Anda di halaman 1dari 3

Which of the following is NOT a goal of tissue fixation?

a) Terminate metabolism
b) Prevent enzymatic self-digestion c) Freeze cell components d) Kill
microorganisms e) Harden tissue by cross-linking

5) Which of the following is NOT true about regarding the Hemotoxilin stain?a)
Basic dye b) Basophilicc) Dyes acidic molecules blue d) Dyes DNA/RNA e) Dyes
6) Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Eosin stain?a) Acidic dye b)
Acidophilicc) Dyes basic molecules pink d) Dyes RER e) Dyes lysosomes

6) In what cell phase does crossing over (pachytene) take place?a) Meiotic I
metaphase b) Meiotic I prophase c) Meiotic II metaphased) Meiotic II
prophasee) Meiotic I anaphase

1) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of epithelial cells?a)

Cohesive b) Avascular c) Organized d) Contents are the same from
apical to basal
3) Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelial cells? a) Impulse
conduction b) Sensation (neuroepithelium)c) Transportd) Absorptione)

5) The ____ function to adhere neighboring cells and the ____ function to
adhere cells to the basement membrane .a) Hemidesmosomes,
Desmosomes b) Cadherins; Desmosomes c) Hemidesmosomes; Integrines
d) Integrins; Cadherins e) Desmosomes, Hemidesmosomes
6) Which of the following is involved in cell-to-cell communication?a) Gap
junctions b) Desmosomesc) Demilunesd) Hemidesmosomese) Basal lamina
4) Which of the following prevents the movement of materials between
adjacent cells?a) Microvillus b) Zonula adherensc) Zonula occludensd)
Desmosomee) Gap junctions
6) Which of the following is NOT true regarding serous glands?a) Exocrine b)
Named based on secretionc) Watery d) Few enzymes e) Cells form spherical
clumps (alveolus/acinus)

7) Which of the following is NOT true regarding mucous glands?a)

Secretions are viscus b) Secrete mucinc) RER is not present in basal
regiond) Cells form tubulese) Cytoplasm stains clear/lucent
9) Which of the following is NOT true regarding exocrine glands?a) In
merocrine there is no loss of cytoplasm b) In apocrine there is apical
cytoplasm lossc) In holocine, the entire cell is lostd) Sebacious glands are
considered holocrine e) Holocrine is the most common mode of secretion
11) Neuroendocrine cells (e.g. DNES) are considered ____ cells because they
producechemical signals that diffuse into the surrounding extracellular fluid
to regulate thefunction of neighboring cells, without passing through the
vascular system.a) Autocrine b) Exocrinec) Holocrined) Paracrinee) Merocrin
3) Mucous connective tissue comes from what part of the embryo?a)
Umbilical cord b) Midgutc) Hindgutd) Foregute) Cardiac
4) Which of the following is not an embryonic connective tissue derivative?
a) Cartilage b) Smooth musclec) Fat cellsd) Bonee) Skeletal muscle
5) A patient is hit in the face with a baseball during a pick-up game. The patient presentswith a great deal of
swelling on the left cheek. What type of connective tissue isresponsible for this swelling response?a) Bone b)
Cartilagec) Adiposed) Dense e) Loose
6) Which of the following is characteristic of dense irregular connective tissue and NOTof dense
regular connective tissue.a) Few fibroblasts b) Little ground substancec) Fibers arranged in a
parallel arrayd) Found in hollow organ submucosae) Large amounts of collagen fibers

8) Which of the following is NOT true regarding collagen?a) High tensile

strength b) Form covalent bonds between adjacent moleculesc) Stain with
hemotoxylind) Molecules are composed of three glycoprotein alpha-chainse)
Combination of 27 different alpha-chains can make 19 collagen types
12) Resident cell populations (relatively stable component) include all of the
followingEXCEPT:a) Macrophages b) Adipose cellsc) Mast cellsd) Basophilse)
Mesenchymal cells
13) Transient cell populations (migrate from other tissues to specific stimuli)
include allof the following EXCEPT:a) Fibroblasts b) Lymphocyetesc) Plasma
cellsd) Neutrophilse) Eosinophils
17) While looking at a respiratory tract section stained with tuloidin blue, you
seemetachromatically stained granules. You notice large, ovoid cell with
spherical nuclei.You recall these cells are involved in anaphylactic reactions.
What are they?a) Mast cells b) Fibroblastsc) Mesenchymal cellsd) Histiocytese)
Reticular fibers

5) In what phase to the oogonia become arrested until puberty?a) Meiosis II

metaphase b) Meiosis II prophasec) Meiosis I metaphased) Meiosis I prophasee)
6) A spike in which hormone restarts meiosis for the oogonia?a) hCG b)
Estrogenc) Progesteroned) FSHe) LH
7) After the primary follicle takes in fluid and forms a large antrum, it is called
a:a) Stroma b) Primordial folliclec) Thecal follicled) Graafian folliclee) Antral
8) The first meiotic division is completed just prior to ovulation, forming a
secondaryoocyte. The second division begins immediately but does not
finished unless:a) hCG levels are high b) Fertilization takes placec) The epiblast
is no longer presentd) The sperm are uncapacitatede) A developmental
anomaly is present

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