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Class Mammalia
Order Carnivora


Family Felidae (cat)

Felidae (cat)

Genus Panthera


Species P.leo

375-496 lbs (males) 280-396

pounds (females)

Coloring coat: tan tail fur/mane:dark brown

Speed 59 Miles Per Hour
Litter size Avg. 1 - 2
Binomial name Panthera Leo

P. tigris
579 pounds (average male) 308
pounds (average female)
orange with brown-black stripes
37 miles per hour
Avg. 2 4
Panthera Tigris

Conservation Near Threatened
Diet carnivore
Scientific Panthera leo
Distinctive A mane ranging in color from tan to
feature black


Panthera tigris

Stripes all over the body

Habitat range Africa and india

Southeast and Eastern Asia

Hunting Nocturnal

Nocturnal - Ambushes prey

Number in unkown

3,000 to 4,000

Teeth and Jaws

3 in. canines and heavy pressure


Wide mouth that has strong teeth 4
in. canines

Most females hunt together night to hunts alone during night

make it harder on the prey to see
them, but they will sometimes hunt
Hunting in the daytime. They have three
important hunting strategies; that
vary based on the prey. The ambush,
the blitz, and the siege.
11 - 60 lbs also 57 for large males
The number of lions in the pride
Avg. Meat
may vary.
required for

Tigers may consume up to 40 kg

(88 pounds) of meat at one time. It
is estimated that every tiger
consumes about 50 deer-sized
animals each year, about one per



Medium to large ungulates, most

notably thompson's gazelle, zebra,
wildebeest, impala, warthog,
hartebeest, waterbuck, cape buffalo,
Main Prey
hippo, rhino, giraffe, and elephants.

Large animals such as deer, buffalo

and wild pigs, but they will also
hunt fish, monkeys, birds, reptiles
and sometimes even baby
elephants. Occasionally, tigers kill
leopards, bears and other
tigers.They also hunt Gaur and
Indian Rhinos.

Opportunistic and will readily

Other food scavenge the kills of cheetahs,
sources leopards, wild dogs and hyenas.

Will strictly eat only meat hunted

by self. When old, will depend on
either smaller preys requiring less
effort or on other tigers of the pack.

Has the largest brain out of all the

Brain size big cats except the tiger.

Largest brain and reaches maturity

faster than other big cats. Their
brain is 25% larger than a lion .

Rich grasslands of East Africa to
sands of Kalahari Desert, South
Sahara to South Africa, excluding
Habitat the Congo rain forest and India's Gir
forest. Lions like to live in open
woodlands and thick bush, scrub,
and tall grassy areas.
Population Asiatic - endangered, Others Status vulnerable
Avg. 12 years in the wild for males
Life Span and 15-16 years in the wild for
Sexual 24 - 28 Months in Captivity; 36 - 46
Maturity of Months in Wild

India to Siberia and South East
Asia. They are also found in
grassland and swamp margins.
They require sufficient cover, a
good population of large prey and a
constant water supply.

Critically Endangered

Avg. 15 - 20 Years

24 - 28 Months in Captivity; 36 46 Months in Wild

Body Length 2200 - 3000 (2.2 - 3 meters)
Tail (mm) 700 - 1000

Females will give birth after a

gestation period of 100-110 days

Mother nurses 10 - 12 Months

cubs for
how blends
into habitat

tan coloring to match dry grasses

2000 - 3300 (2 - 3.3 meters)

600 - 1100
Females will give birth after a
gestation of 104 days
18 - 24 Months

stripes to resemble shadows of the

forest and black ears with white
spot on back like eyes.

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