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The Foreword & Fore-Foreword of The Tunnel Thru The Air

Source: TradersWorld Issue #39 P.46

It has long been said that the novel The Tunnel Thru The Air is the
most important W.D. Gann publication for, as Gann has written it in
the foreword, it contains a valuable secret, clothed in veiled
language; and which everyone hope the valuable secret will lead
them to as wealth as they would like to be.
From what I extracted from the novel "The Tunnel Thru The Air", we
realized that there are at least two layers in this novel. One layer
is where words and understandings are explicitly spoken out and
explained, another level is what we called the layer of "In silence, by
silence, through silence were all things made". There is little
explanation on that layer, and the words are just written there, in
the novel, to serve the purpose of the silence layer.
W.D. Gann had a few different kinds of writing style which he kept
on using it again and again. The information he presented in
his two Stock & Commodity Market Trading Courses and in his novel
"The Tunnel Thru The Air" are all scattered here and there. Without a
road-map, one can hardly join all the puzzles together.
As we have found that the 1909 Ticker and Investment Digest
interview is very useful in conjoining most of the price & time
concepts presented in his two trading courses, we realized that W.D.
Gann was using the same writing style in the foreword of his
novel The Tunnel Thru The Air. If the public interview is the roadmap for his two trading courses, then the foreword of TTTTA has to
be the road-map for his The Tunnel Thru The Air.
To most of the readers, the foreword says something like it is a
romance story and it serves other purposes that W.D. Gann would
like this book to serve. Most of the readers will either miss reading
this page or want to start their reading as soon as they have
finished the foreword. As a matter of fact, like the public interview,
W.D. Gann has plugged numerous keywords and phrases into that
paragraph to help his readers. We often wonder how few
readers would stop at that page, for a moment, and try to read the
foreword itself for three times first.
Take, for example of the Bible quote "seek and ye shall find, knock
and it shall be opened unto you" in the foreword; for most of the

readers, it is just a plain Bible quote which say something like "If you
desire something, go search for it, then you will find it", despite the
fact that most of the time we have to knock the door real hard
before it will be opened to us. In fact, the Bible quote there actually
served another purpose.
If you would now read further to chapter VII. In page 75, you will find
that the Bible quote is quoted there again: "Ask and it shall be given
to you. seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened on to
you", this time quoting the whole Matthew 7:7 phrase. Since the
foreword quote is mentioned again, we should pay more attention to
the chapter and should probably read the chapter three times also.
And you guess what? This chapter is the only place where Robert
Gordon openly explains the basis of his prediction. By re-quoting the
Bible quote in foreword, W.D. Gann has pointed the important
chapter to his readers.
Let me now raise one more example. "a BOOK, to be worth reading
must do more than amuse and interest. It must be instructive to be
of real value to the reader. This book has a three-fold purpose..."
Like the Matthew 7:7 phrase. The "BOOK", with all the capital letter
is only mentioned two times in his novel: in the foreword and in the
chapter VII. In page 83, you will find the phrase "The Bible is the
BOOK of all books, and if we only study it and understand it, we can
gain a proper knowledge of all things. I believe it the duty of any
man who understands science and mathematics and the cycle
theory, and knows what is coming, to warn the people in order that
they may prepare for trouble ahead."
And if you would now look back to page 78 where Robert Gordon
says "I have always look for causes when once I determine a cause I
can always be sure of the effect or future event which I predict. IT IS
is not yet ready for it and probably would not understand and
believe it if I explained it."
The question now is: then it is to whose aim to explain the cause of
cycles?.......and may the hardworking & enlightened students of
W.D. Gann understand the above passage and be blessed for the
journey toward W.D. Gann wisdom guided by our hands. You may
visit our Financial Astrology website, for the book which unclothes
the ultimate W.D Gann Bible Astrology Trading Method. (which is still
accurately working in the nowadays market!)
Khit Wong 2005/1/29

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