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TR: Bourses pour des tudiants sud-africains ...

TR: Bourses pour des tudiants sud-africains pour faire un Master ou un doctorat en France

6 dc. 2016 11:28

A: Daniele.Bouscary <>

De : Chrisne Taurines []

Envoy : mardi 6 dcembre 2016 11:17
Objet : Bourses pour des tudiants sud-africains pour faire un Master ou un doctorat en France

Pour chercheurs, enseignants, doctorants Merci


Une information transmettre vos collgues et partenaires sud-africains :

l 'offre de bourses pour des tudiants sud-africains qui souhaitent faire un Master ou un doctorat en France.

Bien cordialement
Jolle Courbires

French Embassy scholarship programme

The Embassy of France in South Africa offers scholarships for students who wish to do a Masters degree or a PhD in France.
Launched in 2010, our scholarship programmes form part of the commitment between France and South Africa to establish fruitful partnerships between their
universities while building a vast network of academic and professional contacts.

Masters Scholarships 2017-2018

PhD Research Grants

Masters Scholarships 2017-2018

The call for applications for the French Embassy scholarships 2017/2018 is now open.
The Embassy allocates around 20 Master scholarships per year for the duration of one French academic year, renewable once. They include the tuition fees,
the Schengen visa fees, a monthly stipend towards living expenses, health insurance and the flight tickets.
As more and more Master programmes are taught in English, basic knowledge of French is desirable, but not required.
The Embassy of France invites students who wish to continue their tertiary education at Masters Level in France to apply for its bursary programme for the
academic year September 2017-2018.
This programme forms part of the commitment between France and South Africa to establish fruitful partnerships between their universities while building a vast
network of academic and professional contacts.
Students can either apply for the first year of a Masters degree (M1) or, if they have an honours degree, the university may admit the student into the second
year of a Masters degree (M2) in order to complete their degree after one year. The duration of the grant is therefore one year, once renewable should a
student originally admitted in M1 continue with the M2 programme.

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TR: Bourses pour des tudiants sud-africains ...

Applications deadline:
24 March 2017.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by mid-April 2017. Interviews will be held in April 2017 in Pretoria (students unable to attend in person will be
interviewed either telephonically or via video-conference).
Download information sheet and application form.
Terms and conditions
Students must hold at least a Bachelors degree. The duration of the bursary is one year, once renewable should the student continue with the Master 2
programme. Full bursary includes visa expenses, round-trip flight tickets, social and medical insurance, tuition fees (up to a limited amount) and a monthly
stipend for living expenses (partial funding may also be granted).

PhD Research Grants

The French Embassy also offers PhD scholarships. The applications for PhD research grants is open permanently.
The French Embassy of South Africa bursary programme is currently proposing grants for 2017 to facilitate international academic and scientific mobility for
researchers towards French institutions of higher education.
The programme offers the opportunity to doctoral students to integrate into establishments in France for specified periods of time in order to participate in a
collaborative research project as part of their doctoral thesis programme.
Terms and conditions
Candidates must hold a Masters degree or its equivalent. The duration of the bursary is 3 - 6 months per year, with an option of renewing it for the next 2 years.
The bursary includes visa expenses, round-trip flight tickets, social and medical insurance and a monthly stipend for living expenses.
There is no deadline for applications, and students are invited to apply throughout the year. It is however advised that students apply early in the year due
to limited available funding.
For PhDs application forms or more information concerning the bursaries, please contact CampusFrance South Africa at pretoria[at]
Download information sheet and application form.
Contact Campus France South Africa
Our bursary programmes are thematically structured:
Humanities: SAFeThink scholarship programme
All other fields of study: French Embassy Master scholarship programme
2015 French government scholarship holders
In 2015, the Embassy of France in South Africa allocated 26 French government Master scholarships for the academic year 2015-2016. 22 students have been
allocated a scholarship through the Embassy programme and 4 through the SAFeThink programme, that specifically targets students in social and political
sciences. Our scholarships have been allocated as follows: Economics/ management (9 scholarships), engineering and design (5), law (2), political sciences
(3), arts management (2), agronomy (1), architecture (1), public health (1) and IT (1). Our 2015-2016 scholarship recipients are studying towards a Masters
degree in Paris, Nantes, Grenoble, Clermont-Ferrand and Toulouse.
2014 French government scholarship holders
In 2014, the Embassy of France in South Africa has offered 25 bursaries to South African graduates to pursue their Masters studies in France from September
2014 fields include Finance, Economics, Engineering, Public Relations, Media, Business, Journalism, Fashion, International Relations and Political Science,
Biology and Sport Science.

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TR: Bourses pour des tudiants sud-africains ...

Bursaries 2014
Pre-departure cocktail with Ambassador Barbier at Alliance Franaise of Pretoria.

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