 years range. Inspection is
recommended at attachment details between frames 25 and 42. For areas with no
attachments the D S-N curve is recommended for assessment. This assessment will
highlight the susceptibility of the main deck longitudinal stiffener connections to fatigue
damage. This assessment should be completed as part of the most loaded web frame
assessment using the fine mesh sub-model. See global screening assessment in Strength

Figure 1 Fatigue lives between 20 years and 40 years

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