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Biodiversity of Six

By: Sherice Mousseau


They live in extreme environments

They have a unique protein and some distinctive ribosomes.

Some Archaebacterias are aerobic and anaerobic.

These bacteria can last up to 190 degrees fahrenheit.

Archaebacteria Cont.
Halobacterium grow amino acids in
their aerobic conditions. The cell
walls are different from bacteria and
they have a lipoprotein membrane.
Halobacterium can grow in 42
degrees celsius. These types of
microorganisms can grow in
extremely high salinity

Picrophilus can be thermophilic.

These live in extremely hostile
environments and grows in low pH
levels. Picrophilus have a low proton
permeability, high acid stability, and
loses pH when in higher pH levels.


These are prokaryotic and defined, membrane like nuclei.

Eubacteria is responsible for diseases, health issues, and parts of
the ecosystems.
Eubacteria are single celled with cell walls
They are similarly related to Archaebacteria

Eubacteria Cont.
E. Coli is a germ that lives in the digestive
system. Some strains of E.coli can be
harmless and some can be deadly. E.coli
can be in food, water, and contact with
person to person. When E. coli is in food,
the meat can be cooked 160 degrees
fahrenheit which makes them survive.
Raw milk can be a drink to get it also.

Salmonella is a type of food

poisoning that you can get from
meats that have been infected,
fecal material, and smaller animals.
This is a bacterium that is in most
food supplies and is in the intestinal
tracts of animals and humans.


These are eukaryotic organisms that are unicellular.

They do not photosynthesise.
Some fungi require food and are decomposers.
Most fungi can bloom and have fruiting

Fungi Cont.
Sarcoscypha Coccine is known as the
scarlet elf cup. These are most common in
the Northern Hemisphere. They are one
of the only fungi that have fruit bodies.
They are pinkish color with a shell.

Rigidoporus Ulmarius is most common

on an elm tree. They are white with a
hard shell and needs force to break.
These also the largest fruit fungual in
the world.


These were amoebas that are single celled and were classified as a single
taxonomic category.
They are now unicellular and very diverse.
Protists are also distinguished by their complexity of cells.
They do have a nucleus and have genetic material stored inside of them.

Protists Cont.
Amoeba Proteus is a small protozoan
that has pseudopodia smaller than
most organisms. These are found in
freshwater and eats other algae.
They have a variety of different colors
as well as shape and size. They do
contain a nucleus and a bilayer that is
like most eukaryotic organisms.

Paramecium Aurelia is a unicellular

organism that are covered with cilia.
They can asexually and sexually
reproduce which is called
endomixis. They have hair on the
outside of the cell that can help
with food and reproduction.


These are multicellular eukaryotes.

Plants have cell walls and they use photosynthesis to help them survive and
also they asexually reproduce.
Plants can help produce oxygen for humans and animals to survive.
They also have chloroplasts that gives them their green color look.

Plants Cont.
Roses are commonly known as the
flower of love by humans. They form
in groups of plants and can climb up
poles with their stems. Flowers can
vary in shape, size, color and
characteristics. Most roses are
found all over the world with their
distinctive characterics.

Tulips are Eurasian and North African

plants. There are 75 species of tulips
around the world in pinks, reds,
oranges, and blue. They have a wax
coating on the outside of them. They
bloom in the spring and another word
for them are called perennials that
grow from bulbs.


Animals are multicellular and they are eukaryotic organisms.

They are motile, which means that they can move in their life.
Their bodies become developed to hunt prey and protect themselves in the
Animals can also go through metamorphosis in their later life.
There are a lot of different classifications of animals.

Animals Cont.
Clown Fish are also called Amphiprioninae and
Anemonefish. These fish are orange, yellow,
black, or reddish. They protect themselves
in sea anemones. They are most commonly
found in the Great Barrier Reef and they
on omnivorous.

Bald Eagle is a national bird.

They are found in North America
and large bodies of water. They
are opportunistic feeders. They
make the largest nest in North
America also and have the
Largest wingspan of a bird that
can fly.

Web MD

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